Configure pricing organization rules

Pricing Organization Rules define the rules or configurations that are defined by the pricing organization.

About this task

These rules affect how the pricing engine calculates prices. You can configure the pricing organization rules in Sterling Business Center by using the Pricing Organization Rules screen.


  1. Navigate to the Pricing Organization Rules screen. To navigate to the Pricing Organization Rules screen, perform the following steps:
    1. Log in to Sterling Business Center as a system administrator or a system setup administrator.
    2. From the System Setup home page, expand the Pricing menu, and then click Pricing Organization Rules.
      The Pricing Organization Rules screen is displayed.
  2. Perform the following steps to configure the Primary Rules:
    1. In the Precision for Unit Price text box, enter the number of decimal places to be applied to unit prices. By default, unit price precision is six decimal places.
    2. From the Logic to be applied for rounding unit price, select any one the following values:
      • Select Convention rounding if, you are using the following strategy:
        • If the value of the third digit to the right of the decimal (the 1000th position) is less than 5, the 100th position (second to the right of the decimal) remains unchanged. If the third position to the right of the decimal is 5 or greater, the value of the second position increases by 1. For example, if the computed price is $0.189999, the actual/extended price that is recorded at the time of purchase is $0.19. However, if the computed price is $0.18111, the extended price that is recorded at the time of purchase is $0.18.
      • Select Round up if, you are using the following strategy:
        • Ignore the value of the third digit to the right of the decimal. Instead, if there is any value to the right of the second position, the value that is recorded is increased by 1. For example, if the computed price is $0.189999, the actual/extended price that is recorded at the time of purchase is $0.19. And, if the computed price is $0.18111, the extended price that is recorded at the time of purchase is also $0.19.
    3. In the Precision for line total text box, enter the number of decimal places to be applied to line total. By default, line total price precision is two decimal places.
    4. From the Logic to be applied for rounding line total, select any one the following value:
      • Select Conventional rounding if, you are using the following strategy:
        • If the value of the third digit to the right of the decimal (the 1000th position) is less than 5, the 100th position (second to the right of the decimal) remains unchanged. If the third position to the right of the decimal is 5 or greater, the value of the second position increases by 1. For example, if the computed price is $0.189999, the actual/extended price that is recorded at the time of purchase is $0.19. However, if the computed price is $0.18111, the extended price that is recorded at the time of purchase is $0.18.
      • Select Round up if, you are using the following strategy:
        • Ignores the value of the third digit to the right of the decimal. Instead, if there is any value to the right of the second position, the value that is recorded is increased by 1. For example, if the computed price is $0.189999, the actual/extended price that is recorded at the time of purchase is $0.19. And, if the computed price is $0.18111, the extended price that is recorded at the time of purchase is also $0.19.
    5. Select Run promotions pricing rules (Item Quantity Rule) in getItemPrice API check box if you want to run item quantity pricing rules during the getItemPrice API call. The item quantity pricing rules are applied to give extra discounts or uplifts to the price of an item.
    6. Select Distribute non-uniform item adjustment across the lines for the same item check box if you want to evenly distribute item-level pricing rule or coupon adjustments across order lines that contain the same item.
    7. Select Enable non-billable pricing rules check box, if you want only non-billable charge names to be associated with the pricing rule.
    8. Select Enable Attribute Based Unit Price check box, if you want enable unit price adjustments based on item attributes. You can create or modify attribute tiers in the pricing administration user interface. For more information, see Configure pricing organization rules.
  3. Perform the following steps to configure the Business Center Rules:
    1. Select Hide unit of measure check box if you want to hide the UOM field in the pricing administration user interface.
    2. Select Maintain absolute adjustment check box if you want to display the Adjustment (+/-) field in the pricing administration user interface. When this field is displayed, you can apply absolute adjustments to the list price of items.
    3. Select Maintain percentage adjustment check box if you want to display the Adjustment % (+/-) field in the pricing administration user interface. When this field is displayed, you can apply percentage adjustments to the list price of items
    4. Select Maintain quantity tiers on price list lines check box if you want the ability to create or modify quantity tiers in the pricing administration user interface.
    5. Select Maintain effective dates on price list lines check box if you want to display the Effective Date field in the Pricing Administration user interface. When this field is displayed, you can create or change the effective dates of a price list.
  4. Perform the following steps to select the charge category to be used for applying surcharge for each of the pricing rule type:
    1. From the Charge category for combination, select the charge category to use for applying surcharges for the combination pricing rule.
    2. From the Charge category for item quantity, select the charge category to use for applying surcharges for the item quantity pricing rule.
    3. From the Charge category for order total, select the charge category to use for applying surcharges for the order total pricing rule.
    4. From the Charge category for ship order, select the charge category to use for applying surcharges for the ship order total pricing rule.
    5. From the Charge category for shipping surcharge, select the charge category to use for applying surcharges for the shipping surcharge pricing rule.
  5. Perform the following steps to select charge category to be used for applying discount for each of the pricing rule type:
    1. From the Charge category for combination, select the charge category to use for applying discounts for the combination pricing rule.
    2. From the Charge category for item quantity, select the charge category to use for applying discounts for the item quantity pricing rule.
    3. From the Charge category for order total, select the charge category to use for applying discounts for the order total pricing rule.
    4. From the Charge category for ship order, select the charge category to use for applying discounts for the ship order total pricing rule.
    5. From the Charge category for shipping surcharge, select the charge category to use for applying discounts for the shipping surcharge pricing rule.
    Note: When you add charges to orders, you typically use charge categories; however, if you are adding negative charges to orders, use discount charge categories.
  6. Perform the following steps to select charge category to be used for applying discount coupon for each of the pricing rule type:
    1. From theCharge category for combination, select the charge category to use for applying discount coupons for the combination pricing rule.
    2. From theCharge category for item quantity, select the charge category to use for applying discount coupons for the item quantity pricing rule.
    3. From the Charge category for order total, select the charge category to use for applying discount coupons for the order total pricing rule.
    4. From the Charge category for ship order, select the charge category to use for applying discount coupons for the ship order total pricing rule.
  7. Click Save.