Inventory tags search by tag attributes

Inventory Tag Numbers enable you to identify products with different characteristics. Inventory identification numbers are used to identify products with different characteristics. Some common examples of identification numbers are lot number, revision number, and manufacturing batch number.

Also, these identification numbers are not necessarily relevant to every product offered by the company. For some products, a lot number uniquely defines all characteristics of a product whereas revision number differentiates another product.

Typically, an inventory tag number represents any type of the real life manufacturing or customization numbers (for example, lot number, batch number, or revision number) based on the product. In addition, Inventory Tag Number is typically used only by the system and the physical product carries the actual Inventory identification numbers.

If a node does not use Sterling Order Management System Software and cannot track tag information, it cannot inform Sterling Order Management System Software about the details of a lot that has shipped. For such nodes, tag tracking is not supported.