Premigration data validation

About this task

Before beginning the data migration, the following data validation scripts must be run. If any of the listed validations fail, you cannot proceed with the migration.


When migrating from 9.3, 9.4, or 9.5 to 10.0, execute the following ANT tasks for migration of transaction data:
  • From the <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5 folder:

    ${ANT_HOME}/bin/ant -Druntime=<INSTALL_DIR> -Druntime.old=<INSTALL_DIR_OLD> -f buildmigration.xml -logfile <logfile> -Dtarget=migration-validation migrate

  • From the <INSTALL_DIR>/COM/Migration/9.5/COM_Add-in folder:

    ${ANT_HOME}/bin/ant -f ycdmigration.xml -Druntime=<INSTALL_DIR> -Druntime.old=<INSTALL_DIR_OLD> -DYANTRA_RUNTIME_NEW=<INSTALL_DIR> -Dtarget=migration-validation migrate -logfile <logfile>

Note: If you are upgrading from Release 9.3 to higher versions, do not execute an ANT task from the <INSTALL_DIR>/COM/Migration/9.5/COM_Add-in folder.

This command searches tables for specific data that may cause errors during data migration.

Note: Depending on the size of your database and the level of logging specified, log files (created by adding the -logfile <logfile> parameter) for each migration stage can be more than several GB.