Adding a service level indicator

You can add a service level indicator to be shown for orders on the user interface depending on the configured threshold and expected shipment date.


  1. Perform the following steps to view store administration rules:
    1. Log on to Sterling Business Center as a system administrator.
    2. From the Organization menu, select the organization for which you want to apply the rules.
    3. Click System Setup. The System Setup home page opens.
    4. Expand the Store Administration menu. A list of store administration rules is displayed.
  2. Expand the Service Level Indicators menu, and then click Service Level Indicators For Pickup Orders or Service Level Indicators For Ship Orders. The appropriate window opens. You can view the existing service level indicators.
  3. Click Add to create a service level indicator. The New Value window opens.
  4. In the Threshold (in minutes) field, enter a value to identify the time threshold for displaying SLA indicators.
  5. In the Indicator Class Name field, enter the name of the CSS class that is used to determine the SLA icon to be displayed for orders on the AngularJS-based screens.
    By default, the following classes are available:

    Similarly, you can define your own class names and then define the CSS for the classes in the appropriate CSS files.

  6. In the Indicator Description field, enter the information that helps the user identify the priority of the SLA indicator.
  7. In the Indicator Image field, enter the relative path to the image in the format: <context>/path/<file_name>.<extension>. For example: wsc/resources/css/icons/images/timeLeftOverdue.png. The image is displayed as the SLA indicator for orders only on the Dojo-based screens.
    Note: In the Batch List screen on the Dojo-based interface of the Sterling Store Engagement (Legacy) application, the delivery method icons are overlaid with service level indicators for each batch. Therefore, you must add service level indicators with images of the same name suffixed with _overlay. For example, timeLeftOverdue_overlay.png.
    The indicator image is based on timeRemaining, which is calculated by subtracting the current time from ExpectedShipmentDate.
    • If timeRemaining is less than or equal to zero, the overdue image is displayed and cannot be turned off.
    • If the timeRemaining is greater than zero, the image is retrieved from the service level indicator configuration.