Setting up Order Hub

Complete this task to set up Order Hub on premises.

Before you begin

Ensure that you install IBM® Sterling Order Management System Software version 10.0.2209.1 or later (starting from September 2022), which includes Order Hub availability on premises.

About this task

Order Hub is a user interface (UI) application that requires a web server to serve the UI content (for example: html, javascript, css, images etc.). The Order Hub UI makes REST api calls to the application server. Nginx is the recommended web server, and the Order Hub installation sets up the necessary location directives in the nginx configuration. The nginx server is only used to serve UI assets, and many of those assets get cached by the client browser. Nginx can be installed on any server, and does not need to be installed in the same environment as the OMS server. For high availability, we recommend that you install multiple nginx servers, but this is not critical for performance. Order Hub is not dependent on any minimum version of nginx.


  1. Go to the orderhub directory:
    cd <runtime>/repository/orderhub
  2. Transfer orderhub.tar to the environment where you will install the nginx server.
  3. Install nginx as your web server. For more information, see
  4. Extract the orderhub archive by running the following command:
    tar xf orderhub.tar
  5. Grant the Order Hub setup script the execute (x) permission by running the following command:
    chmod +x
  6. Make a copy of the file as by running the following command:
  7. Update the file.
    1. Uncomment the HTML_DIRECTORY and CONFIG_DIRECTORY properties that are applicable to your operating system. If necessary, update them to point to your web server's HTML and configuration directories.
    2. If necessary, update the OMS_APPSERVER_HOST property to point to your OMS environment.
  8. Run the Order Hub setup script:
    By default, the script installs the Order Hub UI and the Storybook for UI development.
    • To only install the Order Hub UI, run:
      ./ orderhub
    • To only install the Storybook for UI development, run:
      ./ storybook
  9. Add a new server configuration to your web server configuration.
    1. Set the port that Order Hub will use.
    2. Configure the port so that all accepted connections work in SSL mode.
    3. Set up the SSL certificates.
    4. Include the orderhub.conf configuration file. The location of the file is output from the command.
    5. To support both HTTP and HTTPS, add another server block with a listen port and the orderhub.conf configuration file.
    For example (nginx configuration):
    server {
        listen              7446 ssl;
        server_name         localhost;
        ssl_certificate     /opt/app-root/etc/nginx.d/certificate.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key /opt/app-root/etc/nginx.d/privateKey.key;
        ssl_session_cache    shared:SSL:1m;
        ssl_session_timeout  5m;
        ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
        ssl_ciphers EECDH+AESGCM:EDH+AESGCM:AES256+EECDH:AES256+EDH;
        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers  on;
        server_tokens off;
        root /var/www/html;
        include /opt/app-root/etc/nginx.d/orderhub/orderhub.conf;
    server {
        listen              8000;
        server_name         localhost;
        root /var/www/html;
        include /opt/app-root/etc/nginx.d/orderhub/orderhub.conf;
        location / {
  10. Start or restart your web server.
    You can then access Order Hub from the applicable URL:
    • http://<hostname>:<port>/order-management
    • https://<hostname>:<port>/order-management
    Where hostname is the host name where the web server is running, and port is the port number that is configured in the web server configuration.
    Note: If you need to change the OMS environment hostname or port, then update the file and run again.

What to do next

After you have set up Order Hub by using the setup script, configure Sterling Order Management System Software for Order Hub to get your Sterling Order Management System Software environment ready for Order Hub features on premises.