Downloading the containerized developer toolkit using the Self Service

You can download the containerized developer toolkit by using the Self Service.

Before you begin

  • Contact your seller or account owner to get onboarded to the Self Service.
  • As part of the certified container onboarding process, a Self Service administrator account is created who has privileges to create and manage other Self Service user accounts such as developers, system integrators (SIs).
  • The updated Developer Toolkit is uploaded to the Self Service in each release cycle.


Ensure that your local machine meets the expected system requirements for setting up the containerized developer toolkit.

  1. Log in to the Self Service tool with your IBMid and password.

    If you do not have an IBM account, then create your IBM account.

  2. In the Downloads page, download the latest Developer Toolkit version.
  3. In the License information page, click I agree to accept the license agreement.

    The developer toolkit, which is a tar file is downloaded to your local machine.

  4. Rename the tar file to devtoolkit_docker.tar.

What to do next

Set up a containerized developer toolkit environment to build and test the extensions for your Sterling Order Management System Software solution.

The Developer toolkit also includes Order Service component, which you can enable and configure to deploy an order search and archive solution on Sterling Order Management System Software.

For more about setting up the containerized developer toolkit environment, see Setting up the containerized developer toolkit environment.