Agent and integration Server dashboard

From the Server dashboard screen, you can view the currently active agent and integration servers, and detailed information about the agent and integration servers. You can also perform additional task of managing traces on the agent and integration servers.

Agent and integration server summary

The agent and integration Server dashboard screen displays the summary of the number of active agent and integration servers. The Server List panel displays the list of active agent and integration servers.

Agent and integration server details

When you select a particular agent or integration server, the detailed information about the agent or integration server is displayed in a new window. The agent and integration server details are displayed differently depending on whether an agent or integration server is being viewed.

To trigger an agent for a specific agent criteria, click Trigger Agent action icon. action from the agent server details screen.

Manage Component Trace

To start or stop the component trace on a particular agent or integration server, click Manage Trace. You can provide the criteria and trace level details.