Changes to database tables, installation folders, and property files in Release 10.0

In Release 10.0, some changes might have been made to the installation folders, property files, and database tables.

Changes to installation folders in Release 10.0

In Release 10.0 there are no changes made to the installation folders.

Changes to property files in Release 10.0

In Release 10.0, the following properties are added:
  • yfs.sourcing.audit.start.publisher
  • yfs.sourcing.audit.enabled
  • yfs.sourcing.audit.datahandler.local.service

Locating database table changes due to migration to Release 10.0

During the upgrade process, several tables and the data in them may be modified. This section provides information about the steps to be taken to locate the tables that have incurred changes.
You can perform the following types of database updates:
  • Shard Migration
  • Factory Setup Migration
  • Custom Data Migration

Shard migration

During shard migration, alter scripts are generated by comparing the entity XML files that were shipped with the previous release with the entity XML files available with the upgrade version.

Run initupgrade to review the contents of the following directories (including subdirectories) and files for a list of tables that have been modified during shard migration:

If you are using Oracle, review the following directories (including subdirectories) and files:
  • <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/database/scripts/oracle/history
  • <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/database/scripts/oracle/transaction
  • <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/database/scripts/oracle/textsearch
  • SQL queries in the "ORACLE_Query" nodes of <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/transaction/DropColumnOverride.xml
  • SQL queries in the "ORACLE_Query" nodes of <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/history/DropColumnOverride.xml
  • <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/pre-migration-oracle.sql
If you are using Db2®, review the following directories (including sub-directories) and files:
  • <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/database/scripts/db2/history
  • <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/database/scripts/db2/transaction
  • <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/database/scripts/db2/textsearch
  • SQL queries in the "DB2_Query" nodes of <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/transaction/DropColumnOverride.xml
  • SQL queries in the "DB2_Query" nodes of <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/history/DropColumnOverride.xml
  • <INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/9.5/pre-migration-db2.sql
Note: If you are performing upgrade in sharded mode, the directories contain sub-directories that are defined by tabletype. These directories are created only after the initupgrade step is completed.

Factory setup migration

For a list of tables in which factory setup data is being changed, refer to the following directories:
For tables with additional factory setup data:
<INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/<version upgrading from>/database/
For tables with changed factory setup data:
<INSTALL_DIR>/Migration/<version upgrading from>/database/
Note: The name of each file in these directories corresponds to the name of the table that is being updated, for example, the YCP_YFS_EVENT.xml file corresponds to the YFS_EVENT table.If you are performing a multihop upgrade, ensure that you check these directories in each version that is upgraded. For example, if you are upgrading from Release 9.3 to Release 9.5 and you want to check the tables with changed factory setup data, refer to the following directories:
To locate the files pertaining to IBM Sterling Business Center in these directories, SBC is added automatically as a prefix to the file names, for example, SBC_YFS_MENU.xml.

Custom data migration

For a list of tables that have been changed during the custom data migration process using SQL updates, refer to the "Important Behavior Changes" section of the release that is relevant to your upgrade. This section provides you the following information:
  • Changes that have taken place during the migration
  • Locations of the SQL scripts that have been run or the tables affected