Batch pick

Batch picking enables a store associate to pick products from one or more orders in an efficient manner, as compared to traditional single order pick. The application allows you to choose a method of performing batch pick. You can either sort the products while picking or sort products after they are completely picked, by selecting a preference in the user interface.

While you view batches, you can select preferences to refine batches. You can filter the batches to show any combination of "Picked", "In Progress", and "Not Started" batches. Additionally, you can limit the number of orders within each batch. You can choose the method in which you want to pick products in a batch, either "Sort while pick" or "Sort after pick". The default method is "Sort while pick". Based on the method that you select to pick products, follow the appropriate procedure described in this section.
Note: In Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, the batches are displayed in a single column, with each batch occupying the entire space unlike other browsers that display batches in two columns.