Adding a chart diagram

Use a chart diagram when you want to view related objects in a graphic format based on a specific field.

About this task

Chart diagrams are valid in Task Views.

A chart is based on one object type and one field within that object type that is a single value enumerated field.

You can drill through the chart and open related objects.

The Relationship Type property controls the object relationships that are included in the chart diagram.

The following chart types are supported:

  • Bar
  • Doughnut
  • Gantt
  • Heat map (count-based and zone-based)
  • Horizontal bar
  • Pie
  • Single stacked bar

For examples, see Chart diagram examples.

Note: Workflow fields are currently not supported in charts.


  1. In the View Designer, click the Design tab.
    The palette is displayed.
  2. Drag a Chart element from the palette and add it to a group or a section.
  3. Enter a Label. It displays as a field header within a section. Click Edit to enter localized values.
    If it is displayed, click Auto Translate icon to populate translated values to languages. For more information, see IBM Watson Language Translator.
  4. Choose an option in Relationship Type:
    • Children
    • Parents
    • Descendants
    • Ancestors
    • Siblings
  5. Choose an Object Type (displays for all relationship types except siblings). The objects that are listed vary depending on what you chose in Relationship Type.
  6. Choose a Parent Object Type and a Sibling Object Type (displays only if Relationship Type is Siblings).
  7. Choose an option in Chart Type:
    • Bar
    • Doughnut
    • Gantt
    • Heat Map
    • Horizontal Bar
    • Pie
    • Single Stacked Bar
  8. If you choose Gantt, complete the Gantt Chart Configuration fields:
    1. Select a Start Date Field.
    2. Select an End Date Field.
    3. Select a Primary Row Field.
    4. Optional: Select a Secondary Row Field.
    5. Select a Color Definition Field.
    6. Click Done.
    For more information about Gantt charts, see Chart diagram examples.
  9. If you choose Heat Map, complete the following fields:
    1. Select a field in Horizontal Axis Field.
    2. Select a field in Vertical Axis Field.
    3. Choose Count-based or Zone-based in Color Assignment Type.
    4. Choose Categorical or Monochromatic in Color Palette.
      The next field that is displayed is either Color Ranges or Chart Colors, depending on whether the heat map is count-based or zone-based.
    5. Assign colors to count ranges in Color Ranges (count-based only). For more information about color ranges, see Apply colors to value ranges.
    6. The heat map is pre-displayed in Chart Colors (zone-based only). Assign a color to each cell.

      Enumerated values that are defined as hidden are not displayed in Chart Colors. However, enumerated values that are hidden are displayed as gray when the heat map is rendered if the value has data.

    7. Add rules (optional) and click Done. Disregard the steps below.
  10. Select a Public Filter, if one exists for the object type (optional).
  11. Choose a Relationship Paths (displays only if Relationship Type is Ancestors or Descendants).
  12. Choose a field in Chart Data Field (displays for all types of charts except Gantt and heat map).
  13. In Method Type choose Count, Sum, Average, Min, or Max (displays for all types of charts except Gantt and heat map). If you chose Sum, Average, Min, or Max, provide a field in Aggregation Field. Only currency, decimal, and integer type fields are displayed in Aggregation Field.
    For more information, see Examples: Bar charts.
  14. Choose Categorical or Monochromatic in Color Palette (displays for all types of charts except Gantt).
  15. In Chart Colors, apply colors to field values (displays for all types of charts except heat map).
  16. Add rules to the relationship field (optional). For information, see Adding rules to relationship fields.
  17. Click Done.

What to do next

Place the chart in a tab group (optional). For more information, see Organizing relationship fields in tab groups.