Working with loader files

The ObjectManager tool uses XML loader files to load (import) or dump (export or extract) data into IBM OpenPages®.

The loader file name consists of a prefix, which is defined by the user, and a standard string that has the following format:

  • <loader-file-prefix> is the user-defined portion of the loader file name.
  • -op-config.xml is the standard string that follows the prefix and identifies the file as a loader file to the ObjectManager tool. Do not change this portion of the file name.

When you pass a loader file parameter to the ObjectManager tool, you pass only the prefix portion of the loader file name. If no prefix is provided, the ObjectManager tool attempts to load from or write to the file op-config.xml.

Note: If you use ObjectManager to import security rules, any existing security rules are overwritten by the import.

Import example

If you want to load (import) data into the OpenPages repository, you could, for example, create a loader file with the name mydata-op-config.xml (prefix + standard string). When you pass the prefix mydata to the ObjectManager tool, the ObjectManager tool automatically looks for a loader file that is named mydata-op-config.xml.

Export example

If you want to extract (dump) data from OpenPages, you could, for example, pass the prefix myconfig to the ObjectManager tool. The ObjectManager tool automatically creates an export (dump) file that is named myconfig-op-config.xml.