Modifying the ObjectManager properties file

The file contains properties that control or limit the scope of the data that is exported by ObjectManager.

Depending on your requirements, modify the values of the properties. You can edit the file in any text editor.

Note: Before you modify the file, make a backup copy of the file.

For information about the properties, see Settings in the file.

The file is located in the /bin directory where ObjectManager is installed.

If you're using the ObjectManager client, the location of the file is openpages-tools-client/bin/

On application servers, the path is <OP_HOME>/bin/

Settings in the file

The file contains several settings or properties that you can configure.

The logger property

Defines the location of the logging properties file relative to the bin directory. Do not change this setting.

The configuration.manager.migrate.configuration.objects

The configuration.manager.migrate.configuration.objects property overwrites the following configuration.manager.dump.* properties and is the equivalent of setting these properties to true:

  • configuration.manager.dump.bundle.types
  • configuration.manager.dump.file.upload.content.types
  • configuration.manager.dump.jsp.based.content.types
  • configuration.manager.dump.admin.objectprofile.views
  • configuration.manager.dump.form.based.content.types
  • configuration.manager.dump.object.profiles
  • configuration.manager.dump.application.string.key.categories
  • configuration.manager.dump.application.string.keys
  • configuration.manager.dump.application.strings
  • configuration.manager.dump.object.strings
  • configuration.manager.dump.error.strings
  • configuration.manager.dump.query.definitions
  • configuration.manager.dump.field.dependency
  • configuration.manager.dump.field.dependency.picklist
  • configuration.manager.dump.recursive.hierarchy
  • configuration.manager.dump.recursive.hierarchy.strings
  • configuration.manager.dump.content.type.relationship.sets
  • configuration.manager.dump.locales
  • configuration.manager.dump.role.templates
  • configuration.manager.dump.role.administrators
  • configuration.manager.dump.role.assignments
  • configuration.manager.dump.subsystem.exclusion.fields
  • configuration.manager.dump.registry
  • configuration.manager.dump.process.definitions
  • configuration.manager.dump.tbrules
  • configuration.manager.dump.tbcalculations

Additionally, the configuration.manager.migrate.configuration.objects property exports the following data:

  • Any object folders referenced by:
    • jsp.based.content.types
    • form.based.content.types
  • Query definition (filter) strings
  • Reporting schema column definitions (which are used to keep framework labels consistent when you have duplicate field names).

The configuration.manager.dump.* export properties

The following list describes the behavior of the various export configuration.manager.dump.* properties when a property is enabled (the value is set to true).

Exports a list of the modules (solutions) that are installed. It also controls the list of entries on the About OpenPages and Build Information pages.
Exports a list of valid file attachment types (such as docx, pdf, jpg).
Exports all field groups in the system, along with all of their fields.
Exports all file upload object types, such as SOXDocument. It will also export any folders (nonFormBasedResources) that are referenced by these object types.
Exports all other object types, such as SOXBusEntity, Mandate, and Policy. It will also export any folders (nonFormBasedResources) that are referenced by these object types.
Exports a list of which objects types can be associated to what other object types.
Exports a list of application permissions that can be granted to groups or role templates.
Exports all users, groups, and security domain groups.
Exports all group memberships, such as: which users belong to what groups, which users belong to what security domains, and which security domains belong to what other security domains.
Exports users and groups and their assigned profiles.
Exports object profiles. This property should be used with the configuration.manager.dump.object.profiles setting.
Exports object profiles. This property should be used with the configuration.manager.dump.admin.objectprofile.views setting.
Exports all folders and object instances in the system. You can use the setting configuration.manager.dump.resources.root.folder to narrow the scope of objects that are exported. You will probably want to use this setting with the setting configuration.manager.dump.resource.sets.

As an alternative, you can use the configuration.manager.dump.associated.resources property.

Exports form-based object type definitions if these were used. By default (out of the box), the software does not use form-based object type definitions.
Exports instances of form-based object types if these were used. This property is similar to the configuration.manager.dump.non.form.based.content.types property.

The configuration.manager.dump.form.based.resources property is generally not needed because of what is stated in the configuration.manager.dump.form.based.content.types property.

Exports all reports that appear on the Reporting menu in the IBM OpenPages application, such as: all JSP reports and any Cognos® reports that have been published to the OpenPages application. It does not export any report definitions from Cognos. If you want to export JSP report definitions, you will also want to set the configuration.manager.dump.non.form.based.resources property to true, and the configuration.manager.dump.resources.root.folder property to /Reports.
Exports object instance relationships. For example, if you had an entity called Entity ABC that had a child process called Process A, you would set the following properties to true:
  • configuration.manager.dump.non.form.based.resources property to get the definitions ofEntity ABC and Process A
  • configuration.manager.dump.resource.sets property to get the entry that says Process A is a child of Entity ABC.

As an alternative, you can use the configuration.manager.dump.associated.resources property.

Exports objects and their relationships – you can use it instead of configuration.manager.dump.non.form.based.resources and configuration.manager.dump.resource.sets.
To filter the scope of the export, you can use the following settings:
The value of this setting, SOX.ProjectDefault, is a constant, do not change it.
Enter the name of the reporting period from which you want to export data. If you leave this value blank, it will default to the Current Report Period.
You can create multiple entries with this setting if you increment the [number] part of the name. Enter the full paths of the objects (one object per entry) that you want to use as the scope for the data export. To find the full path of the object, you may need to look at the object in OpenPages. The default value of /_op_sox/Project/Default/Default.txt will export all of the data in the system.
You can create multiple entries with this setting if you increment the [number] part of the name. Enter one object type name per entry that you want to include in the export. As the export process navigates the object tree structure in the system, when it encounters an object that is not of a type listed in these entries, it will not export that object or any of its children. In this way you can limit the scope of exported objects. A blank entry value will include all object types.
To filter export results, add entry values to one of the following settings. Adding entry values to both settings is redundant.
You can create multiple entries with this setting if you increment the [number] part of the name. Enter one object type name per entry that you want to exclude in the export. As the export process navigates the object tree structure in the system, when it encounters an object that is not of a type listed in these entries, it will not export that object or any of its children. In this way you can limit the scope of exported objects. A blank entry value will include all object types.
Exports all object reset rule sets.
Exports the history of object reset executions.
Exports all settings, except those that are encrypted.

To filter the scope of the export, you can use the following settings:

Excludes entries listed in this setting from export.
Sets the scope of settings to be exported.

You can create multiple entries with this property by incrementing the [number] part of the name.

Exports recursive object levels.
Exports supported locales (languages). No translations are included.
Exports the application text folders.
Exports application text keys – the list of entries on the Application Text page – without translations.
Exports translations for application text.
Exports translations for recursive object levels.
Exports translations for error messages.
Exports translations for: object type names, field names, field guidance, section names, and enumerated values.
Exports jobs from the Scheduler. It does not export workflows or Java™ classes that are used by the jobs.
Exports exchange rates.
Exports the list of valid currencies (enabled and disabled).
Exports public filters.
Exports Alert Notification settings for each user.
Exports role templates.
Exports which users are assigned as administrators for what security domains.
Exports which users are assigned which role templates for what security domains.
Exports field dependencies.
Exports dependent picklists.
Exports fields that are excluded from the reporting subsystem.
Exports rule sets from record level security.
Exports GRC workflow definitions.
Exports dashboards.
Exports views.
Exports rules from the Rules Engine.
Exports calculations from GRC Calculations.
Exports solution visualizations.
Exports themes.
Exports tags.
Includes system strings, such as strings that are embedded in workflows and views, in the export.
Note: These strings cannot be migrated from one system to another.
Sets the localee to export, where <locale_code> is a single locale code. For example, to export strings for the Croatian locale, type hr_HR.
Sets the age of strings to export, where <number_of_days> is the number of days since the strings were added to the system.

The configuration.manager.force.update.* properties

Overwrites existing object strings when set to true prior to a load.
The default is false. If you change this setting to true, the load overwrites existing customized strings. Change it immediately back to false after the load is done to protect against inadvertently overwriting customized strings.
Overwrites existing application strings when set to true prior to a load.
The default is false. If you change this setting to true, the load overwrites existing customized strings. Change it immediately back to false after the load is done to protect against inadvertently overwriting customized strings.

The invalid characters property!@#$%^&*()<>+=[]\/{}|?
Defines characters that cannot be used in field names.

The disable triggers properties

configuration.manager.migrate.configuration.disable.all.triggers=/OpenPages/Applications/GRCM/Disable Triggers
Points to the registry setting that indicates whether triggers are disabled or not. Do not change it. It works with the configuration.manager.disable.triggers setting.
Disables triggers when importing or exporting data in order to not trigger excess processing as objects are created, modified, or associated. If set to true, triggers are disabled at the start of the import or export and re-enabled at the end. Default is false.

The resource load property
Controls behavior when loading objects. For more information, see Controlling data load behavior.

Legacy properties

The following properties are no longer used. Fresh installation of OpenPages do not include these properties.
Exports date dimension types.
Exports object type dimensions.
Exports date dimension type associations (what date dimension types are enabled for what fields).
Exports translations for date dimension types.
Exports translations for object type dimensions.