
Views control what information is displayed to users and how they interact with OpenPages®.

When you configure the UI, you configure views that users access. You design the content and layout of a view by using the View Designer.


Before you plan and design the views, learn about the components in the UI. For information, see Navigating the UI in the IBM OpenPages User Guide.

Show me how

For an overview of views and the View Designer, see the following video.

This video provides an overview of views and the View Designer.

Grid Views, Creation Views, Task Views, Admin Views, and Report Views

The UI uses the following types of views:

  • Grid Views
  • Creation Views
  • Task Views
  • Admin Views
  • Report Views

For each type of view, there can be:

  • system views
  • custom views

System views

System views are read-only views that are provided with OpenPages to get you started. You can use them as they are and as templates and learning tools for custom views that you create on your own.

For each object type, OpenPages provides at least one system Grid View, one system Creation View, and one or more system Task Views.

For a system view, you can:

  • set the View Priority
  • make it enabled
  • make it disabled if you no longer use the view
  • make it a default view

You cannot modify or delete a system view. However, you can create a custom view that is a copy of a system view. For more information, see Creating a custom view from a system view.

For system views, in the View Designer you can view the JSON tab but the Design tab is hidden. To view a system view in the Design tab, copy it to a custom view and open the Design tab in the custom view.

Custom views

Custom views are views that you create on your own. You can create them for all object types and all view types.

For a custom view, you can:

  • Customize the content of the view to your specific requirements
  • Set the View Priority
  • Make it enabled
  • Make it disabled if you no longer use the view
  • Make it a default view

For custom views, in the View Designer you can design the view on the Design tab. There is no need to use the JSON tab.

Controlling what views are displayed to users

You can define one or more instances of the same type of view for an object type. You use rules on views to control what views are displayed to users.

For simplicity, the explanation below describes how to control what Creation Views are displayed to users. The same logic applies to Grid Views, Task Views, Admin Views, and Report Views.

Except in the case of Report Views, if you define one Creation View for an object type, you select Use as default view for this object type for all profiles on the view.

If you define multiple Creation Views for an object type, you define Creation Views where Use as default view for this object type for all profiles is cleared and rules determine what view is displayed to a user. You must still define one Creation View that is the default. For this view, you select Use as default view for this object type for all profiles.

Creation Views with rules take precedence over the default Creation View. The default Creation View is displayed if none of the Creation Views with rules match for a user after the rules have been checked. View Priority on default views is always set to 1 and cannot be changed. View Priority on default views is disregarded during this selection.

Improve performance

To improve performance, use filters to limit the number of objects that are displayed in a view.