New features in version

Version of OpenPages® includes enhancements to locales, security, text field editing, questionnaires, and more.

Add new locales

Administrators can now add new locales to provide translation support for languages other than the ones that OpenPages supports by default.

Figure 1. Adding a new locale
The Locales tab is shown with a list of new locales that can be selected.

You can select new locales to add from the following list:

  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • Estonian
  • Finnish
  • Greek
  • Indonesian
  • Korean
  • Latvian
  • Malay Latin
  • Norwegian Nynorsk
  • Polish
  • Romanian
  • Serbian Latin
  • Swedish
  • Thai
  • Turkish

You can also enable and disable locales. When you disable a locale, users with that locale see the default locale after they refresh their browser or after they log out and log in again.

For more information about adding locales, see the Adding locales topic in the IBM OpenPages Administrator's Guide.

New tools for rich text fields

For string fields that have a display type of Rich Text, users have a toolbar and commands for text formatting and word processing. This toolbar now contains the following tools:

  • Use the Upload image from computer Upload image from computer icon tool to add an image. In the dialog box, select the image you want.

    The image is stored in the application when you save the object.

  • Use the Full Screen Full Screen icon tool to maximize the field to full screen.
  • Use the Source Source icon tool to edit the HTML code directly.

For example, the following figure shows the Purpose field of a new Policy. The field contains an image. The new tools in the toolbar are circled.

Figure 2. An image used in the Purpose of a Policy
A Policy object is shown. The purpose field of the policy contains an image.
Important: FastMap doesn't export or import images. When an object is exported using FastMap, any images added to rich text fields are not exported with that object.

Export and import dashboards by using the Environment Migration user interface

Prior to, dashboards could only be exported as part of a profile. Now you can export dashboards directly by using the Environment Migration UI.

For more information about exporting and importing dashboards, see the Exporting configuration items from the source environment and Importing configuration items to the target environment topics in the IBM OpenPages Administrator's Guide.

Edit and delete comments in questionnaires

Both respondents and reviewers can now edit or delete comments in a questionnaire.

You can edit or delete a comment that you created. There are some restrictions on the comments you can delete.

Figure 3. A questionnaire assessment showing a comment with the Edit and Delete buttons circled
The Questionnaire tab of a questionnaire assessment is shown with acomment on a question. The Edit and Delete buttons for the comment are circled.

For more information about editing or deleting comments while you are responding to a questionnaire, see the Completing a questionnaire assessment topic in the IBM OpenPages User Guide.

For more information about editing or deleting comments while you are reviewing a questionnaire, see the Reviewing a questionnaire assessment topic in the IBM OpenPages User Guide.

Make an answer exclusive for a multiple choice question

When editing a questionnaire template, a user can make an answer exclusive for a multiple choice question. When a respondent chooses an exclusive answer, they can't select another answer for the question. An example of an exclusive answer is "None of the above".

Figure 4. A questionnaire template with the exclusive answer checkbox circled
The Editor tab of a questionnaire template is shown with an answer selected as an exclusive answer. The selected checkbox is circled.

For more information about making an answer exclusive in a questionnaire, see the Adding questions to a questionnaire template topic in the IBM OpenPages User Guide.

Support for deployed prompts with variables from

The Custom Machine Learning Models integration feature now supports deployed prompts with variables from

When you are configuring your model, set the inputs to the prompt variables and the output to parse the JSON produced from the model. When you are setting the JSONata for the output, begin the JSONata location path with the object results.

For example, if you expect the following output:

	"generated_text": " \"person\": \"Fred\", \"organization\": \"IBM\", \"location\": \"USA\" ",
	"generated_token_count": 30,
	"input_token_count": 85,
	"stop_reason": "eos_token"

The output returned is contained within a JSON object named results, as shown in the following example:

    "created_at": "2023-06-21T17:44:50.554Z",
    "model_id": "google/flan-ul2",
    "results": [
	"generated_text": " \"person\": \"Ghada\", \"organization\": \"IBM\", \"location\": \"USA\" ",
	"generated_token_count": 30,
	"input_token_count": 85,
	"stop_reason": "eos_token"

The JSONata location path for the preceding example output begins with results.generated_text.

For more information about the Custom Machine Learning Models integration feature, see the Custom Machine Learning Models topic in the IBM OpenPages Administrator's Guide.

New endpoints available in the GRC REST API V2

There are new endpoints to automate FastMap import and validation, LogCollector processes, the retrieval of supported locales, and updating the values of configuration settings.

For more information about the updates to the V2 API, see What's new in version in the IBM OpenPages Developer Guide.

Additional security for your application

The default OpenPages Content Security Policy (CSP) has been improved to provide additional security for your application. CSP is an HTTP response header that browsers use to enhance the security of the document or web page. The CSP header allows you to restrict which resources, such as JavaScript, CSS, and images, can be loaded, and the URLs that they can be loaded from.

The enhancements to security change the way OpenPages works:
  • You don't have certain features in the rich text editor that use inline styles, such as font color and family, and image and table resizing and alignment.
  • The JSON tab is not displayed in View Designer.
  • Custom helpers and JSP reports might not work correctly. For more information, see the tech note Many custom helpers stop working correctly after upgrading to
  • The FastMap Import report and FastMap Import Status report might have rendering issues and might not work correctly.
  • Legacy helpers and reports, such as the KRI and KPI Value Creation utilities, might have rendering issues and might not work correctly.

For more information about CSP and how to restore or replace the functionality of these features, see the Content-Security-Policy (CSP) registry settings topic in the IBM OpenPages Administrator's Guide.