PDF format documentation

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Table 1. Open XL C/C++ 2.1 for z/OS documentation
Title Description Intended audience
What's New Provides an executive overview of new functions in the Open XL C/C++ 2.1 for z/OS® compiler, with new functions categorized according to user benefits. People who are evaluating and planning for Open XL C/C++ 2.1 for z/OS.
Migration Guide Contains migration considerations for using Open XL C/C++ for z/OS to compile programs that were previously compiled on different platforms, by previous z/OS XL C/C++ releases, or by other compilers. C and C++ developers who are to use Open XL C/C++ 2.1 for z/OS to compile programs that were previously compiled on different platforms, by previous z/OS XL C/C++ releases, or by other compilers.
Compiler Reference

Contains information about basic compiler usage, various compiler options, pragmas, macros, built-in functions.

Anyone who wants to work with the Open XL C/C++ 2.1 for z/OS compiler. Users new to Open XL C/C++ for z/OS can also find information about the capabilities and features unique to Open XL C/C++ for z/OS. This document can help you understand the compiler features and how to use them for effective software development.
Note: The community version of the Clang documentation from https://clang.llvm.org is being provided as-is and for reference only. It does not constitute support of all features in Open XL C/C++ 2.1 for z/OS. Refer to the Compiler Reference for IBM Open XL C/C++ 2.1 for z/OS for features that are officially supported in the Open XL C/C++ 2.1 for z/OS compiler.
Table 2. Clang 18 documentation
Title Description Intended audience
Clang documentation Contains the release notes for the Clang C/C++/Objective-C/OpenCL front end, part of the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, release 18. Anyone who wants to find information about Clang 18.