TN3270 Server Session Details workspace

The TN3270 Session Details workspace displays performance data for the active or completed TN3270 server session with a specified connection number.

In order to be displayed, performance data must have been collected for this session within the TN3270 display interval (by default, last 2 hours). This workspace displays an active session (sliding window and bucket count metrics are collected for these sessions each collection interval) or a session opened or closed within the TN3270 display interval.

This workspace is displayed by right-clicking on a link for a TN3270 session in one of the following workspaces:
Additional workspaces:
Right-click the TN3270 Navigator item to displays the following workspaces:
Links to other workspaces:
This workspace provides as link to the TCP Connections workspace.
Data source:
z/OS Communication Server callable and real-time network management interface (NMI)
Data filter:
Connection ID from the row in the previous workspace.
Configuration parameter:
  • Configuration Tool: Responding Y to the Do you want to monitor this stack? question and setting the TN3270 Server Statistics Collection (global value) and TCP/IP Connection and Application Performance Statistics Collection (global value) or the TN3270 Server Statistics Collection Override (stack-specific override) and TCP/IP Connection Collection Override (stack-specific override) parameter values to Yes in the Configuration Tool enables data collection for this workspace.
  • PARMGEN: Setting the values indicated for the following PARMGEN parameters:
    and either
    KN3_TCP_TN3270       		Y
    KN3_TCP_CONN						Y
    KN3_TCPX0x_OVRD_TN3270		Y
  • You must also enable the z/OS Communication Server network management interface (NMI) on every z/OS system where the monitoring agent will be running. This workspace uses the NETMONITOR SMFService profile dataset parameter to enable the real-time NMI required for data collection. This parameter must be set to ON in order to collect performance data. See the "Enabling the z/OS Communications Server network management interface" topic in the "Preparing your z/OS Environment" section of the IBM® Tivoli® OMEGAMON® XE for Mainframe Networks: Planning and Configuration Guide for information about when and how to perform this configuration step.
Figure 1 shows the TN3270 Server Session Details workspace.
Figure 1. The OMEGAMON XE for Mainframe Networks TN3270 Server Session Details workspace
The TN3270 Server Session Details workspace

The TN3270 Server Session Details workspace provides the following views:

  • TN3270 Server Session Response Time: Displays a line graph, graphed over time, where:
    • Yellow represents the Average Total Response Time.
    • Blue represents the Average IP Response Time.
    • Pink represents the Average SNA Response Time.
  • TN3270 Server Session Throughput: Displays Total Bytes Sent and Total Bytes Received in a stacked bar chart graphed against Connection ID where:
    • Yellow designates the Total Bytes Received.
    • Blue designates the Total Bytes Sent.
  • TN3270 Server Session Response Time Bucket Counts: Displays the count of transactions falling into each of the response time buckets. This summary table displays performance data for a specific session (identified by a Connection Number). The displayed session has a collection time within the TN3270 display interval (by default, last 2 hours). For a complete list of the attributes available in the TN3270 Server Session Response Time Bucket Counts view, and a brief description of each, see the TN3270 Server Sess Avail Attributes help panel.
  • TN3270 Server Session Details for connection_number Summary table: Provides a tabular summary of all the available performance data for active or completed TN3270 server sessions from the specified remote IP address, where remote_IP_address is the specified remote IP address.

For information about sliding windows and bucket counts, see z/OS Communications Server IP Configuration Guide.