Issuing CICS main terminal commands
The Utilities menu includes an option to display or modify the following main terminal settings: class max tasks, runaway task interval, scan delay interval, and region exit interval.
To display or modify any other main terminal settings, select the Console option (A) on the Utilities menu (fast path U.A) and enter CEMT commands as if you were issuing them at a console. To display or modify the subset of CICS® main terminal settings, select the main Terminal option (L) on the Utilities menu or enter fast path U.L from any OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) panel. The following panel is displayed.
________________ ZUCEMT VTM CICSR41L V530./C SYS 06/04/13 13:51:04
> PF1 Help PF3 Back PF4 Main Menu PF7 Up PF8 Down
> CMT ccc,n is the syntax where:
> RUN,n Runaway task interval
> SCAN,n Scan delay interval
> TIM,n Region exit interval
> n = new value to be set If omitted, current value displays
> SET command text A valid CEMT SET command
> For example:
> To display or change the CICS Main Terminal settings, remove the >
> preceding CMT.
To display the current setting of a parameter, enter one
of the keywords shown on the panel following the -CMT statement.
The current value displays and the hyphen preceding CMT changes to >.
To display the value of another setting, replace the > preceding
CMT with a hyphen and enter the keyword after CMT. To modify a setting,
enter the new value over the current value displayed. Or you can enter
the entire statement, which includes the keyword, a comma, and the
new value after -CMT. For example, -CMT TIM,110
the region exit interval (ICV) to 110 milliseconds.
The -CMT SET statement can be used to issue any valid CEMT SET command in the CICs region; this does not cause a new task to be created and will work when CICS is under stress.