CICSplex Transaction Definition Information attribute group

The CICSplex Transaction Definition Information attributes show the attributes used to define the transaction to CICS. Use these attributes to confirm the definition of a transaction if you are experiencing incorrect output or abnormal task termination. If the storage violation field is not zero, you might want to disable this transaction through CEMT until the cause is determined.

Abend Count The number of times the transaction has abended.

Bridge Exit Is the default bridge exit associated with this transaction.

CICS Region Name Indicates the job name or modify ID of the CICS region being monitored. Each CICS region in a z/OS operating system has a unique name. This name is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of eight characters, and case-sensitive. CICS region names are always in uppercase characters.

Class Name Is the name of the transaction class associated with this transaction.

Data Key Is the storage key of the storage allocated during initialization for this transaction.

Data Location Indicates the key of the storage allocated for this transaction.

Deadlock timeout Is the length of time (in seconds) after which this transaction is considered deadlocked and terminated by CICS.

Dump Indicates whether a dump must be produced should this transaction terminate.

Dynamic Routing Indicates whether this transaction is eligible for dynamic routing.

Facilitylike Is the name of a real terminal that is used as a template for the bridge facility.

Isolate Indicates whether the user key storage allocated for this transaction is protected from other transactions using user key storage.

Local Dynamic Route Count Is the number of times the dynamic routing program was invoked and a local transaction subsequently attached.

Origin Node Is the combination of z/OS System ID (SMFID) and CICS region name. This is the value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum 32 bytes, and case-sensitive.

When a situation is true, the system compares the origin node name in the attribute to the names of managed systems assigned to the item. If the origin node name matches the name of a managed system, the status of the item changes accordingly. If the names of the origin node and the managed systems do not match, the status of the item remains unchanged.

Partition Dataset Name Is the name of the PARTITIONSET this transaction uses.

Priority Indicates the priority of the transaction, used to affect the dispatching order of tasks.

Profile Name Indicates the name of the profile with processing options for this transaction.

Program Name Is the name of the program that is executed when this transaction is first attached.

Purged for Tran Class The number of times the transaction was purged immediately because the queue reached the purge threshold for the transaction class.

Read Time out Is the time interval, in seconds, after which the transaction is terminated if no input is received from the terminal.

Remote Dynamic Route Count Is the number of times the dynamic routing program was started and a remote transaction subsequently attached.

Remote Name Is the identifier of this transaction in the remote system.

Remote System Is the four character identifier of the CICS system where the attach request for this transaction is sent.

Remote System Applid The eight character identifier of the APPLID for the remote CICS system where the attach request for this transaction is sent.

Restart Count The number of times this transaction was restarted after terminating abnormally and being backed out.

Restart Indicates whether this transaction is automatically restarted after an abend and subsequent backout.

Runaway Limit Is the amount of time, in seconds, that this transaction has control of the processor before it is assumed to be in a loop and terminated by CICS.

Screen Selection Indicates whether the PRIMARY (DEFAULT) or ALTERNATE buffer size for a 3270 screen or printer is used whenever a terminal output request is issued with the ERASE option.

Stall Purge Indicates whether this transaction is purged by CICS during a system stall.

Storage Clear Indicates whether storage released by this transaction should be cleared by CICS.

Storage Violations Is the total number of storage violations that CICS has detected in storage areas owned by this transaction. The corruption might not have been caused by this transaction.

System ID Indicates the four character name that uniquely identifies an active z/OS operating system within a given CICSplex. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum four characters, and case-sensitive. z/OS System IDs are always in uppercase characters.

Terminal Purge Indicates whether this transaction, if it is associated with a non VTAM terminal, can or cannot be purged because of a terminal error.

Trace Indicates whether the activity of this transaction should be traced.

Transaction ID Is the four character name of the transaction.

Transaction Status Indicates whether this transaction is enabled or disabled.

TWA Size Is the size, in bytes, of the work area required by this transaction at initialization time.

Use Count Is the total number of times this transaction has been invoked since CICS was initialized.