CICSplex DJAR Details attribute group

This attribute group retrieves information about a DJAR definition.

CICS Region Name Indicates the job name or modify ID of the CICS region being monitored. Each CICS region in a z/OS operating system has a unique name. This name is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of eight characters, and case-sensitive. CICS region names are always in uppercase characters.

DJAR Name Is the file name of the current DJAR.

Corbaserver Name Is the identifier of the parent CORBA server.

HFS File Name Indicates the fully qualified HFS file name. If this DJAR definition was created by performing the SCAN function on a CORBA server definition, this fully qualified HFS file name is the one that shows in the DJARDIR parameter of that CORBA server definition.

Last Modified Time Is the timestamp of the latest updated to this DJAR on HFS, displayed in your workstation's locale. The last-modified-time can be used to determine whether CICS has refreshed itself after an update is made to a JAR in the pickup directory.

For dynamically-installed DJARs (those installed by the CICS scanning mechanism), the value of LASTMODTIME is the timestamp of the HFS file pointed to by the DJAR definition, at the time the DJAR definition was last installed or updated.

For statically-installed DJARs (those installed from a CSD or by CREATE DJAR), the value of LASTMODTIME is the timestamp of the HFS file pointed to by the DJAR definition, at the time the DJAR was installed. The value is fixed--it cannot be updated like a dynamically-installed DJAR.

If you issue an INQUIRE DJAR command before a newly installed or updated DJAR has fully initialized, the returned LASTMODTIME value is zero.

Origin Node Is the combination of z/OS System ID (SMFID) and CICS region name. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum 32 bytes, and case-sensitive.

When a situation is true, the system compares the origin node name in the attribute to the names of managed systems assigned to the item. If the origin node name matches the name of a managed system, the status of the item changes accordingly. If the names of the origin node and the managed systems do not match, the status of the item remains unchanged.

State Is the indicator to show the state of the DJAR file. These are the values:

A DISCARD is in progress for this deployed jar file.
The jar file is being copied to the shelf.
Resolution of the copy of the jar file on the shelf has succeeded, and the deployed jar file is usable.
Pending Initialization
Copying of the jar file to the shelf has not yet started.
Pending Resolving
Resolution of the copy of the jar file on the shelf has not yet started
The copy of the jar file on the shelf is being resolved
Resolution of the copy of the jar file on the shelf has failed, and the deployed jar file is unusable.
Copying the jar file to the shelf has failed, and the deployed jar file is unusable.

System ID Indicates the four-character name that uniquely identifies an active z/OS operating system within a given CICSplex. The value format is an alphanumeric string, maximum four characters, and case-sensitive. z/OS System IDs are always in uppercase characters.