Viewing transaction rate per second or per minute

You can view CICSplex transaction rates per minute (the default) or per second by setting the Transaction Rate option.

By default, the transaction rate is displayed as transactions per minute. You can display transactions per second by using the OPTIONS command. The OPTIONS command is available from the All Active CICSplexes panel or the CICSplex Regions Summary panel.

Note: If you set the transaction rate to transactions per second from one of these panels, the setting will persist only until you log out of your IBM Z OMEGAMON for CICS session.

Changing the transaction rate temporarily

To change the transaction rate display temporarily, follow these steps:
  1. Select a CICSplex.
  2. From the All Active CICSplexes panel or the CICSplex Regions Summary panel, enter the OPTIONS command at the Command ==> prompt.
  3. From the Transaction Display Options panel, select either Transaction per minute or Transaction per second, then select APPLY.
If you selected Transaction per second, the Transaction Rate will reflect the change:
  |CICS Region  |CPU          |Transaction  |Maximum Tasks   |Highest Pct  +Tot  
  |Name         |Utilization  |Rate         |Percent         |Class MaxT    Tra  
     CICD61WU           0.1%         0.0/s              1%            0%    0   
     CICD6101           0.2%         0.0/s              1%            0%    0   
     CICD6102           0.0%         0.0/s              1%            0%    0   

Changing the transaction rate permanently

If you want to set the rate to transactions per second permanently, you can modify the profile member in the UKOBDATF data set by adding the following line: