Determining the values for the monitoring options in IBM Z OMEGAMON for CICS

Use the following tables to determine the values to specify for the monitoring options. The tables list the groups of tasks and shows the options available for that task.

Global Options

Table 1. Global options information
Parameter to use Definition Default

Enables you to include or exclude terminal I/O and/or IRC wait time in calculating the total response times for conversational transactions. This value enables MRO users to more completely isolate total transaction response times from I/O-related wait time.

Note: CONVERSE_TIME affects only OMEGAMON for CICS data. It does not adjust the response time collected by CICS® monitoring.

CONVERSE_TIME accepts one or two parameters. The default values for the parameters are indicated.

Specifies that CICS monitoring include the time that conversational tasks wait for terminal input when reporting the total response time for that task.
Removes the I/O wait time from the transaction response time, including output wait time. Use NOIOWAIT only if MNCONV=YES is specified in the SIT.
Specifies that CICS monitoring include the time that tasks wait for IRC-link-related processing.
Removes the IRC wait time from the transaction response time.
Note: For RUNTIME and ELAPSED, this global option impacts statistics and functionality. If NOIOWAIT is enabled (which it is, by default), a task running workload for RUNTIME testing might show lower values in statistics and warning, but a kill will be performed anyway.
MAX_GROUPS Specifies the maximum number of groups (1-30) that you can define for internal bottleneck collection, the response time collector, and the interval record collector. 30
MAX_IDS Specifies the maximum number (1-2000) of transaction IDs, program names, LUs, and terminal IDs for internal bottleneck collection, the response time collector, and the interval record collector. 50

Specifies whether IBM Z OMEGAMON for CICS will purge conversational tasks waiting on terminal I/O when a non-immediate shutdown of CICS is performed. KOCOME00 must be present in the PLT as a shutdown entry.

Possible values are:

Causes IBM Z OMEGAMON for CICS to purge conversational tasks waiting on terminal I/O when a non-immediate shutdown of CICS is performed. KOCOME00 must be present in the PLT as a shutdown entry.
Does not purge any tasks
Indicates that the console operator specifies PURGE or NOPURGE in response to a WTO.

You can control the purging of tasks during CICS shutdown through the CICS Shutdown Purge Option of the IBM Z OMEGAMON for CICS Classic (3270) interface (fastpath O.Q).

XM_BUFFER_RECORDS Specifies the number of records (1-2,147,483,648) in the buffer that IBM Z OMEGAMON for CICS uses to accumulate transaction records within CICS before they are sent to the response time collector and the task history collector. This amount should correspond to the average number of transactions within a 2-second period. The default value should be sufficient unless you see the message "OC0014 XMCR communication buffer has wrapped for ..." in the CICS SYSLOG. 100

Startup Controls

Table 2. Startup controls information
Parameter to use Definition Default

Specifies whether or not internal bottleneck collection starts automatically.

Possible values are:
Start internal bottleneck collection automatically.
Do not automatically start internal bottleneck collection. If you specify NOAUTO, you can start internal bottleneck collection for the current region through the Bottleneck Analysis Control panel of the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface (faspath O.I).
Note: NOAUTO cannot be specified if you also specify INTERVAL_RECORDING=AUTO.

Determines whether or not the MAXR exception is tripped when CPU consumption exceeds the MAXCPU threshold. The MAXR exception takes effect only if you use MAXCPU to specify a CPU consumption threshold greater than 0.

Possible values are:
The MAXR exception is automatically tripped when the MAXCPU threshold is exceeded.
This setting allows you to activate the MAXR exception during an OMEGAMON for CICS session. You can display or change the global resource limit CPU threshold in the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) system. Select the MAXR option (K) on the Exception Settings path (under the Profile menu) or enter fastpath P.A.K. from any panel.
The MAXR exception cannot be activated during an OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) session, regardless of CPU consumption monitoring.
Note: Once a transaction has tripped the MAXR exception, that transaction will continue to appear on the Tasks Exceeding Global CPU Time Limit panel of the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface, even if you increase the CPU consumption threshold. Use the more powerful features of resource limiting instead of MAXR.

Specifies whether the DB2® data collector starts up automatically. DB2 collector accumulates elapsed times and counts of DB2 commands for each CICS transaction.

Possible values are:
Specifies that the DB2 data collector starts up automatically.
Do not automatically initialize collection.

If you specify NOAUTO, you can dynamically start and stop DB2 collection through the Control Database Collectors panel of the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface (fastpath O.P).


Specifies whether the DL/I data collector starts automatically. The DL/I collector accumulates elapsed times and counts of DL/I commands for each CICS transaction.

Possible values are:
Specifies that the DL/I data collector starts automatically.
Do not automatically initialize collection.
Disable DL/I collection.

Specifying AUTO or NOAUTO enables the XDLIPRE and XDLIPOST global user exits. You can dynamically start and stop DL/I collection through the Control Database Collectors panel of the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface (fastpath O.P).

If you specify NO, however, you cannot activate DL/I collection dynamically.


Specifies whether the interval record collector starts automatically.

Possible values are:
Specifies that the interval record collector starts automatically.
Do not start the interval record collector.

You can start the interval record collector through the Control Interval Recording Collector panel of the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface (fastpath O.K).

Note: AUTO requires that BOTTLENECK_ANALYSIS=AUTO also be specified in the STARTUP_CONTROL component.

Specifies whether the task history collector starts up automatically.

Possible values are:
Indicates that the task history collector starts up automatically.
Do not start up the task history collector.

You can start the task history collector through the Start Online Historical Transaction Viewing Collector panel in the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface (fastpath O.F).


Specifies whether OMEGAMON for CICS automatically monitors tasks for resource limiting once it is initialized.

Possible values are:
Specifies that OMEGAMON for CICS automatically monitors tasks for resource limiting once it is initialized.
Specifies that OMEGAMON for CICS does not monitor tasks until you explicitly start resource limiting from an OMEGAMON for CICS session.

You can start resource limiting through the START RESOURCE LIMITING panel of the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface (fastpath O.R).


Specifies the destination for RLIM messages OC8902 and OC8903. Following is a list of possible resource message destination values:

Specifies that RLIM messages OC8902 and OC8903 are only written to transient data destination CSSL.
Specifies that RLIM messages OC8902 and OC8903 are written to the System Console. No messages will be written to transient data.
Specifies that RLIM messages OC8902 and OC8903 are written to the transient data destination CSSL and the System Console.
Specifies that RLIM message OC8902 is written to the System Console. No messages will be written to the transient data destination CSSL.
Specifies that RLIM messages OC8902 and OC8903 are written to the transient data destination CSSL. RLIM message OC8902 is also written to the System Console.

The current settings may be viewed on the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) system's RESOURCE LIMITING STATUS panel (fastpath O.T).


This parameter allows you to use the WARN thresholds specified in Resource Limiting to alert you to any system tasks which exceed the WARN threshold. It also allows you to KILL tasks using IBM-provided programs, these might include CEMT or CICS mirror transactions. CICS transaction manager determines which transactions are system tasks.

Possible values are:
Resource Limiting will not KILL or WARN a transaction which is marked as a system task or is running a program which begins with DFH, EYU, DSN, or CSQ.
Resource Limiting will WARN transactions marked as a system task. It will WARN and KILL transactions which are currently running a program which begins with DFH, EYU, DSN, or CSQ if the limit is exceeded.

It is not possible to KILL a system task using Resource Limiting.


Specifies whether the CANCEL option is used by RLIM when KILLing a transaction

Possible values are:
Specifies that the CANCEL option is used by RLIM when KILLing a transaction. This means that the HANDLE ABEND routine will not be invoked. Typically this is the desired behavior as RLIM is designed to prevent excessive resource consumption and a HANDLE ABEND routine could, for example, continue the transaction.
Specifies that the CANCEL option is not used by RLIM when KILLing a transaction.
Note: RLIM will attempt to KILL a task only once. If a task continues to process and exceeds other limits RLIM will take no action for this task.

Specifies whether transactions that are warned by RLIM will have Application Trace activated for the task automatically

Possible values are:
Specifies that transactions that are warned by RLIM will have Application Trace activated for the task automatically. This will enable the trace to be viewed from the Task display or from Online Data viewing once the transaction ends. This will not affect other Application Trace settings or filters.
Specifies that Application trace will not be enabled when RLIM warns a task.

Specifies whether OMEGAMON for CICS will be able to record Application Trace for transactions running in CICS.

Possible values are:
Specifies that OMEGAMON for CICS will be able to record Application Trace for transactions running in CICS. This does not mean that all transactions will be traced. It refers to the capability to enable trace for a task from the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) system or via Resource Limiting.
Specifies that OMEGAMON for CICS will not trace transactions until you explicitly enable Application Trace from an OMEGAMON for CICS session.

You can enable Application Trace through the Application Trace Facility Status panel of the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface (fastpath O.W).


Specifies whether global user exits XFCFRIN and XFCFROUT will be initialized. These exits enable OMEGAMON for CICS to collect file level data for transactions which access VSAM files.

Possible values are:
Do not enable global user exits XFCFRIN and XFCFROUT.
Global user exits XFCFRIN and XFCFROUT are enabled, and OMEGAMON for CICS GLUE code is enabled at exit points. YES should typically be specified only in a File Owning Region.

Specifies whether the response time collector starts up automatically.

Possible values are:
Specifies that the response time collector starts up automatically.
Do not start up the response time collector.

You can start the response time collector during a session using the START RESPONSE TIME MONITOR panel of the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface (fastpath O.A).


Specifies whether, after the OMEGAMON for CICS address space is restarted, OMEGAMON for CICS is not restarted in the CICS region

Possible values are:
Specifies that after the OMEGAMON for CICS address space is restarted OMEGAMON for CICS is not restarted in the CICS region.
Specifies that following a restart of the OMEGAMON for CICS address space, OMEGAMON for CICS will attempt to start the Online Data Viewing (ONDV) component to collect information contained within the OMEGAMON® buffers. It will then perform an OMEG REMOVE and an OMEG INIT to refresh the OMEGAMON code in the CICS region and restart the required features.
HISTORY_CATCHUP_TIME Specifies the maximum time in seconds (0-300) after a restart of the OMEGAMON for CICS address space that OMEGAMON will wait for the Online Data Viewing component to retrieve the data in the OMEGAMON buffers before starting the recycle of the code in the CICS region. If a value of 0 is coded (the default), no attempt is made to start history prior to recycling the OMEGAMON code in the CICS region. 0

Specifies whether the Transaction Tracking API will be initialized when the OMEGAMON for CICSaddress space is started.

Possible values are:
Specifies that the Transaction Tracking API will be initialized when the OMEGAMON for CICS address space is started.
Do not initialize the Transaction Tracking API when the OMEGAMON for CICS address space starts. You can also initialize the Transaction Tracking API through the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) system.

Exception Analysis Intervals

Table 3. Exception analysis intervals information
Parameter to use Definition Default
VSAM_MONITORING_INTERVAL Specifies the interval of time for which statistics concerning VSAM CA splits, CI splits and extents are collected. Possible values for this field are 1-1440 minutes. A value of zero means statistics are collected and evaluated every time the Region Status or VSAM panels are refreshed. 15 minutes
DUMPS_MONITORING_ INTERVAL Specifies the interval of time for which statistics concerning system dumps and transaction dumps are collected. Possible values for this field are integers from 1-60 minutes. 15 minutes
VIOLATIONS_MONITORING_ INTERVAL Specifies the interval of time for which statistics concerning storage violations are collected. Possible values for this field are 1-60 minutes. 15 minutes

Database Collection

In this section of the Global Data Areas values, you can select database products to be monitored. You can specify ADABAS, Db2, DATACOM, DLI, IDMS, SUPRA, VSAM, MQ, or USREVNT1 for monitoring to get file I/O statistics by transaction.

VSAM statistics are derived from only EXEC-level file control requests.

To capture DL/I statistics at OMEGAMON for CICS startup, you must specify DLI_CLOCKS_AND_COUNTERS=AUTO on the STARTUP_CONTROL component. DL/I statistics are from EXEC-level or CALL-level requests. For local or remote PSBes, the statistics are captured by DBD name. For DBCTL, the statistics are captured by PSB name.

For ADABAS, CA-DATACOM, IDMS, and SUPRA, you must carry out the installation process as described in Installing third-party support

If you wish to monitor an event other than the supported Files or Databases, specify the USREVNT1 sub-component.

Selecting the database types also affects the global user exits that will be enabled during this execution of CICS. The OMEGAMON for CICS code, which runs at XMNOUT and XEIOUT, is activated by default (unless the CICS_CMF_MONITORING parameter is set to NO). The OMEGAMON for CICS GLUE code is activated as follows:
  • DLI=YES will enable XDLIPRE and XDLIPOST.
  • MQ=YES will enable XRMIOUT.
  • TRACE=YES will enable XRMIOUT and XPCABND.
Each of the databases previously discussed can be set with the following values:
Table 4. Database collection values information
Parameter to use Definition Default
AUTO_START Specifies that collection starts up automatically. YES
ONDV_WRITE Specifies that statistics are to be available for the task history collector. YES

Specifies whether to write statistics to SMF for batch reporting.

Possible values are:

Writes statistics to SMF for batch reporting.
Does not write to SMF.

TRACE data cannot be written to SMF. If you select this option the SMF_WRITE=YES parameter card will be discarded.


Specifies report formatting option for ADABAS clock and counter statistics.

Possible values are:

Appends the command code to Database ID and causes the file number to display the name of an ADABAS database accessed by a CICS transaction.
Does not alter the database name.
The following options are also available when USREVNT1 is specified:
Table 5. Additional database collection options available when USREVNT1 is specified
Parameter to use Definition Default
EVENT Defines a 1-8 character name. This operand is used only when USREVNT1 is specified. It denotes an in-house database name, a user program name, or any other user event. None
FUNCTION Defines a list of 1 to 10 names. Each name represents a pair of buckets used to hold the clock and count statistics related to the previously defined EVENT. A FUNCTION name must be between 1 and 8 characters long. None
Note: The following example shows EVENT and FUNCTION specifications.

Program Tracking

Table 6. Program Tracking information
Parameter to use Definition Default
ENABLE Specifies whether Program Tracking is enabled. AUTO: Start Program Tracking automatically. NOAUTO: Do not automatically start Program Tracking. NOAUTO
AGGREGATE This option will allow you to see the metrics for program usage across the entire CICS region. These metrics are accumulated as of when the task ends. Looking at programs used within a CICS region, the Used tab will show the collective metrics for all programs which have had data collected since the region started or program manager statistics were reset. NOAUTO
WRITE_TO_HISTORY This option will record the collected program data for a task to Task History. This will provide the Programs tab when looking at the details for a task. This tab will provide information about all programs used during the time covered by the history record. YES
SMF This option will record the collected information to SMF. The data can then be processed offline by utilities such as IBM CICS Performance Analyzer. NO

Bottleneck Options

Table 7. Bottleneck options information
Parameter to use Definition Default
CLEAR_INTERVAL_LONG Specifies (in minutes) the default CLEAR interval for long-term accumulators (0-999). To disable this automatic reset, specify 0. 30
CLEAR_INTERVAL_SHORT Specifies (in minutes) the default CLEAR interval for short-term accumulators (0-999). Zero (0) resets the short-term accumulators every internal bottleneck collection cycle. 10

Specifies (in tenths of a second) the sample interval for internal bottleneck collection (1-99).

Note: The relationship between SAMPLE_INTERVAL and CPU usage is not linear. For example, changing the interval from 2 to 4 seconds does not yield a 50% reduction.

Specifies the maximum number of variable buckets that internal bottleneck collection can allocate. The value can range from 0-32767. Whenever the allocated storage overflows, the Bottlenecks panel in the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface displays a new line that shows the wait reason sub-ID of *OVERFLW* and also the percentage of waits that used the overflow area.

Note: Use the following formula to compute the amount of storage required for each variable bucketset.
(12*X) + 92
Where X is the maximum number of groups coded on the MAX_GROUPS operand of the GLOBAL_OPTIONS component.

Specifies whether system tasks waiting on resources are excluded from Bottleneck Analysis.

Possible values are:
Specifies that system tasks waiting on resources are excluded from Bottleneck Analysis.
Specifies that system tasks waiting on resources are not excluded from Bottleneck Analysis

Specifies transactions to be excluded from Bottleneck Analysis. This can be the actual 1- to 4-character transaction ID(s) or a generic specification using wildcard characters. You can use the question mark (?) wildcard character for single-character substitution and the asterisk character (*) as a trailing character only.

The following are examples of wildcarding:
  • EXCLUDED_TRANS=(ABCD,E*): Excludes the ABCD transaction(s) and all transaction IDs that begin with E.
  • EXCLUDED_TRANS=F?: Excludes all 2-character transaction IDs where the first character is F.
  • EXCLUDED_TRANS=G??H: Excludes all 4-character transaction IDs starting with G and ending with H.
The following transaction IDs are always excluded from Bottleneck Analysis:
  • CSSY System Task
  • CSJC Journal Control
  • CVST VSAM Subtasking
  • CSSX IRLM Abend Recovery
  • CSGX IRLM Global Command
  • CSNC Cross Region Support
  • DSNC DB2 Support
Note: If the list of transactions will not fit on one line, use additional EXCLUDED_TRANS statements.

Specifies whether internal bottleneck collection starts automatically.

Possible values are:
Start internal bottleneck collection automatically.
Do not automatically start internal bottleneck collection. If you specify NOAUTO, you can start internal bottleneck collection for the current region through the BOTTLENECK ANALYSIS CONTROL panel of the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface (faspath O.I).
Note: NOAUTO cannot be specified if you also specify INTERVAL_RECORDING=AUTO.

User Excluded Transactions

To simplify your user-defined situations, you can specify a list of transactions that you want to exclude from being counted toward a situation. This user excluded list of transactions will reside in the OMEGAMON for CICS global data member.

To exclude transactions, specify the USER_EXCLUDED_TRANS parameter, with the TranID(s) you want to exclude.

A user-defined situation can then check for the TranID value(s) you specified. If a transaction has a name that matches the value of USER_EXCLUDED_TRANS, that transaction will not be included in the situation. You can use the question mark (?) and asterisk (*) wildcard characters in the transaction list; the asterisk can only be used as a trailing character.

Note: With PTF UJ01596, the CPU_EXCLUDED_TRANS section in the global data member was repurposed as USER_EXCLUDED_TRANS for use with situations. If you refresh your global data member or perform a Reformat (KC2GLBVR Job) , the CPU_EXCLUDED_TRANS section will be renamed USER_EXCLUDED_TRANS. When the TRAN attribute group formats a row, it will check if the TranID, as displayed, matches an entry in the USER_EXCLUDED_TRANS list. If so, the new excluded attribute is set to YES. If the TranId is not in the list, the excluded attribute is set to NO. There are two other conditions where the agent cannot make a determination. In these cases, a specific value is used for the attribute:
  • If the KOCCI is not active. The attribute value O (No_KOCCI) is used.
  • If the global data member is not loaded. The attribute value G (No Global) is used.
Table 8. User excluded transactions
Parameter to use Definition Default

The transactions you want to exclude from situations.

The exclude list may contain the actual 1- to 4-character transaction ID(s) or a generic specification using wildcard characters. You can use the question mark (?) wildcard character for single-character substitution and the asterisk (*) as a trailing character only. The following are examples of wildcarding:


Excludes the ABCD transaction(s) and all transaction IDs that begin with E.


Excludes all 2-character transaction IDs where the first character is F.


Excludes all 4-character transaction IDs starting with G and ending with H.

User Event Monitoring

Defines and tailors user-event monitoring to OMEGAMON for CICS. OMEGAMON for CICS turns on several global user exits and, if not already activated, CICS CMF performance monitoring. This allows OMEGAMON for CICS to collect additional data about transaction execution.

This data is used by the response time collector, interval record collector, resource limiting, and task history collector; and appears in SMF 112 and SMF 110 records written to SMF from the CICS address space by both OMEGAMON for CICS and CICS. This additional data causes a slight increase in the pathlength of CICS transactions and in the CPU usage of the monitored CICS address space, depending on the transaction load.

OMEGAMON for CICS lets you limit the additional CPU utilization introduced by OMEGAMON for CICS into CICS transaction execution path length.

CICS_CMF_MONITORING can be used to suppress the automatic activation of CICS CMF performance monitoring.

Table 9. User event monitoring information
Parameter to use Definition Default
BASIC_SECTION=OMEGBSC Specifies the entry name of the event-monitoring point in the MCT for the BASIC section. This name must match the ID operand of the DFHMCT macro. OMEGBSC
DB2_SECTION=OMEGDB2 Specifies the entry name of the event-monitoring point in the MCT for the DB2 section. This name must match the ID operand of the DFHMCT macro. OMEGDB2
DLI_SECTION=OMEGDLI Specifies the entry name of the event-monitoring point in the MCT for the DLI section. This name must match the ID operand of the DFHMCT macro. OMEGDLI
MQ_SECTION Specifies the entry name of the event-monitoring point in the MCT for the MQ section. This name must match the ID operand of the DFHMCT macro. CANMQ
USREVNT1_SECTION Specifies the entry name of the event-monitoring point in the MCT for the USREVNT1 section. This name must match the ID operand of the DFHMCT macro. CANUE1

Suppresses startup CMF performance monitoring only if not already active.

Possible values are:

Allows CMF performance monitoring and XMNOUT CICS global user exit.
Monitoring status inactive
  1. When CICS_CMF_MONITORING=NO is specified, the following features of OMEGAMON for CICS are not functional: Task history, Application trace, Interval record collector, Response time collection, SMF data suppression, File statistics, Storage statistics, Program compressions, Task CPU utilization, TP I/O data. Resource limiting for the following resources: CPU, DLI, DSA, EDSA, VSAM
  2. CICS_CMF_MONITORING=NO overrides any DLI specification in the STARTUP_CONTROL component.
  3. CICS_CMF_MONITORING=NO disables all global user exits. CICS_CMF_MONITORING=YES enables all global user exits required for data collection in your environment.
  4. Global user exits are not required for resource limiting of the following resources: ADABAS, DATACOM, Db2, ELAPSED, IDMS, SUPRA, USREVNT1

Determines whether CMF is allowed to generate and write SMF type 110 records.

Possible values are:

Allows CMF to write SMF type 110 records. Be sure that the SMF data sets are large enough for these records.
CMF is not allowed to write SMF type 110 records.
Note: If you specify CICS_CMF_WRITE=NO and CICS_CMF_MONITORING=YES, OMEGAMON for CICS turns on CMF in order to collect transaction data about response time and task history, but does not log this data to SMF (for batch reporting by the historical reporter).

Controls the compression of the OMEGAMON for CICS SMF 112 (database) records during XMNOUT processing.

Possible values are:

OMEGAMON for CICS will write uncompressed SMF records.
Allows OMEGAMON for CICS to compress the SMF buffer before it is written to SMF.

You can optionally write database performance data to SMF.

The OMEGAMON for CICS SMF buffers may contain data for multiple CICS transactions, and will be written to SMF when the buffer fills. Optionally the data can be compressed before the write to SMF occurs. This compression is performed using a standard compression utility, CSRCESRV.


OMEGAMON EMPs are required if data is to be written to SMF. This field specifies whether the MCT scan routine will display messages.

Possible values are:

The MCT scan routine will not display messages regarding OMEGAMON EMPs.
The MCT scan routine will display messages regarding OMEGAMON EMPs

CPU Monitoring

The parameter defines the threshold for monitoring internal CPU consumption by CICS transactions.
Table 10. CPU monitoring information
Parameter to use Definition Default

Specifies the CPU-consumption threshold in seconds (0-32,768). The default, 0, means that the CPU-consumption exception (MAXR) will not be tripped.

Note: The CPU_THRESHOLDING operand of the STARTUP_CONTROL component determines whether the MAXR exception is tripped when the threshold is exceeded. Once a transaction has tripped the MAXR exception, that transaction will continue to appear on the Tasks Exceeding Global CPU Time Limit panel, even if you increase the CPU-consumption threshold.

Group Definitions

Group Definitions define transaction, terminal, and program groups for internal bottleneck collection.

You can also dynamically define groups through the Groups panel of the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface (fastpath,G.), but the changes remain in effect only temporarily.

Keep in mind the following group definition limits for a CICS region:
  1. You can define as many as 30 groups.
  2. Each group can contain one or more element names, such as a CICS transaction ID or terminal ID.
  3. All the elements in a group must be of the same resource type.
  4. You can define a maximum aggregate of 2000 elements across all groups.
  5. The same element can appear in multiple groups.

Code one subentry for each group you define. Each entry must have a unique group number and group name.

Table 11. Group Definitions information
Parameter to use Definition Default
GROUP_NUMBER Specifies the group number (01-30) or the maximum number of groups allowed as specified by the MAX_GROUPS operand of the GLOBAL_OPTIONS component. 01
GROUP_NAME Specifies the name of this group (1-12 characters). (TRAN GRP A* )
GROUP_TYPE Specifies the group type (PROG, TERM, or TRAN). TRAN

Specifies average response time thresholds for this group (1-999 tenths of a second) for the interval record collector and the response time displays.

Note: OMEGAMON for CICS, uses the value you specify as the Warning threshold for the response time light. Also, OMEGAMON for CICS doubles the RESPONSE_TIME_THRESHOLD value to compute the critical threshold for the response time light.

Group Elements

Group Elements define elements in one or more monitoring groups.

You can also dynamically define elements within groups through the Groups panel of the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface (fastpath G.).

Specifies information for an ID entry. You must specify at least one ID.TERM, TRAN, PROG, LU, and TASKREQ are mutually exclusive. You must code a separate ID for each element that you wish to include in a group.

You can use the PROG, TERM, and TRAN keywords with an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character to represent all possible characters. For example, TERM=L* specifies all terminals beginning with the letter L.

Table 12. Group Elements information
Parameter to use Definition Default
GRAPH_SCALE Specifies the height (1-99 seconds) of the response time problems (RSP) graph. This entry is for the response time collector only. 2
TIME_WINDOW Specifies the selection time window (1-10 minutes) for the RSP dynamic slot analysis (moving time slots). This entry is for the response time collector only. 10

Specifies the start of the ID entry. You must code a separate ID entry for each element that you wish to include in a GROUP.

Possible values are:

Specifies a 4-character transaction ID. (Accepts the * wildcard character.)
Specifies the 8-character program name. (Accepts the * wildcard character.)
Specifies a terminal ID, as defined in the CICS terminal control table (TCT). (Accepts the * wildcard character.)
Specifies a 4-character special ID that corresponds to a PA key, function key, light pen, and so forth, as shown in this example:
#PAnPA keys (n = 1-3).
#FnnPF keys (nn = 01-36).
#LPALight pen attention.
#MAGMagnetic stripe reader.
#OCDOperator ID card
Note: TRAN, PROG, TERM, and TASKREQ are mutually exclusive.
ELIGIBLE_GROUPS Specifies the GROUP or GROUPS with which the ID is associated. You can specify from 1 to the maximum number of groups allowed according to the MAX_GROUPS operand of the STARTUP_CONTROL component. (01)
TOTAL_RESPONSE_THRESHOLD Specifies the response time threshold (0-999 tenths of a second) at which this ID appears in the dynamic portion of the RSP display. This entry is for the response time collector only. 20
HOST_RESPONSE_THRESHOLD Specifies the host response time threshold (0-999 tenths of a second). If an LU exceeds this threshold, the ETE response time displays show the host response time in red and record the condition in the response history graph with a red bar. This operand can be specified only for LU IDs. None
NETWORK_RESPONSE_THRESHOLD Specifies the network response time threshold (0-999 tenths of a second). If an LU exceeds this threshold, the ETE response time displays show the network response time in red and record the condition in the response history graph with a red bar. You can use this operand only for LU IDs. None

Indicates whether the ID should remain on the graph presented by the RSP command in the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) system, regardless of the response time.

Possible values are:

The ID should always be displayed on the RSP graph.
The ID will only appear on the RSP graph when the response time threshold has been exceeded.

Interval Collector

This set of values defines interval record collector options. After the options are defined in the global data area module, you can control the interval record collector options through the Control Interval Recording Collector panel in the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) system (fastpath O.K).

Table 13. Interval Collector information
Parameter to use Definition Default
NUMBER_DASD_DEVICES Specifies the number of internal queue elements for the I/O sub-analysis routine (the number of DASD devices allocated to the CICS region). Valid values are 0-99. A value of 0 indicates that no I/O sub-analysis will be conducted by Interval Recording. 0
RECORDING_INTERVAL Specifies the interval recording collection interval. This interval may be set to a value from 1-255 minutes. 1 minute

Online Viewer

This section defines options for the task history collector. The following values are defined:

Table 14. Online Viewer information
Parameter to use Definition Default

Defines the way that data is saved.

Possible values are:

Indicates that data for task history collection is saved in a data space owned by the OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface. This data is saved until the task history collector terminates.
Indicates that task history data is saved in a VSAM linear dataset. No z/OS® data space is used. FILEOCMP is required if you have a very large number of CICS transaction records that you wish to access through the ONDV command in OMEGAMON for CICS (3270) interface.

The size of the VSAM file does not have an impact on the amount of virtual storage used in the OMEGAMON for CICS or CICS address spaces. FILEOCMP causes data to be compressed before it is written to the data store.

The file should be allocated prior to restarting the CICS address space using this FILEOCMP monitoring option. Refer to the planning and configuration guide for further information.

Indicates that the value of DATA_STORE_TYPE could automatically be switched between DSPACE and FILEOCMP. The value FILEOCMP is used if the file which is specified for a CICS region exists. If no file matches the definition then the value DSPACE is used.

Whether you use a data space or linear dataset, the task history collector writes records using a wraparound format. Once the data space or dataset is full, the task history collector resumes writing records from the beginning, overlaying the previous data.

DATA_STORE_SIZE If you specify DSPACE, you must specify the size of the data space in kilobytes. Each transaction record requires about 808 bytes. The maximum size is 2,097,148 kilobytes. 956

Specifies the portion of the data space (from 0 to 50 percent) reserved for file, database clock and counter statistics, and Application Trace records. See the Application Trace feature in the OMEGAMON for CICS.

You must specify a number greater than 0 or statistics by filename and/or Application Trace records will not be available from the task history collector.

The RESERVED_SIZE operand is not needed when the DATA_STORE_TYPE=FILEOCMP is specified. It will be ignored if it is supplied. File and database clock and counter statistics are always available in the FILEOCMP data store when they are being collected in the CICS region (through use of the DATABASE_COLLECTION component).


Specifies the name of a VSAM linear dataset when the DATA_STORE_TYPE=FILEOCMP or DATA_STORE_TYPE=AUTO is specified.

You can share global data area modules (but not VSAM data sets) across different CICS regions even though a dataset name is specified in the global data area module. To do this, you must insert one wildcard character (*) somewhere in the VSAM dataset name on this operand. When the task history collector is running, the wildcard character is replaced by the job name of the CICS region being monitored. The wildcard character may appear anywhere in the dataset name and should occur only once.


Indicates transactions to exclude from analysis. The list of transactions is limited to 63 transaction IDs. Transactions that start before phase 3 of the PLTPI or end after phase 1 of the PLTSD are not excluded. Any CICS-generated transactions that initiate without going through TRUE processing are not excluded either.

The exclude list may contain the actual 1- to 4-character transaction ID(s) or a generic specification using wildcard characters. You can use the question mark (?) wildcard character for single-character substitution and the asterisk character (*) as a trailing character only. The following are examples of wildcarding:
Excludes the ABCD transaction(s) and all transaction IDs that begin with E.

Excludes all 2-character transaction IDs where the first character is F.

Excludes all 4-character transaction IDs starting with G and ending with H.
Note: If the list of transactions will not fit on one line, use additional EXCLUDED_TRANS statements.

Resource Limiting

Resource Limiting defines resources with their respective thresholds and identifies the action to be taken when a resource threshold or limit has been exceeded.

Table 15. Resource Limiting Parameters
Parameter to use Definition Default

Specifies a resource for limiting usage:

EXEC-level file control requests.
HWM of storage from the DSA.
HWM of storage from the UDSA and EUDSA.
HWM of storage from the GUDSA.
CPU time limit.
Elapsed time limit.
HWM of Container storage used by the task.
Time spent on a General Processor CPU.
Time spent on the QR TCB.
EXEC DL/I and CALL DL/I requests.
ADABAS requests.
IDMS requests.
DATACOM requests.
SUPRA requests.
DB2 requests.
Message queuing requests
Time for tasks held due to MXT or Class maximum. This is the time the task actually ran excluding time spent waiting for MXT or Class max tasks.
Any user-defined requests.

Specifies one or more transactions to exclude from resource limiting. This can be the actual 1- to 4-character transaction ID(s) or a generic specification using wildcard characters. You can use the question mark (?) wildcard character for single-character substitution and the asterisk character (*) as a trailing character only.

The following are examples of wildcarding:
Excludes the ABCD transaction(s) and all transaction IDs that begin with E

Excludes all 2-character transaction IDs where the first character is F.

Excludes all 4-character transaction IDs starting with G and ending with H.
Non-displayable transaction IDs are specified as follows:
#PAnPA keys (n = 1-3).
#FnnPF keys (nn = 01-36).
#LPALight pen attention.
#MAGMagnetic stripe reader.
#OCDOperator ID card
Note: Neither KILL_LIMIT nor WARN_LIMIT can be used with EXCLUDED_TRANS.

Exclude CICS system transactions by specifying EXCLUDED_TRANS=C*.

If the list of transactions will not fit on one line, use additional EXCLUDED_TRANS statements.


Specifies one or more transactions for resource limiting. This can be the actual 1- to 4-character transaction ID(s) or a generic specification using wildcard characters. You can use the question mark (?) wildcard character for single-character substitution and the asterisk character (*) as a trailing character only.

The following are examples of wildcarding:

Selects the ABCD transaction(s) and all transaction IDs that begin with E

Selects all 2-character transaction IDs where the first character is F.

Selects all 4-character transaction IDs starting with G and ending with H.
Non-displayable transaction IDs are specified as follows:
#PAnPA keys (n = 1-3).
#FnnPF keys (nn = 01-36).
#LPALight pen attention.
#MAGMagnetic stripe reader.
#OCDOperator ID card
Note: If INCLUDED_TRANS is specified, either KILL_LIMIT or WARN_LIMIT (or both) must also be specified. See below for information on these parameters.

If the list of transactions will not fit on one line, use additional INCLUDED_TRANS statements.


Specifies a threshold for limiting resource usage. Transactions that exceed this value are abended. Thresholds can be set at the following values:

Resource           Threshold
CPU and ELAPSED    1-32768 seconds
DSA                1-9999999 bytes
EDSA               1-999999999 bytes
File and DataBase  1-99999999 number 
                   of requests 
GDSA and CONTAINR  1-99999999 kilobytes

Specifies a threshold for limiting resource usage. OMEGAMON for CICS issues a warning message for transactions that exceed this value. The value must be lower than the KILL_LIMIT if specified.


A transaction executing under CEDF is not abended. Instead, a message is issued to the terminal and the transaction continues normal execution. OMEGAMON for CICS writes messages, issued as a result of KILL or WARN action, to the CICS Transient Data Queue (ID of CSSL, dataset MSGUSR) or via a WTO.

Transaction selection tips:

Since you might have some overlap in transaction codes if you use both EXCLUDED_TRANS and INCLUDED_TRANS with wildcarding, OMEGAMON for CICS selects a transaction for resource limiting as follows:

  • If you do not specify the INCLUDED_TRANS operand or if you specify the INCLUDED_TRANS operand that matches a specification in the list, OMEGAMON for CICS selects the transaction. If a transaction ID qualifies for resource limiting under more than one rule, the most specific INCLUDED_TRANS specification is used. For example:
     Rule 1:                  Rule 2:
     -------------------      -------------------
     <<DB2>>                  <<DB2>>
     KILL_LIMIT=100           KILL_LIMIT=50
     WARN_LIMIT=80            WARN_LIMIT=40
When transaction TST1 executes, the limits attached to Rule 2 apply. To exclude a transaction from a resource list, the EXCLUDED_TRANS specification must be at least as specific as the INCLUDED_TRANS specification under which it applies for that resource limit. For example:
 Rule 1:                  Rule 2:
 -------------------      -------------------
 <<DB2>>                  <<DB2>>
When transaction TST1 executes, it will be subject to the resource limit because INCLUDED_TRANS=TST1 is more specific than EXCLUDED_TRANS=T*. If, however:
 Rule 1:                  Rule 2:
 -------------------      -------------------
 <<DB2>>                  <<DB2>>
Then transaction TST1 will be excluded from the resource limit.

RLIM versus ICVR tips:

The ICVR parameter, available through CICS, and the RLIM CPU option, available through OMEGAMON for CICS, serve two separate functions:

  1. The ICVR value allows you to set an upper limit for the amount of CPU time that a task may consume within a single dispatch.
  2. The RLIM CPU limit allows you to set an upper limit on the total amount of CPU time that a task may consume across multiple dispatches.

You may consider RLIM and ICVR to be complementary tools you can use to prevent a task from monopolizing the CPU.

When determining whether or not a task should be abended due to excessive CPU consumption, RLIM compares the value in USRCPUT, DFHTASK_008 in the Transaction Monitoring Area, with the CPU limit specified in the appropriate global data area module, KC2GLBnn.

The CICS Monitoring Facility updates the value in USRCPUT when a task issues a CICS command that suspends the task and causes the dispatcher to be invoked. RLIM CPU usage checking is performed whenever an EXEC CICS request is issued. Additionally, if you have installed support for a third-party database product and are collecting clock and counter statistics for that database type, a request issued to the database will cause the task's CPU usage to be checked.

Certain CICS commands usually do not drive the dispatcher and therefore the USRCPUT value may not be incremented. Consequently, RLIM probably will not abend any task that only issues one or more of these commands in a loop. The commands that rarely drive the dispatcher are:
  • ENQ
  • DEQ
  • XCTL

In addition, a READ request that can be satisfied from the buffer, as opposed to requiring physical I/O, does not invoke the dispatcher. Other CICS commands may invoke the dispatcher, but only if the request cannot be satisfied immediately and the task is suspended. Therefore, an application that, for instance, repeatedly issues a GETMAIN and FREEMAIN for a small area may not give up control. In such a situation, the task's CPU time value will not be updated and RLIM will not abend the task (see "External task resource limiting," below). Conversely, because the USRCPUT value is updated only at the end of each dispatch, the CICS runaway-task mechanism, controlled by the ICVR parameter in the SIT, does not use it. To determine whether or not to abend the task, CICS refers to a timer that is reset each time the task is redispatched. While dispatched, CICS decrements the timer at regular intervals. If the timer reaches zero, the task is abended with code AICA.

External task resource limiting

When RESOURCE_LIMITING_MSG_DEST is specified as "LOG" or "TDL," RLIM runs an additional program each second which monitors active tasks and, if needed, takes action against a task. This is done only if limits were specified for resource types "CPU" or "ELAPSED" and is intended to handle tasks that are in a long wait or actively using CPU but not issuing EXEC CICS requests. Message KCP8906I is issued and serves as a notification that the task has exceeded the threshold even though RLIM cannot ABEND it. You may use this message to automate actions to notify operators that external action may be required.

Resource Limiting Interval

The RESOURCE_LIMITING_INTERVAL specifies at what interval resource limiting should process user defined rules. Once RLIM is active, the interval settings apply to all resources and their respective rules, hence a global implication. There are two ways to specify an interval. Either, specify a TIME_INTERVAL or specify EXEC_CALLS and/or DB_CALLS.

The values in the following tables can be used.

Table 16. Resource limiting interval information
Parameter to use Definition Default
TIME_INTERVAL Defines the amount of time, in units of seconds, which must pass before existing resource limits or rules could be processed. Default value of zero seconds implies that RLIM processing will not be based on time interval. Maximum allowable value is one week or 604800 seconds. 0
EXEC_CALLS Defines the number of EXEC CICS commands which must be issued by the application program before existing resource limits or rules could be processed. Default value of zero implies that RLIM processing will not be based on the number of EXEC calls. Maximum allowable value is 99999999. 0
DB_CALLS Defines the number of DataBase commands or EXEC CICS SQL commands which must be issued by the application program before existing resource limits or rules could be processed. Default value of zero implies that RLIM processing will not be based on the number of DataBase or EXEC CICS SQL calls. Maximum allowable value is 99999999. 0
Note: The default value of zero for all settings implies that RLIM processes the rules or limits, according to their definition, on every invocation. By the same token, when an interval(s) is set the processing of defined limits or rules only occurs within that interval.

Only those transactions which are started after the intervals were last refreshed, are eligible for processing.

Response Time collection

The RESPONSE_TIME_COLLECTION value specifies the time intervals for the response time collector.

The values in the following table can be used.

Table 17. Response time collection information
Parameter to use Definition Default

Specifies the time intervals for the Average Response Times display. You must enter three values:


These are the three intervals for reporting RTA data. In order to roll the values from one interval to the other, OMEGAMON for CICS requires that "long" be an integer multiple of "mid" and that "mid" be an integer multiple of "short". The values are in minutes within the range 1-999.


Specifies transactions to exclude from analysis. The list of transactions is limited to 63 transaction IDs. Transactions that start before phase 3 of the PLTPI or end after phase 1 of the PLTSD are not excluded. Any CICS-generated transactions that initiate without going through TRUE processing are not excluded either.

The exclude list may contain the actual 1- to 4-character transaction ID(s) or a generic specification using wildcard characters. You can use the question mark (?) wildcard character for single-character substitution and the asterisk character (*) as a trailing character only.

The following are examples of wildcarding:

Excludes the ABCD transaction(s) and all transaction IDs that begin with E.

Excludes all 2-character transaction IDs where the first character is F.

Excludes all 4-character transaction IDs starting with G and ending with H.
Note: If a transaction is matched in the EXCLUDED_TRANS list, OMEGAMON for CICS excludes it from analysis, whether or not it matches a GROUP_ELEMENTS component on either terminal ID, program, transaction ID, LU name, or TASKREQ.

If the list of transactions will not fit on one line, use additional EXCLUDED_TRANS statements.


Specifies the time slot definitions (1-48 slots) for the Today's Response Times display. It specifies the start time (first entry) and end time (second entry) of the slot. Enter the values in 24-hour clock format using this syntax:


Where hh (hours) is a 2-digit number from 00 through 24 and mm (minutes) is a 2-digit number from 00 through 59.

At least one slot must be defined; if more than one slot is defined, the slots must be in ascending order. The ending time value on one slot may be the same as the beginning time value on the next slot, but overlaps are not allowed. (A shared minute is not an overlap.) The default RTA TIME_SLOTs daily configuration is one slot from 0000 to 0800, then contiguous hourly slots until 1700, and one more slot from 1700 to 2400.


Dedicated Sessions

The DEDICATED_SESSIONS values define terminals for OMEGAMON for CICS dedicated mode sessions.

The values in the following tables can be used.

Table 18. Dedicated sessions information
Parameter to use Definition Default
UNIT Specifies the beginning of information for an external monitoring session. It is followed by the other operands defining a session. None
UNIT_ADDRESS Specifies the device address of the terminal. None
PHYSICAL_ROWS Specifies the number of physical rows (1-999) on the terminal. 24
LOGICAL_ROWS Specifies the number of logical rows (1-999). 99
COLUMNS Specifies the number of columns (80, 132, or 160) on the terminal. 80
USER_PROFILE Specifies the user profile suffix (any two characters). Any session of OMEGAMON for CICS can use a different profile by specifying a different two-character suffix. None

Service Level Analysis

The SERVICE_LEVEL_ANALYSIS value controls whether data will be written to the Service Level Analysis subtask running in the CICS agent address space.

The value in the following tables can be used.

Table 19. Service level analysis information
Parameter to use Definition Default

Specifies whether performance data collected by OMEGAMON is sent to the SLA summarization routines running in the OMEGAMON for CICS agent address space and displayed in the Service Level Analysis reports.

Possible values are:
Performance data collected by OMEGAMON is sent to the SLA summarization routines running in the OMEGAMON for CICS agent address space. Data for regions that use this global data area is displayed in the Service Level Analysis reports.
Performance data collected by OMEGAMON is not sent to the SLA summarization routines running in the OMEGAMON for CICS agent address space. Data for regions which use this global data area is not displayed in the Service Level Analysis reports.

Enabling outbound API request monitoring

The OUTBOUND_API_REQUEST_MONITORING parameter, AGGREGATE, controls whether file level monitoring will be enabled, to collect data for outbound API request monitoring. The following table gives the values that can be used.

Table 20. Outbound API Request Monitoring
Parameter to use Definition Default
AGGREGATE Specifies whether file level collection for outbound API request monitoring is enabled.
Start file level collection automatically.
Do not start file level collection automatically.

TRUE Monitoring

The TRUE_MONITORING values control whether data for Task Related User Exits (TRUE) will be collected, written to task history, and written to SMF so that the data can be processed offline by utilities such as IBM CICS Performance Analyzer.

Table 21. TRUE Monitoring information
Parameter to use Definition Default
ENABLE Specifies whether TRUE Monitoring is enabled. AUTO: Start TRUE Monitoring automatically. NOAUTO: Do not start TRUE Monitoring automatically. NOAUTO
WRITE_TO_HISTORY This option will record the collected data for a task to Task History. This tab will provide information about all TRUEs used during the time covered by the history record. YES
SMF This option will record the collected information to SMF. The data can then be processed offline by utilities such as IBM CICS Performance Analyzer. NO