CICSplex Application Trace Filters attribute group

The Application Trace Filters attribute group provides details on the filters that control which transactions will have trace collected.

Call Type The types of calls or events to be traced. The format is a string with a maximum of 30 characters.

CICS Region Name The name that identifies a CICS region. The format is a eight-character string.

Exec Call Specifies which EXEC CICS calls are traced. The format is a string with a maximum of 28 characters.

Duration The length of time that this filter is active. The format is a five-digit number.

Origin Node The combination of MVS System ID (SMFID) and CICS region name. The format is a string.

Owner The user ID of the person who created the trace filter. The format is an eight-character string.

Repeat Displays whether the Trace filter will repeat. Possible values are No, Hourly, Daily or Weekly followed by a day of the week: No=N, Hourly=H, Daily=D, Weekly(Sun)=W SUN, Weekly(Mon)=W MON, Weekly(Tue)=W TUE, Weekly(Wed)=W WED, Weekly(Thu)=W THU, Weekly(Fri)=W FRI, Weekly(Sat)=W SAT

Size The maximum size of trace data that will be collected for tasks matching this filter.

Start Time The time at which the filter will become or became enabled.

Status Status of defined filter.

System ID The four-character name that uniquely identifies an active MVS operating system within a given CICSplex. The format is a four-character string.

Term ID The terminal ID mask that this filter applies to. The format is a two-digit integer.

Transaction ID The transaction ID mask that this filter applies to. The format is four-character string.

User ID The user ID mask that this filter applies to. The format is an eight-character string.