Welcome to IBM OMEGAMON Dashboard Edition on z/OS Version 5.5 documentation

IBM OMEGAMON Dashboard Edition on z/OS Version 5.5 is a package of component products providing an integrated view of your mainframe enterprise and the power to take corrective action when problems threaten system and application availability.

OMEGAMON Dashboard Edition provides the capability to integrate management of z/OS® operating system, network, subsystems, and storage for greater visibility, control, and automation of your z/OS environment, which can help improve utilization of resources.

  • Build application views so you can monitor applications, including those across multiple platforms.
  • Locate the source of a problem impacting high-priority applications.
  • Enable IT staff and management to understand the business impact of system events and make decisions more quickly, efficiently and proactively on an enterprise level.
  • Enable event driven single-screen monitoring of your enterprise using the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface Situation Status Tree.

OMEGAMON Dashboard Edition extends the capabilities of IBM OMEGAMON to include:

Situation Status Tree

The Situation Status Tree in the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface shows a complete picture of your enterprise monitoring status. OMEGAMON monitoring agents generate events when certain performance thresholds, defined in OMEGAMON Situations, are exceeded. Expand or collapse branches to see greater or fewer details about the Situations that make up the Status Tree. Customize the Status Tree to meet your enterprise's needs.

To use the Situation Status Tree, go to the Navigate dropdown menu and select the Events Console option. You can also use the ALERTS and EVENTS commands to open the Situation Status Tree. For additional information, see the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface documentation.

Enterprise-specific Navigator views

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Navigator physical view shows the hierarchy of managed resources by operating platform and type of IBM OMEGAMON agent. You can define Navigator views for any logical grouping, such as a business process or a departmental hierarchy.

Views of data from different types of monitoring agents in one workspace

In a single Tivoli Enterprise Portal workspace, you can build a table or chart with data from one type of monitoring agent, and another table or chart with data from a different agent. Within that workspace, you can show views from as many different agent types as are included on that branch of the Navigator.

Linking application workspaces

You can define a link from a Tivoli Enterprise Portal workspace associated with one type of monitoring agent to a workspace associated with another type of agent.

Automation policies

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Workflow editor enables you to design sets of automated system processes, called policies, to resolve system problems. A policy performs actions, schedules work to be performed by users, or automates manual tasks.

Changes in V5.5

The OMEGAVIEW (FMID HKMVnnn) component is no longer supported.