PARMGEN PTF UA82508 for APAR OA50912 (4Q16 Interim Feature)

PARMGEN PTF UA82508 for APAR OA50912 (4Q16 Interim Feature) introduces several enhancements that benefit all products that use the configuration software.

PARMGEN configuration framework enhancements and updates

The configuration software includes the following enhancements:
  • Enhanced Customize PARMGEN configuration profiles processing by using the autodiscovery functions of z/OS Discovery Library Adapter (DLA) (FMID HIZD310). The PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration enhancement enables self-discovery of product parameter values during the PARMGEN configuration phase of z Management Suites deployment, thus increasing customer TTV (Time-to-Value) and ease of use. You can customize the LPAR RTE user profile and the $GBL$USR global user profile in the RTE's WCONFIG dataset via one of two methods:
    • For the parameters that do not have default values or the IBM-supplied values that need further customization at your site, but are required by the products during configuration phase for PARMGEN to create the runtime members read by the respective product started tasks at startup, supply those configuration settings during the Customize PARMGEN configuration profiles step by selecting this option on the PARAMETER GENERATOR (PARMGEN) WORKFLOW - PRIMARY OPTION MENU KCIPQPGB panel. Then customize those required parameters, especially for those product parameters that are in a table row format that contain subsystems, etc. For ease-of-use, you can instantiate each table parameter row via the F16=CLNESECT (Clone Section) PF Key macro.
    • (New in PARMGEN 4Q16 IF PTF UA82508) If you have the z/OS Discovery Library Adapter (DLA) FMID (HKIZD310) installed in an LPAR that the PARMGEN configuration jobs have access to, you can use the KCIJPDLA PARMGEN z/OS Discovery Library Adapter (zDLA) autodiscovery job for the following functions:
      • (KCIJPDL1 job function) Create a zDLA IDML dataset and drive FMID HZID310 zDLA code to auto-discover active running subsystems in the monitored LPAR.
      • (KCIJPDL2 job function) Generate a handy PARMGEN $DLARPT DLA RTE report in the RTE’s WCONFIG dataset from the zDLA IDML extracted data.
      • (KCIJPDL3 job function) Refresh the LPAR RTE user profile, the $GBL$USR global user profile, certain WCONFIG user imbeds (KMQ$CUSR, KQI$XML), and applicable post-configuration READMEs (KJJDFINL, KQIDFINL) with PARMGEN $DLARPT DLA extracted data.
    Note: This key integration is especially useful in large environments with multiple subsystems. Customers don't have to manually specify parameter values that are related to monitored subsystems. The PARMGEN enhancement allows you to submit a new KCIJPDLA composite job, or the standalone, function-specific KCIJPDL1, KCIJPDL2, and KCIJPDL3 equivalent jobs.
    The goal is to auto-discover subsystems monitored by the PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration so the PARMGEN configuration tool is able to automatically pre-populate the LPAR RTE user profiles with actual customer system data for the remaining required product parameters customized in the user profiles (PARMGEN supplies around 90% IBM configuration defaults out-of-the-box). For more information, refer to Customize configuration profiles via KCIJPDLA z/OS DLA job discussion in the PARMGEN on-line helps associated with these three panels:
    For more information about how to run the KCIJPDLn jobs, see Preparing the configuration profiles by running the KCIJPDLn jobs and PARMGEN z/OS DLA utility jobs and commands.
  • Enhanced the access to the what's new information of quarterly IFs by adding a new option I for What's New in PARMGEN in the first PARMGEN welcome screen. A Revised flag is displayed next to this option if a new PTF is installed but the what's new topic is not reviewed.
  • Enhanced JOBGEN and PARMGEN integration for GBL_USS_TKANJAR_PATH and GBL_JOBGEN_WORKFILE JOBGEN repository autodiscovery. If you used the Install Job Generator (JOBGEN) tool to perform the SMP/E work for these products and you specified the JOBGEN output library (workfile repository) during the PARMGEN Set up/Refresh PARMGEN work environment KCIJPCFG step, then PARMGEN extracted the z/OS® UNIX System Services install root directory value of the TKANJAR DDDEF you customized on the "Job Generator - USS Install Path" (KCIPJG04 panel). The "USS Install root directory" value is appended to the TKANJAR z/OS UNIX path name and this composite value becomes the PARMGEN-supplied default for this GBL_USS_TKANJAR_PATH parameter.
  • Provided additional IVP advanced validation checks during the Create runtime members and jobs VALIDATE step for $PARSE*-related jobs, or PARMGEN KCIJPVAL standalone validation job:
    • Detect an error condition when OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE/PM DB2 subsystem specific LPAR RTE profile parameter KD2_DBnn_DB2_VER is missing a required value. As part of the PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration feature, if the new PARMGEN KCIJPDLA job is not authorized to auto-discover the DB2 subsystem version, then the new PARMGEN WCONFIG($DLARPT) DLA report will not be able to extract the VERSION row for this DB2_&dbid subsystem rows. PARMGEN’s validation code in the VALIDATE step of $PARSE jobs as well as in the PARMGEN KCIJPVAL standalone profile validation step, will provide the protective code to alert users that KD2_DBnn_DB2_VER was not automatically populated with discovered data by the new PARMGEN KCIJPDLA composite job, or the new PARMGEN KCIJPDL2 Generate $DLARPT DLA report from IDML dataset job.
    • Detect an error condition when OMEGAMON XE for DB2 and OMEGAMON XE for IMS LPAR RTE profile table row parameters (KD2_DB*, KD2_PF*, KI2_I1* product table &Kpp-table row indicators) for &Kpp-table_ROW numbers are out of sequence. These row parameters are used in instantiating subsystem-specific runtime members that are unique to these products. As part of the PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration feature, the new PARMGEN KCIJPDLA job will ensure that each instantiated set of parameters for applicable table rows is incremented with unique values. If customer is manually customizing the table rows instead of using the PARMGEN KCIJPDLA job, then the validation code in the VALIDATE step of $PARSE jobs as well as in the PARMGEN KCIJPVAL standalone profile validation step, will provide the protective code to alert users that the values must be unique.
    • Detect an error condition when OMEGAMON XE for DB2 profile parameter KD2_DBnn_DB2_PORT_NUM port number is not unique per DB2 subsystem and one of the functions that require this parameter is enabled. These product functions are as follows:
      • KD2_OMPE_PE_SUPPORT - Enable Performance Expert (PE) Client support
      • KD2_OMPE_E2E_MON_SPRT - Enable end-to-end SQL monitoring support
    • Detect an error condition when OMEGAMON XE for IMS LPAR RTE profile table parameters (KI2_I1*) for CLASSIC_STC, CLASSIC_MPREFIX, CLASSIC_IMSID, CLASSIC_VTAM_NODE, and CLASSIC_VTAM_LOGON_APPL parameter values are not unique to each IMS subsystem row. As part of the PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration feature, the new PARMGEN KCIJPDLA job will ensure that each instantiated KI2_I1* set of parameters for each IMS subsystem discovered, is incremented with unique values. If customer is manually customizing the KI2_I1* table rows instead of using the PARMGEN KCIJPDLA job, then the validation code in the VALIDATE step of $PARSE jobs as well as in the PARMGEN KCIJPVAL standalone profile validation step, will provide the protective code to alert users that the values must be unique.
    • Detect an error condition when required parameters are not supplied for OMEGAMON XE for Messaging: WebSphere Message Broker Monitoring Agent (KqiAgent). These parameter value errors are as follows:
      • If KQI_XML_XIMBNAME_MON_BRKR_NAME giving the name of the broker to be monitored is missing
      • If KQI_XML_XIMBDIR1 giving the broker's ENVFILE z/OS UNIX path is missing
      • If KQI_HFS_HFSROOT_DIR1 giving the KqiAgent z/OS UNIX path for bin files and logs is missing
      New PARMGEN z/OS DLA KCIJPDLA job can auto-discover these values in the LPAR where WebSphere Message Brokers or IBM Integration Bus brokers are deployed for setting KqiAgent parameter values.
    • Detect an error condition when GBL_USS_TKANJAR_PATH TKANJAR install z/OS UNIX System Services directory is not specified. In WCONFIG($GBL$USR), specify the TKANJAR DDDEF install directory for KJJ (OMEGAMON for JVM) and KGW (OMEGAMON for CICS TG) Agent jars and Health Center Agent pax files. PARMGEN KCIJPUSP and KCIJPUSS jobs require the z/OS UNIX directory to expand the hca_* pax files. GBL_USS_TKANJAR_PATH is required when OMEGAMON for JVM (KJJ) Agent is configured, or when OMEGAMON for CICS TG (KGW) Agent is configured in a non-SMP sharing RTE to copy the SMP/E TKANJAR files from GBL_USS_TKANJAR_PATH to the runtime z/OS versions.
  • Enhanced panel and on-line help panel updates for deployment.
    • Enhanced the main PARMGEN Welcome to the z/OS Installation and Configuration Tools for z Systems Management Suites by streamlining the configuration workflow option to display a Configuration Workflow (Post-installation): Configure z/OS products with Parameter Generator Workflow (PARMGEN) selection only, rather than providing 2 modes (recommended Quick Configuration mode and the alternate Standard Configuration mode). The welcome menu now only features the recommended Quick Configuration for simplicity. Press F1=Help for more information about the streamlining of the panel options.
    • Added F1=HELP profile parameter on-line help text support for additional parameters in these prefixes so detailed helps are provided when a user places the cursor on the parameter name and presses the PF Key F1=HELP while in edit mode of the LPAR RTE user profile or $GBL$USR global user profile:
      • GBL_* global profile parameters in WCONFIG($GBL*)
      • RTE_* common LPAR profile parameters in WCONFIG(%RTE_NAME%)
      • KDS_X_* TEMS profile parameters in WCONFIG(%RTE_NAME%)
      • Kpp_X_* common Agent profile parameters in WCONFIG(%RTE_NAME%)
    • Updated existing help topics focusing on additional system preparation requirements for the following products:
      • Products that have z/OS UNIX SMP/E and configuration deployment requirements when SDA is enabled.
      • Products that update their TKANJAR DD jar files.
    • Updated panels and associated help panels to add support for Type U or UTIL to access utility menu. Shortcut commands to make it easier to access the Utilities panels where the new PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration jobs are available.
  • Enhanced Welcome to the z/OS Installation and Configuration Tools for IBM Tivoli Management Services (TMS) dependent products (KCIPQPGW panel / KCIHPGW help panel) by further enhancing the recently added detailed discussion on system preparation topics such as IBM Management Suites that JOBGEN/PARMGEN help deploy – Overview, Components in the Product Suites Matrix by Suite Code, Components in the Product Suites Matrix by JOBGEN Exploitation, and Components in the Product Suites Matrix by PARMGEN Exploitation. You will know the following information before the deployment.
    • How to deploy the SMP/E and configuration requirements of the various components included in the suites.
    • Where to go next after the SMP/E and PARMGEN configuration phase of product deployment (especially components that use their own installation and configuration processes outside JOBGEN/PARMGEN controls).
    • Which components need further post-configuration work.
    With this information you can have a smoother deployment of the product suites. A well-planned ordering, system preparation, installation, configuration, and post-configuration of the products mean a better time-to-value using the products quicker.
  • Provide a new KCI$SAPF WCONFIG common user imbed to all product started tasks. KCIS$APF is a sample composite APF authorized list of datasets:
  • Provided update to product configuration assembly/link jobs that need //SYSTERM DD SYSOUT=* statement to provide a way to define a dataset for binder messages that supplements the SYSPRINT DD.

Product-specific enhancements

The following product-specific enhancements are provided in this release:
Tivoli Management Services: Engine infrastructure common to TEMS and Agents
(Common to all z/OS TEMS and z/OS Agents) Enhanced configuration to auto-discover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration:
  • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameter GBL_DSN_CSF_SCSFMOD0 for ICSF load library required for a number of ITM features if enabled:
    • The ITM Password Encryption (KAES256 key) across the ITM enterprise
    • The SOAP server for a TEMS
    • OMEGAMON on z/OS zAware exploitation
    • Take Action commands
    It is ideal to customize this library when you create an RTE even if the ITM features that require the ICSF load library are not yet enabled. Auto-discovering this load library value ensures that PARMGEN sets up the STEPLIB DD of the product started tasks to concatenate this dataset to avoid recycling the TEMS and Agent started tasks later.
  • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameter GBL_DSN_TCP_SYSTCPD_TCPDATA for SYSTCPD DD required for a number of ITM features if enabled (if the LPAR contains more than one TCP/IP stack).
  • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameter GBL_DSN_TCP_PROFILES dataset for the TCP/IP requirements of various products.
  • Provided configuration support for Autonomous Agent parameters for SNMP support. Placeholder Central Configuration Server (CCS) parameters such as IRA_CONFIG_SERVER_* were also provided in the PARMGEN KAG$PENV common Agent user imbed to the RTE’s xKANPARU(KppENV) Agent ENV file. For more information, review the topic How to: Configure an autonomous agent to send SNMP events.
  • Provided a new handy KDSSQL1 Sample SPUFIL Delete SQL statement to remove Self Describing Agent (SDA) corrupted product entries in the O4SRV.TAPPLPROPS SDA table (TEMS RKDSAPPL VSAM dataset). This member can be used to run the SQL Processing Using File Input (SPUFI) to issue an MVS Modify command to the KDS_TEMS_STC TEMS started task to drive the SQL.

    On distributed platforms, performing this SPUFIL equates to the tacmd deleteappinstallrecs function. Having a handy KDSSQL1 member supplied by PARMGEN provides an alternative to perform the function on z/OS if the distributed TEPS server is not available or is not yet set up.

IBM OMEGAMON for JVM on z/OS V5.4.0
  • This is JOBGEN SMP/E installation and PARMGEN application configuration support for a new version of IBM OMEGAMON for JVM on z/OS V5.4.0 Agent (HKJJ540 FMID).
  • The following configuration enhancements are provided to support new features in this new version. For more information, refer to What's new in IBM OMEGAMON for JVM on z/OS V5.4.0.
    • Enhanced installation with support for JOBGEN TKCIINST(KCIDJG00) table updates to support SMP/E installation requirements for new HKJJ540 OMEGAMON for JVM FMID (if JOBGEN tool will be used to front-end SMP/E).
    • Enhanced JOBGEN and PARMGEN integration for GBL_USS_TKANJAR_PATH and GBL_JOBGEN_WORKFILE JOBGEN repository autodiscovery. If you used the Install Job Generator (JOBGEN) tool to perform the SMP/E work for these products and you specified the JOBGEN output library (workfile repository) during the PARMGEN "Setup/ Refresh PARMGEN work environment" KCIJPCFG step, then PARMGEN extracted the TKANJAR DDDEF's "USS Install root directory" value you customized on the "Job Generator - USS Install Path" (KCIPJG04 panel). The "USS Install root directory" value is appended to the TKANJAR z/OS UNIX path name and this composite value becomes the PARMGEN-supplied default for this GBL_USS_TKANJAR_PATH parameter
    • Enhanced configuration that supports IBM Java Health Center Agent packaging. IBM Java Health Center Agent is packaged with OMEGAMON for JVM. The following PARMGEN jobs were modified to generate tailored bpxbatch commands depending on RTE type:
      • PARMGEN KCIJPUSP creates or re-creates z/OS UNIX System Services runtime members in RKANDATV z/OS UNIX preparation job.
      • PARMGEN KCIJPUSS creates z/OS UNIX directories, and copies or recopies z/OS UNIX files job.
    • Added SMP/E target TKANSAM KJJUSSJB sample job that expands the shipped Java Health Center Agent hca_* pax files starting in IBM OMEGAMON for JVM on z/OS V5.4.0 Agent (HKJJ540 FMID).

      For customers who have an SMP/E-sharing RTE deployment but not yet upgraded the RTE to OMEGAMON for JVM V5.4.0 to refresh the KCIJPUSS tailored job, the handy sample KJJUSSJB that is provided in the SMP/E TKANSAM target dataset allows customers to expand the required Health Center Agent hca_* pax files into the SMP/E TKANJAR install z/OS UNIX directory which the OMEGAMON for JVM jar and binary files are executed from.

    • Enhanced configuration that adds TEMS application support on z/OS via PARMGEN KCIJPLOD job’s new REPROKJJ step and a new KJJRPOJB REPROKJJ standalone job, which are alternatives to distributed means. TEMS application support seeding is required if the Self-Describing Agent (SDA) feature is not enabled at the TEMS.
    • Enhanced post-configuration with support for:
      • adding new JVMs monitored by the OMEGAMON for JVM monitoring Agent – tailored post-configuration instructions for the new subsystems or application type such as IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM), IBM WebSphere Liberty z/OS Connect application, and other types being monitored are updated in the modified PARMGEN KJJDFINL post-configuration on-line README. For IBM z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition (EE), this application provides a model to enable new cloud-based workloads to securely access z/OS based assets through RESTful API calls. OMEGAMON for JVM supports organizations deploying z/OS Connect EE by providing key metrics that help identify the performance of their available services.
      • auto-discovering the CICS JVM, CICS TG JVM, and IMS Java Dependent Regions and z/OS Connect Enterprise Edition (EE) JVM various locations (STDENV file or applicable z/OS UNIX directories) where the OMEGAMON for JVM and IBM Health Center Agent enablement options need to be added to enable detailed JVM monitoring of various JVM subsystems and application types.
  • Enhanced configuration to auto-discover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration.
    Auto-discover the various JVM subsystem and application types running that are eligible for monitoring, and their respective z/OS UNIX directories to make it easier for customer to add the OMEGAMON for JVM monitoring Agent’s (-javaagent) and IBM Java Health Center Agent’s (-Xbootclasspath, -agentpath) respective enablement options. List each discovered z/OS UNIX directory or file location for these parameters in the KJJDFINL “Post-configuration” tailored on-line README for KJJ Agent:
    • JVMPROFILEDIR/USSHOME from CICS SIT for enabling the Health Center Agent and OMEGAMON for JVM Agent enablement options in CICS JVMs.
    • STDENV for enabling the Health Center Agent and OMEGAMON for JVM Agent enablement options in CICS Transaction Gateway (CTG) JVMs.
    • JVMOPSMAS PROCLIB for IMS JMP for enabling the Health Center Agent and OMEGAMON for JVM Agent enablement options in IMS JVMs.
    • STDENV for enabling the Health Center Agent and OMEGAMON for JVM Agent enablement options in WebSphere Liberty z/OS Connect EE JVMs.
OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface V7.3.0
Enhanced configuration support for preferred RMF Server by supporting a new RTE_KCN_CACHE_KM5_RMF_DDS LPAR RTE profile parameter. Its value can contain your preferred RMF DDS network address (IP address or IP hostname format) and RMF DDS port number that you want the OMEGAMON Subsystem RMF cache to retrieve the data from, rather than the autodiscovered RMF DDS. RTE_KCN_CACHE_KM5_RMF_DDS Enablement Support: Refer to OMEGAMON on z/OS HKM5530 PTF UA82561 (or later maintenance) for the RTE_KCN_CACHE_KM5_RMF_DDS enablement support if you exploit this feature.
OMEGAMON Subsystem V7.3.0
  • Enhanced configuration support for preferred RMF Server by supporting a new RTE_KCN_CACHE_KM5_RMF_DDS LPAR RTE profile parameter. Its value can contain your preferred RMF DDS network address (IP address or IP hostname format) and RMF DDS port number that you want the OMEGAMON Subsystem RMF cache to retrieve the data from, rather than the auto-discovered RMF DDS.
  • RTE_KCN_CACHE_KM5_RMF_DDS Enablement Support: Refer to OMEGAMON on z/OS HKM5530 PTF UA82561 (or later maintenance) for the RTE_KCN_CACHE_KM5_RMF_DDS enablement support if you exploit this feature.
OMEGAMON XE on z/OS V5.3.0
  • Enhanced configuration support for preferred RMF Server by supporting a new RTE_KCN_CACHE_KM5_RMF_DDS LPAR RTE profile parameter. Its value can contain your preferred RMF DDS network address (IP address or IP hostname format) and RMF DDS port number that you want the OMEGAMON Subsystem RMF cache to retrieve the data from, rather than the auto-discovered RMF DDS.
  • RTE_KCN_CACHE_KM5_RMF_DDS Enablement Support: Refer to OMEGAMON on z/OS HKM5530 PTF UA82561 (or later maintenance) for the RTE_KCN_CACHE_KM5_RMF_DDS enablement support if you exploit this feature. Corresponding KM5_RMF_DDS_COLLECTION LPAR RTE profile parameter also is updated to accommodate the changes to the TEMS RTE’s xKANPARU(KDSENV) parameter called KDS_KM5_DDS=%RTE_KCN_CACHE_KM5_RMF_DDS%,%KM5_RMF_DDS_COLLECTION%.
  • This is JOBGEN SMP/E installation and PARMGEN application configuration support for a new version of IBM OMEGAMON XE for DB2 Performance Expert (PE) / Performance Monitor (PM) V5.4.0 Agent (HKDB540 FMID).
  • The following configuration enhancements are provided in support of new features delivered in this new version. For more information, see What's new in OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert.
    • Enhanced installation with support for JOBGEN TKCIINST(KCIDJG00) table updates to support SMP/E installation requirements for new HKDB540 OMEGAMON for DB2 PE/PM FMID (if JOBGEN tool will be used to front-end SMP/E).
    • Added configuration support for Near-term history (NTH) KD2_PFnn_HIS_ACCTG_CLAS PARMGEN LPAR RTE profile parameter Accounting Class 11 for monitoring trace data.
    • Added validation check enforcing that the OMEGAMON DB2 port number KD2_DBnn_DB2_PORT_NUM is made unique per DB2 subsystem if PE Client function or E2E SQL monitoring function is enabled. This value must be unique not just per monitored DB2 subsystem, but also from the DB2 port number itself.
    • Added logic checks to only generate certain jobs for DB EXPLAIN based on the OMEGAMON for DB2 version that supports that DB2 version:


      • DB2 V9.1 is applicable to OMEGAMON for DB2 PE/PM V5.2.0- ("-" denotes "and lower versions included").
      • DB2 V10 is applicable to OMEGAMON for DB2 PE/PM V5.1.0+ ("+" denotes "and higher versions included").
      • DB2 V11 is applicable to OMEGAMON for DB2 PE/PM V5.2.0+.
      • DB2 V12 is applicable to OMEGAMON for DB2 PE/PM V5.4.0+.

      Profile Parameter Notes:

      • KD2_DBnn_DB2_VER = 91 is valid for OMEGAMON for DB2 V5.2.0-.
      • KD2_DBnn_DB2_VER = 10 is valid for OMEGAMON for DB2 V5.1.0+.
      • KD2_DBnn_DB2_VER = 11 is valid for OMEGAMON for DB2 V5.2.0+.
      • KD2_DBnn_DB2_VER = 12 is valid for OMEGAMON for DB2 V5.4.0+.
    • Enhanced configuration with DB2 V12 support, including key DB2 features like LOB compression, dynamic plan stability, lifted partition limits, and so on:
      • New GBL_DSN_DB2_LOADLIB_V12 and GBL_DSN_DB2_RUNLIB_V12 $GBL$* global profile parameters for runtime members and jobs that support DB2 V12 such as the GBL_DB2_KD2_CLASSIC_STC Classic started task’s STEPLIB DDNAME.
      • New KO2OM540 DB2 package and FPEV* DBRMs in support of V540 for DB2-subsystem-specific OMBD&dbid Bind OMEGAMON Server Packages (KO2OMvvv) job, OMBP&dbid Bind OMEGAMON Server DB2 Plan (KO2PLAN) job, OMGR&dbid Grant DB2 privileges to OMEGAMON Collector Plan/Package OWNER()
      • New EXC4&dbid DB2 EXPLAIN (New Function Mode) and EXC5&dbid DB2 EXPLAIN (Compatibility Mode) jobs for DB2 V12.
      • Modified DBRM names DGOY* in EXBD&dbid Explain bind jobs and DBRM names BPOM*, DGOV*,FPEV* in OMBD&dbid bind jobs for DB2 V12.
  • Enhanced configuration to auto-discover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration:
    • Auto-discover LPAR RTE user profile parameter for each DB2 subsystem to make it easier to concatenate these DB2-subsystem-specific load libraries in the various OMEGAMON DB2 BIND and GRANT jobs per subsystem:
      • KD2_DBnn_DB2_SSID
      • KD2_DBnn_DB2_VER
      • KD2_DBnn_DB2_LOADLIB
      • KD2_DBnn_DB2_RUNLIB
      • KD2_DBnn_PWH_LOADLIB
      • KD2_DBnn_PWH_EXITLIB
      • KD2_DBnn_DB2_SYSNAME
    • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameters to make it easier to concatenate these DB2 subsystem load libraries in the STEPLIB DDNAME of the OMEGAMON DB2 Classic started task (GBL_DB2_KD2_CLASSIC_STC) and other various OMEGAMON DB2 jobs:
      • GBL_DSN_DB2_RUNLIB_V10
      • GBL_DSN_DB2_RUNLIB_V11
      • GBL_DSN_DB2_RUNLIB_V12
  • Removal of the Common User Access (CUA) interface to reduce complexity and cost of ownership in the monitoring environment. SMEs experience improved ease of use since all key workspaces are now represented in the enhanced 3270 user interface (enhanced 3270UI) for additional problem solving capability. CUA is eliminated in Version 5.4 since functions which could be accomplished with CUA in previous releases, can now be accomplished with enhanced 3270UI.
OMEGAMON for Storage V5.4.0
  • This is JOBGEN SMP/E installation and PARMGEN application configuration support for a new version of OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS V5.4.0 Agent (HKS3540 FMID).
  • The following configuration enhancements are provided in support of new features delivered in this new version such as:
    • A new history store providing improved performance and resource consumption for near term historical data.
    • Real and historical monitoring of FICON Directors performance bottlenecks.
    • Improvements to the E3270UI allow storage administrator access to critical reports and controls.
    For more information, see New in OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS 5.4.0
    • Enhanced installation with support for JOBGEN TKCIINST(KCIDJG00) table updates to support SMP/E installation requirements for new HKS3540 OMEGAMON for Storage FMID (if JOBGEN tool will be used to front-end SMP/E).
  • Removal of the Common User Access (CUA) interface to reduce complexity and cost of ownership in the monitoring environment. SMEs experience improved ease of use since all key workspaces are now represented in the enhanced 3270 user interface (enhanced 3270UI) for additional problem solving capability. CUA is eliminated in Version 5.4 since functions which could be accomplished with CUA in previous releases, can now be accomplished with enhanced 3270UI.
OMEGAMON XE for CICS on z/OS V5.3.0
  • Auto-discover LPAR RTE user profile parameter for each CICS region to make it easier to setup the On-line Data Viewer (ONDV) VSAM LDS RKC2HIST datasets for application history: KC2_HSnn_CLASSIC_CICS_REGION.
  • Provided a tailored placeholder RKCPXMxx DD DUMMY statement in the RTE’s WCONFIG(KC5$SST3) OMEGAMON for CICS Agent started task user imbed (%KC5_AGT_STC% IBMC5 by default) to make it easier to enable the same XMIT DDNAME used in the OMEGAMON for CICS Classic 3270 STC.
    //* Multiple RKCPXMnn XMIT linkage parameter                         
    //* Note: Review the PARMGEN "Perform post configuration steps"      
    //*       for KC5 component to review any set-up needed for          
    //*       RKCPXMnn DD in the %KC5_AGT_STC% Agent started task.       
    //*RKCPXM%KC2_CC_CLASSIC_XMIT% DD DUMMY                                      
    //* ---------------- END   - USER SECTION: OVERRIDE ---------------.
OMEGAMON XE for CICS TG on z/OS V5.3.0
  • Enhanced configuration to autodiscover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration:
    • Auto-discover LPAR RTE user profile parameter for each CICS TG Gateway Daemon STC name or the WebSphere region: KGW_SAnn_CTG_DAEMON_STC.
    • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameters GBL_DSN_CICS_CTG_DLL CICS TG Dynamic Link Library
  • Modified the placeholder KGW_SAnn_CTG_DAEMON_HOST Gateway Daemon STC name or the WebSphere region LPAR RTE profile parameter from null value (blank) to the better default of LOCALHOST so the running product defaults it to the local IP host name or IP address.
  • Provided a tailored RKGWXMxx DD DUMMY statement in the OMEGAMON for CICS TG Agent started task (%KGW_AGT_STC% IBMGW by default) to make it easier to enable the XMIT DDNAME if the XMIT value is other than the default “00” value.
    //* Multiple RKGWXMnn XMIT linkage parameter                         
    The KGW LPAR RTE profile parameter KGW_AGT_XMIT is also modified accordingly in the LPAR RTE profiles: 
    ** (Optional) CICS TG Agent XMIT number:                           
    ** If the KGW_AGT_XMIT is other than the default "00" Agent XMIT   
    ** number, the RKGWXM%KGW_AGT_XMIT% DD DUMMY is generated in the 
    ** KGW Agent started task as enabled.                                  
    ** The value is also used in the "GW START ID=XMI,XM=%KGW_AGT_XMIT%”
    ** KGW Agent startup parameter in the xKANCMDU(KGWAGST) startup    
    ** member.  
OMEGAMON XE for IMS on z/OS V5.3.0
  • Enhanced configuration to auto-discover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration:
    • Auto-discover LPAR RTE user profile parameter for each IMS subsystem monitored:
      • KI2_I1nn_CLASSIC_IMSID
    • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameters GBL_DSN_IMS_RESLIB IMS RESLIB load library.
    • Automatically instantiate each IMS-subsystem specific parameter value for each IMS subsystem discovered to ensure uniqueness as the product requires that each IMS subsystem is monitored by a unique OMEGAMON for IMS MPREFIX, Classic started task, Classic VTAM major node, and Classic VTAM APPLID, as shown in the example of 2 IMS subsystem rows auto-discovered.
      KI2_I101_CLASSIC_MPREFIX     “M0”
      KI2_I101_CLASSIC_STC        “IBMOI0”
      KI2_I102_CLASSIC_MPREFIX     “M1”
      KI2_I102_CLASSIC_STC        “IBMOI1”
    • Enhanced the default security module for RACF (KOIRACFX) and ACF2 (KOIACF2X) reference in the PARMGEN KCIJPSEC composite security job or the KOISUPD OMEGAMON for IMS command table security job, to match the MODULE=KOIRACFX / MODULE=KOIACF2X load module names as referenced in the KOISUPDI default security exit that PARMGEN KCIJPLOD job uses to copy from the SMP/E target TKANSAM dataset to the RTE_X_SECURITY_EXIT_LIB dataset. PARMGEN KCIJPSEC job processing presents the security exits for further customization and programmatically generates the KCIJPSEC composite security job to process the product security user modules into the RTE’s RKANMODU user load library. Starting in PARMGEN 4Q16 IF, the tailored KCIJPSEC job or the standalone KOISUPD security job will use the KOIRACFX and KOIACF2X names.
OMEGAMON XE for Messaging (WebSphere MQ, a.k.a. IBM MQ, Monitoring) V7.3.0
  • Enhanced configuration to auto-discover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration:
    • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameters GBL_DSN_WMQ_SCSQANLE, GBL_DSN_WMQ_SCSQAUTH, and GBL_DSN_WMQ_SCSQLOAD WebSphere MQ load libraries.
    • Auto-discover WCONFIG(KMQ$CUSR) RKANCMDU(KMQUSER) imbed to add placeholder entries for discovered MQ Queue managers.
  • Provided configuration support for message monitoring summary enhancement in order to support the security checking for situations. Refer to HKMQ730 Fix pack 2 (FP2) APAR OA50601 for more information.
OMEGAMON XE for Messaging (WebSphere Message Broker Monitoring, a.k.a. IBM Integration Bus, Monitoring) V7.3.0
  • Enhanced configuration to autodiscover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration:
    • Auto-discover LPAR RTE user profile parameter KQI_XML_XIMBNAME_MON_BRKR_NAME giving the name of the broker to be monitored.
    • Auto-discover LPAR RTE user profile parameter KQI_XML_XIMBDIR1 giving the broker's ENVFILE z/OS UNIX path.
    • Auto-discover $GBL$USR global user profile parameter GBL_DSN_CEE_SCEERUN LE load library.
    • Auto-discover WCONFIG(KQI$XML) RKANDATV(KQIXML) imbed to add XML entries for additional brokers to monitor.
    • Auto-discover monitored brokers and list each discovered broker’s STDENV USS directory in the on-line “Post-configuration” README KQIDFINL that is tailored for KQI Agent.
  • Added support in KQIXML for KqiAgent parameter. Supports KQIXML’s defaultRetainRecentResourceSamples parameter KQI_XML_XIRSRET_RESOURCE_SAMPLE. This attribute specifies whether to collect resource statistics records from the broker. This attribute value can be either 1 or 0. When this attribute is set to 0, the Agent does not subscribe to the resource statistics that are emitted by the broker, and the Resource Statistics workspaces are empty. The default is 1. The PARMGEN KCIJPUSP job uses this value to build the RTE’s RKANDATV(KQIXML). The PARMGEN KCIJPUSP job will start generating the defaultRetainRecentResourceSamples=1 parameter in the RTE’s RKANDATV(KQIXML) once PARMGEN detects that you have applied the HKQI730 PTF that ships the SMP/E target TKANDATV(KQIXML) product template that adds support for the defaultRetainRecentResourceSamples="|XIRSRET|" template.
OMEGAMON XE for Mainframe Networks V5.3.0
Enhanced configuration to auto-discover the following parameter values by the PARMGEN z/OS DLA integration. Auto-discover LPAR RTE user profile parameters for each TCP/IP stack monitored: