IBM Z Service Management Explorer (IZSME)

This graphical user interface is a web application that runs as a Zowe desktop plug-in.

Note: IBM Z Service Management Explorer is a web-based replacement for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP). The same layout, workspaces, situations, and data available in the TEP are available in IZSME. IZSME is a web application running as a Zowe desktop plug-in, which eliminates the need to install and maintain Java and TEP software on client workstations, as required with the TEP.
IBM Z Service Management Explorer (IZSME) provides the following features:
  • The ability to view the data from multiple agents or multiple systems in a single workspace for business views and unit-of-work views
  • Graph and table views
  • Integral historical data collection, reporting, and warehousing
  • Integration with other Tivoli® and IBM® products, including single sign-on

IZSME is a web application, running as a Zowe desktop plug-in, and uses the standard browser interface. Using the IZSME interface requires defining and running the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, a hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, and potentially one or more remote monitoring servers. The agents that will provide data also have to be configured. For more information, see IBM Z Service Management Explorer.