PTF UJ92421 for APAR OA64052 (1Q23)

PTF UJ92421 for APAR OA64052 (1Q23) provides several Configuration Manager enhancements, including a new parameter that allows more granular control over certain actions. This parameter enables generate options for z/OS® UNIX System Services and security exits configuration steps and the ability to migrate multiple runtime environments into a single RTEDEF data set. Additionally, support has been added to PARMGEN and JOBGEN for IBM Discovery Library Adapter for z/OS V3.2.

Configuration Manager-only updates

The following changes have been made:
  • A new KCIVARS parameter, OPTION, has been introduced. It allows more granular control over certain actions. This parameter is optional. All actions run as previously if OPTION is not specified. For more information, see Action options.
  • The GENERATE action has been updated to provide the following OPTION keywords:
    OPTION USS runs only the GENERATE workflow stage that deploys the z/OS UNIX related parts.

    OPTION NOUSS skips the z/OS UNIX deploy stage in the GENERATE action.

    OPTION SECEXITS rebuilds security exits only.
    Some options require a complete run of the GENERATE action prior to use. Additionally, some options are not compatible to run with other options during the same job.

    For more information, see GENERATE.

  • The MIGRATE action has been updated as follows:
    • The MIGRATE action now supports the migration of multiple runtime environments into the same RTEDEF library. To use this function, the new KCIVARS parameter OPTION must be specified with the value MULTIPLE (which can be abbreviated to MULTI).

      The KFJ_SYSNAME parameter value is used to replace lpar in the member name Kpp$lpar. Note that KFJ_SYSNAME is an internal parameter that automatically assigns the value of SYSNAME, but it is possible to specify a different value for KFJ_SYSNAME in KCIVARS as well.

      If OPTION MULTIPLE is not specified, the MIGRATE action constructs product members with the extension of $PARM, as occurred previously.

    • The CONFIRM workflow variable is no longer supported for the MIGRATE action. The job issues a list of error messages in KCIPRINT and writes user actions to perform in the case of member duplication. The RTEDEF library, once created, is not overwritten by the MIGRATE action.
    • The MIGRATE action now supports using the same high-level qualifier as PARMGEN-generated runtime environments. This functionality is referred to as in-place migrate. The only action required is changing the RTE_PLIB_HILEV parameter value to match the high-level qualifier as indicated in the KFJ_MIGRATE_WCONFIG parameter.
      Important: It is highly recommended that you back up the source PARMGEN runtime environment as subsequent GENERATE actions will overwrite data set contents and previous data might be lost.
    For more information, see MIGRATE.
  • The high-level qualifier used in Configuration Manager can now be 28 characters (instead of the previous limit of 20 characters).
  • Configuration Manager no longer creates data sets WCONTABL and WCONBACK, which are not required.

PARMGEN-only updates

Support has been added for IBM Discovery Library Adapter for z/OS V3.2 in PARMGEN.

Job generator utility (JOBGEN) updates

Support has been added for IBM Discovery Library Adapter for z/OS V3.2 in the job generator utility (JOBGEN). FMID HIZD320 was added to the JOBGEN table and it can be used to install or upgrade DLA.