PTF UJ09486 for APAR OA63790 (4Q22)

PTF UJ09486 for APAR OA63790 (4Q22) adds support for IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager (ITCAM) for Application Diagnostics Agent 7.1.1 and also updates the JOBGEN table member to include a new CALLLIBS entry for IBM OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS.

Product-specific updates

ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Agent 7.1.1
Support has been added for ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Agent 7.1.1 in the configuration software and includes the following updates:
  • This agent is enabled for persistent data store V2 (PDS V2) support in both Configuration Manager and PARMGEN using the following parameters:
    For more information, see PDS V2 parameters and members.
  • The access mode that is used when creating files on z/OS UNIX System Services for the ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Agent 7.1.1 is now based on the value in parameter RTE_USS_MKDIR_MODE. PARMGEN JCL job KCIJPUSS and Configuration Manager workflows have been updated accordingly.
IBM OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS 5.5

The JOBGEN table member has been updated with a new CALLLIBS entry for IBM OMEGAMON for Storage on z/OS 5.5 (HKS3550) for SCSFSTUB, which is used for Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) services.