Creating or updating a runtime environment

To create or update a runtime environment, you edit a set of parameters, and then you submit a job that performs the GENERATE action to generate runtime members from those parameters.

Before you begin

Read the prerequisites for using Monitoring Configuration Manager.

If you are updating a runtime environment after using SMP/E to apply maintenance to the target libraries, and your runtime environment refers to a copy of those libraries, then use your site-specific procedures to refresh that copy.

About this task

When creating a runtime environment, you can optionally perform the CREATE action to create an initial set of parameters.

When creating or updating a runtime environment, you can optionally perform the DISCOVER action to create or update subsystem parameters, rather than editing them yourself.

Updating a runtime environment encompasses many scenarios. For example:

  • Applying maintenance, after using SMP/E to update target libraries
  • Upgrading an agent to a new product release
  • Adding or removing agents
  • Changing parameter values; for example, to change a hub monitoring server to a remote monitoring server

The procedure for updating the runtime environment is the same for every scenario.


  1. Create a runtime environment definition. If you are updating a runtime environment, the definition already exists: skip this step.

    A runtime environment definition consists of one or more plain-text members in a library. These members specify the parameters that define the runtime environment. For details, see Runtime environment definition (RTEDEF) library.

    To create a runtime environment definition, submit a job that performs the CREATE action of Monitoring Configuration Manager.

    Example JCL:

    Figure 1. Example JCL to perform the CREATE action.
    /*JOBPARM SYSAFF=<lpar>
    //KCIVARS  DD *                                        
    ACTION            CREATE
    RTE_NAME          <rte_name>
    RTE_PLIB_HILEV    <rte_plib_hilev>

    Similar JCL is supplied in the KFJJMCM member of the TKANSAM target library.

    Edit the example job statement to match your site's standards. For example, for job name, class, and message class.

    Replace the placeholders in the example JCL with appropriate values. For details, see Batch interface.

    Tip: After running a Monitoring Configuration Manager job, check the KCIPRINT sysout data set.
  2. Edit the parameters in the RTEDEF library to meet your requirements for the runtime environment.
  3. Optionally, submit a job that performs the DISCOVER action.

    The DISCOVER action discovers CICS, Db2, IMS, and MQ subsystems, TCP/IP stacks, and System symbols, and then writes corresponding members to the RTEDEF library.

    Use the same JCL as the previous step but change the action to DISCOVER.

    Optionally, change the program name in the JCL EXEC statement to KCIALPHA. KCIALPHA is an APF-authorized version of KCIOMEGA. APF-authorization enables the program to discover more subsystem details.

    Check and, if necessary, edit the contents of the members created by the DISCOVER action.

    For discovered Db2 subsystems, you need to complete some of the parameters: see Completing the parameters for discovered Db2 subsystems.

  4. Submit a job that performs the GENERATE action.

    Use the same JCL shown in the first step but change the action to GENERATE.

    The GENERATE action generates the runtime members for the runtime environment, including the started tasks.

    Note: You have completed the steps that involve the configuration software, Monitoring Configuration Manager.

    The remaining steps complete the configuration of the runtime environment outside of the configuration software.

    These complete the configuration steps depend on your site-specific procedures and the requirements of the components, such as the monitoring agents, that you have chosen to configure in the runtime environment. The requirements of each component are described in the separate product documentation for each component.

    Depending on your user privileges, you might need to ask someone else to perform some or all of the following steps. For example, only z/OS® system administrators are typically allowed to write to system libraries.

  5. Use your site-specific procedures to copy the runtime members for started tasks and VTAM® definitions to your system libraries.

    Copy the members from the following libraries to your corresponding PROCLIB, VTAMLIB, and VTAMLST system libraries:

    • rte_hilev.SYS1.PROCLIB
    • rte_hilev.SYS1.VTAMLIB
    • rte_hilev.SYS1.VTAMLST

    The default value of the RTE_HILEV parameter is the value of RTE_PLIB_HILEV.

  6. Follow the instructions in the OMEGAMON® shared documentation to complete the configuration of the runtime environment.
  7. For a newly created runtime environment: start the tasks. For an updated runtime environment: stop and then restart the tasks.