The CREATE action creates an initial runtime environment definition that you can customize to match your requirements.

Before you begin

Review the following information before you use the CREATE action:
  • For an overview of how the CREATE action fits into the process of creating a runtime environment, see Creating your first, minimal runtime environment.
  • For information about the members that the CREATE action allocates and populates, see Initial runtime environment library members.
  • The CREATE action supports creating one or more runtime environments in a single RTEDEF configuration. It is recommended that you decide prior to the creation of your first runtime environment whether you plan to create one or multiple runtime environments in a single RTEDEF.
    Note: If you are going to set up a High Availability TEMS (HA TEMS), make sure only one runtime environment is defined in the RTEDEF (that is, the one used for the HA TEMS).
Note: You can also use the CREATE action as part of the process to create a copy of your SMP/E target libraries. For more information, see Using SMP/E target library copies.

About this task

The CREATE action creates an initial runtime environment definition by allocating and populating the necessary data sets, members, and configuration settings.
Note: Using the CREATE action to create your initial runtime environment definition is optional and provided for convenience; you can perform the same steps manually. Experienced users can skip CREATE and copy an existing RTEDEF library. You can allocate the RTEDEF library yourself using a record format of fixed-length, blocked (FB) and a record length of 80. You can also create the members; the only required member is rte_name.
The following list provides details about the CREATE action:
  • The CREATE action allocates the runtime environment definition library, rte_plib_hilev.RTEDEF, if it does not already exist, and populates it with initial configuration settings. The CREATE action does not overwrite members. If the RTEDEF library already exists, the CREATEaction only writes members that do not yet exist.
  • You can create one or more runtime environments in a single RTEDEF configuration. The default behavior of the CREATE action is to create only one runtime environment in the RTEDEF data set. Using the OPTION MULTIPLE parameter, you can create multiple runtime environments in a single RTEDEF data set. Each runtime environment creation requires a separate CREATE action job. If you plan to configure multiple runtime environments in a single RTEDEF data set, make sure to include the OPTION MULTIPLE parameter on every CREATE action job, including the first one.
    Note: You can abbreviate OPTION MULTIPLE to OPTION MULTI. OPTION MULTIPLE is not compatible with the other available CREATE action option, TRGCOPY.
  • The CREATE action creates the necessary members in the RTEDEF data set, as follows:
    • When using the default behavior of the CREATE action to create one runtime environment in a single RTEDEF data set (omitting the OPTION MULTIPLE parameter), the CREATE action will create members of type Kpp$PARM in the respective created RTEDEF data set, along with the rte_name member for the runtime environment-specific parameters.
    • When creating a runtime environment in a configuration where a single RTEDEF contains multiple runtime environments, use parameter OPTION MULTIPLE and KFJ_SYSNAME lpar in the KCIVARS DD. The CREATE action will create members of type Kpp$lpar in the RTEDEF data set, along with the rte_name member for the runtime environment-specific parameters.
      Note: When using OPTION MULTIPLE, the CREATE action creates the Kpp$lpar members automatically. It is recommended that you create the Kpp$lpar members as well and add the parameter values that are the same for all runtime environments in the given RTEDEF library.

      On subsequent runs of the CREATE action, reuse the same RTE_PLIB_HILEV parameter value, but update the values for parameters RTE_NAME and KFJ_SYSNAME to create a new set of runtime environment parameter members. There is no limit on how many runtime environments can be configured in a single RTEDEF data set.

  • The CREATE action allocates the security exits library with the default name rte_plib_hilev.rte_name.SECEXITS (or, optionally, the name specified in the KFJ_SECURITY_EXITS_LIB parameter). The CREATE action also populates the security exits library with default security exits members and defines the library to the runtime environment using the RTE_X_SECURITY_EXIT_LIB parameter. For more information, see Setting up security exits in your runtime environment.
  • If the use of override embed members is enabled by specifying parameter KFJ_USE_EMBEDS set to Y, the CREATE action allocates the embeds data set with the default name rte_plib_hilev.rte_name.EMBEDS (or, optionally, the name specified in the KFJ_EMBEDS_LIB parameter). The CREATE action sets up the embeds data set, populates it with supported override embed parameters (if applicable), and defines it to the runtime environment using the RTE_X_OVERRIDE_EMBEDS_LIB parameter. For more information, see Using override embed members in Configuration Manager.
  • The CREATE action works with the KFJ_LOCAL_PLIB_HILEV parameter to allow for local generation of runtime environments for remote systems using different high-level qualifiers.

    When the KFJ_LOCAL_PLIB_HILEV parameter is specified, the generated kfj_local_plib_hilev.RTEDEF data set will contain an additional member: PCK$PARM for a default (single) CREATE action, or member PCK$lpar in a multiple CREATE action. This member allows locally generated runtime environments using a different data set high-level qualifier than the one intended to be used on the deployment target (for example, the production system).

    For more information about remote deployments, see Special considerations for SYSPLEX rollout, RTEDEF(PCK$PARM), and Remote deployment scenario.

To create a runtime environment definition using the CREATE action, use the following procedure.


  1. Modify the KFJJMCM sample job in TKANSAM (see example below) to select a CREATE action.
  2. Specify values for the required parameters RTE_NAME and RTE_PLIB_HILEV.
  3. (Optional) Specify additional parameters as needed, for example:
    • To create this runtime environment in a RTEDEF data set that does or will contain multiple runtime environment configurations, add the OPTION MULTIPLE and KFJ_SYSNAME lpar parameters. If this is a subsequent run of the CREATE action, reuse the same RTE_PLIB_HILEV parameter value, but update the values for parameters RTE_NAME and KFJ_SYSNAME.
    • To specify a different name for the security exits library, add the KFJ_SECURITY_EXITS_LIB parameter and value.
    • To enable the use of override embed members, add the KFJ_USE_EMBEDS parameter set to Y and the KFJ_EMBEDS_LIB parameter and value.
  4. Run the KFJJMCM job to generate and populate the RTEDEF data set and other required data sets.
    Job messages for the CREATE action are written to the KCIPRINT SYSOUT data set.


Creating runtime environment definition for one LPAR
The following JCL jobs create the runtime environment definition library TSOUID.MONSUITE.RTEDEF and populate it with various members, including the runtime environment configuration profile member RTE1. The first example is for a single runtime environment RTEDEF, and the second example is for a multiple runtime environment RTEDEF. These examples also specify that override embed members are enabled and provide custom data set names for the security exits and embeds libraries.
Figure 1. Example JCL to perform the CREATE action (one LPAR) for a single runtime environment RTEDEF
//KCIVARS  DD *                                        
ACTION                  CREATE
RTE_NAME                RTE1

Figure 2. Example JCL to perform the CREATE action (one LPAR) for a multiple runtime environment RTEDEF
//KCIVARS  DD *                                        
ACTION                  CREATE
OPTION                  MULTIPLE
RTE_NAME                RTE1


Creating a runtime environment definition for remote deployment
The following JCL creates the runtime environment definition library TSOUID.DEV.RTEDEF. In addition to the standard members, it will contain member PCK$PARM, where you will find all available KFJ_LOCAL_* parameters.
Figure 3. Example JCL to perform the CREATE action (remote deployment)
ACTION                  CREATE
RTE_NAME                RTE1
Note: If OPTION MULTIPLE is used, the CREATE action creates member PCK$lpar instead of PCK$PARM.