What's new in V5.5.0

This release contains significant updates to the component products that provide enhanced monitoring for z/OS, CICS Transaction Server, IMS, MQ, Integration Bus, and networks.

A key focus of this update has been on simplifying the deployment and serviceability of the portfolio, which reduces the time that systems programmers spend managing their service management infrastructure. As a result, they can dedicate time to focus on optimizing their system operations.

In addition, the new features and enhancements are introduced to the Parameter Generator (PARMGEN) configuration method and the OMEGAMON® enhanced 3270 user interface. For more information, see the following topics and technote:
  • The z/OS® Log Forwarder component in the IBM® Operations Analytics for z Systems is removed from the offering.
  • The OMEGAMON Serviceability Log Analysis component is removed from the offering.
  • The OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface (enhanced 3270UI) is updated to give comprehensive monitoring coverage across z/OS and key subsystems. As a result, the OMEGAMON II (CUA) and OMEGAVIEW interfaces are removed from the offering.
Tip: After general availability (GA) of the IBM OMEGAMON Performance Management Suite for z/OS, each component product might introduce program temporary fixes (PTFs) to resolve defects and provide enhancements. To view details about PTFs, check the documentation of each component product.
The following component products are updated in this offering:
IBM OMEGAMON for z/OS V5.5.0
IBM OMEGAMON for z/OS V5.5.0 provides enhancements to simplify the deployment of the monitoring infrastructure, which reduces the time to get configured through elimination of address spaces and required configuration parameters with automatic discovery of system properties. The enhancements include:
  • Compatibility and exploitation of functions to monitor the latest z/Architecture® hardware and z/OS V2.3 features, including monitoring of PCIe, near-term history for storage class memory, and real storage monitoring improvement (including monitoring of 2 GB page support).
  • Enhancements to coupling facility monitoring to use RMF™ DDS.
  • Improvements to serviceability, which reduces the time required to manage your OMEGAMON for z/OS deployments through reduction of RKLVLOG log messages, improvements of dynamic tracing, and reworked situations to alert users to communication problems between agents and servers.
  • JES2/JES3 Spool Utilization support to Classic user interface.
  • Migration of key functions from IBM OMEGAMON II (CUA) to the enhanced 3270UI, including memory list and memory zap to provide comprehensive monitoring and management of z/OS functions in single user interface integrated with the complete OMEGAMON family of offerings.
  • Simplified deployment process, reducing the number of address spaces and configuration parameters coupled with automatic discovery of system properties.
To learn more about new features and functions that are introduced in OMEGAMON for z/OS V5.5.0, see What's new in OMEGAMON for z/OS V5.5.0.
IBM OMEGAMON for CICS on z/OS V5.5.0
IBM OMEGAMON for CICS on z/OS V5.5.0 provides enhancements to simplify the deployment of the monitoring infrastructure, which reduces the time to get configured through elimination of address spaces and required configuration parameters with automatic discovery of system properties. The enhancements include:
  • Ability to view groups of CICS data in the context of an LPAR or user grouping in addition to a CICSplex.
  • Migration of key functions from OMEGAMON II (CUA) to the enhanced 3270UI, including memory list and memory zap to provide comprehensive monitoring and management of z/OS functions in single user interface integrated with the complete OMEGAMON family of offerings.
  • Migration of Service Level Analysis configuration toolkit to the enhanced 3270UI, which enables users to define and modify settings for their SLA goals and workloads without switching tools.
  • Multi-line Take Action facility in the enhanced 3270UI, which allows faster processing of changes such as canceling tasks.
  • Simplified deployment process, which reduces the number of address spaces and configuration parameters coupled with automatic discovery of system properties during the PARMGEN configuration process.
  • Simplified post-configuration tasks through removal of the need for defining multiple globals in advance of starting Task History and allowing more globals to be shared.
To learn more about new features and functions that are introduced in OMEGAMON for CICS on z/OS V5.5.0, see What's new in OMEGAMON for CICS on z/OS V5.5.0.
IBM OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS V5.5.0
IBM OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS V5.5.0 provides enhancements to simplify the deployment of the monitoring infrastructure, which reduces the time to get configured through elimination of address spaces and required configuration parameters with automatic discovery of system properties. The enhancements include:
  • Enhancements to Application Trace Facility to use storage above the bar to accommodate today's ever-increasing transaction rates.
  • Improvements to serviceability, which reduces the time required to manage your OMEGAMON for IMS deployments through reduction of RKLVLOG log messages, introduction of agent health status attributes, and additional dynamic tracing.
  • Inclusion of IMS Database summary and detailed metric workspaces in the enhanced 3270UI to better identify the health and status of all of your IMS databases.
  • Introduction of IMS Commander within the enhanced 3270UI. IMS Commander introduces a message repository that contains all of the IMS MTO/SMTO messages and z/OS console messages from IMS control and dependent regions, which eliminates the need to switch tools to search different message sources. IMS Commander replaces and enhances the IMS Console Facility (I/CF), which has been removed.
  • Migration of key functions from OMEGAMON II (CUA) to the enhanced 3270UI to provide comprehensive monitoring and management of z/OS functions in single user interface integrated with the complete OMEGAMON family of offerings.
  • Simplified deployment process, which eliminates a number of required address spaces to be deployed and reduces configuration parameters coupled with automatic discovery of system properties during the PARMGEN configuration process.
  • Toleration and exploitation of functions to support the latest levels of IMS, CICS, and z/OS.
To learn more about new features and functions that are introduced in OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS V5.5.0, see What's new in OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS V5.5.0.
IBM OMEGAMON for Messaging on z/OS V7.5.0
IBM OMEGAMON for Messaging on z/OS V7.5.0 includes the following enhancements:
  • The enhanced 3270UI improved support for monitoring MQ across systems, including a Sysplex tree view of queue managers, views of MQ data from user-defined managed system lists of queue managers, enterprise-wide views of MQ Cluster data and of Queue-Sharing Group data, and views of monitoring agent status.
  • The enhanced 3270UI support for MQ Publish/Subscribe data, including subscription definitions and status and topic definitions and status.
  • New attributes and workspaces for Integration Bus updates including global cache, CICS, and JMS resource statistics.
  • Simplified deployment process reducing configuration parameters coupled with automatic discovery of system properties during the PARMGEN configuration process.
  • Updates to Log Manager workspaces for new MQ SMF Type 115 attributes.
  • Workspace and attribute updates to improve usability, such as for DLQ reason codes, application type enumerations, 8 byte and 6 byte RBA comparison, cluster transmission queues, trigger queue attributes for process name and initiation queue, and z/OS queue attributes for storage class, index type, and tpipe names.
To learn more about new features and functions that are introduced in OMEGAMON for Messaging on z/OS V7.5.0, see What's new in OMEGAMON for Messaging on z/OS V7.5.0.
IBM OMEGAMON for Networks on z/OS V5.5.0
IBM OMEGAMON for Networks on z/OS V5.5.0 includes the following enhancements:
  • Compatibility and exploitation of functions to monitor the latest z14 hardware and z/OS V2.3 features, including monitoring of shared memory communications (RoCE and SMC-D/ISM).
  • Improvements to serviceability, reducing the time required to manage your OMEGAMON for z/OS deployments through reduction of RKLVLOG log messages, improvements of dynamic tracing, and reworked situations to alert users to communication problems between agents and servers.
  • Migration of key functions from OMEGAMON II/CUA to the enhanced 3270 user interface to provide comprehensive monitoring and management of z/OS functions in a single user interface integrated with the complete OMEGAMON family of offerings.
  • Simplified deployment process, eliminating a number of required address spaces to be deployed and reducing configuration parameters coupled with automatic discovery of system properties during the PARMGEN configuration process.
To learn more about new features and functions that are introduced in IBM OMEGAMON for Networks on z/OS V5.5.0, see What's new in IBM OMEGAMON for Networks on z/OS V5.5.0.
IBM OMEGAMON Dashboard Edition on z/OS V5.5.0
IBM OMEGAMON Dashboard Edition on z/OS V5.5.0 includes the following new enhancements:
  • Customizable Situation Status Tree within the enhanced 3270UI allows users to track and investigate triggered alerts active now and in the recent past.
Note: Customers who require OMEGAVIEW for viewing log information generated by IBM Tivoli AF/OPERATOR for z/OS should continue to use IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON Dashboard Edition for z/OS V5.3.0 to keep OMEGAVIEW functionality.
To learn more about new features and functions that are introduced in IBM OMEGAMON Dashboard Edition on z/OS V5.5.0, see What's new in OMEGAMON Dashboard Edition on z/OS V5.5.0.