Publishing IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks data to analytic platforms for AI Ops (including OM Data Provider)

OMEGAMON® Data Provider makes OMEGAMON attributes available to applications and analytics platforms outside of OMEGAMON. Historical collections are a prerequisite for using OMEGAMON Data Provider.

To create historical collections, use the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface (e3270UI) or Tivoli® Enterprise Portal (TEP). For more information about creating historical collections, see the OMEGAMON documentation for e3270UI and TEP:

History collection has been enabled for the following IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks tables by default, making them eligible for use with OMEGAMON Data Provider:

Table 1. IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks tables with history collection enabled by default
Attribute group Table Name Available for ODP data streaming

KN3 IP Counter Statistics Attributes



KN3 TCP Counter Statistics Attributes



KN3 Interface Statistics Attributes



TCPIP Applications Attributes



TCP Listener Attributes KN3TCL


TCPIP Details Attributes KN3TCP


Adding IBM® Z OMEGAMON® AI for Networks to KAYOPEN for OMEGAMON Data Provider

OMEGAMON Data Provider uses RKANPARU library member KAYOPEN to specify destinations for historical collections. The KAYOPEN member is optional. If you omit it, then collected attributes are sent only to the persistent data store (PDS), not OMEGAMON Data Broker. You only need to collect history for the tables that you intend to publish the data to OMEGAMON Data Provider.

The collections section of the KAYOPEN member of RKANPARU should contain an excerpt for each table to be collected. For example, to collect KN3 IP Counter Statistics attributes from table KN3GIC, add the following:
product: kn3
    table: KN3GIC
    interval: 0
      -  open

If you do collect history for these tables, but do not include selection criteria in member KAYOPEN of RKANPARU, then the data will be unnecessarily stored in the persistent data store (PDS). Doing so will consume more DASD space than is necessary.

For more information about OMEGAMON Data Provider, see