KN3 OSA-Express7S Attributes
This table represents the data associated with an individual port on
a OSA-Express7 feature.There can be two physical ports on each OSA CHPID that have different
data. When two ports are present, each one is assigned a separate ifIndex
by the
operating system. Each ifIndex
will contain the data for the corresponding
Origin Node Unique identifier for the TCP/IP stack being displayed.
System ID The SMF system ID.
TCPIP STC Name The TCP/IP job name.
Collection Time The time and date of the data sampling.
Agent STC Name Agent STC Name.
LPAR Name LPAR Name.
Sysplex Name Sysplex Name.
Interface Index The interface index associated with this port.
Port Name The name of the port as used by TCP/IP.
Port Number The physical port number for this port.
Channel Number Channel Number The CHPID corresponding to this device.
Configuration Name This is the name of the configuration that is on the OSA. It is set using OSA/SF. It is not used by OSA.
Active MAC Address A 6 byte OCTET STRING which contains the current MAC address in use on the adapter. The values are in canonical format.
Burned In MAC Address A 6 byte OCTET STRING which contains the burned in MAC address on the OSA. The values are in canonical format. OSA.
Packets Received This is the number of packets received during the current collection interval. All packets are counted regardless of their length, whether they have errors or whether they are flow control packets.
Total Packets Received This is the total number of all packets received. All packets are counted regardless of their length, whether they have errors, or whether they are flow control packets.
Packets Sent This is the number of packets transmitted during the current collection interval. All packets are counted regardless of their length, whether they have errors or whether they are flow control packets.
Total Packets Sent This is the total number of all packets transmitted. All packets are counted regardless of their length, whether they have errors, or whether they are flow control packets.
Packets Sent or Received This is the number of all packets that have been received or transmitted over the current collection interval. All packets are counted regardless of their length, whether they have errors, or whether they are flow control packets.
Total Packets This is the total number of packets that have been received or transmitted by the OSA-Express5S port. All packets are counted regardless of their length, whether they have errors, or whether they are flow control packets.
Packet Rate The number of packets received or transmitted, per minute, over the current collection interval.
Octet Rate The number of octets received or transmitted, per minute, during the most recent collection interval. This includes octets regardless of their length, whether in error, or are flow control packets.
Octets Received The total number of octets received during the last collection interval. This includes octets regardless of their length, whether in error, or are flow control packets.
Total Octets Received The total number of octets received. This includes octets regardless of their length, whether in error, or are flow control octets.
Octets Sent The total number of octets transmitted during the last collection interval. This includes octets regardless of their length, or whether they are flow control packets.
Total Octets Sent Counts the total number of octets transmitted. This includes octets regardless of their length, or whether they are flow control octets.
Octets Sent or Received This is the number of octets that have been received or transmitted by the OSA over the current collection interval. This includes octets regardless of their length, whether in error, or are flow control packets.
Total Octets The number of all octets that have been received or transmitted by the OSA-Express5S port. This includes octets regardless of their length, whether in error, or are flow control packets.
64 Byte Packets Received The number of packets received that are up to 64 bytes in length during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total 64 Byte Packets Received The number of packets received that are up to 64 bytes in length. This does not include flow control packets.
64 Byte Packets Sent The number of packets transmitted that are up to 64 bytes in length during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total 64 Byte Packets Sent The number of packets transmitted that are up to 64 bytes in length. This does not include flow control packets.
65 to 127 Byte Packets Received The number of packets received that are 65 to 127 bytes in length during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total 65 to 127 Byte Packets Received The number of packets received that are 65 to 127 bytes in length. This does not include flow control packets.
65 to 127 Byte Packets Sent The number of packets transmitted that are 65 to 127 bytes in length during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total 65 to 127 Byte Packets Sent The number of packets transmitted that are 65 to 127 bytes in length. This does not include flow control packets.
128 to 255 Byte Packets Received The number of packets received that are 128 to 255 bytes in length during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total 128 to 255 Byte Packets Received The number of packets received that are 128 to 255 bytes in length. This does not include flow control packets.
128 to 255 Byte Packets Sent The number of packets transmitted that are 128 to 255 bytes in length during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total 128 to 255 Byte Packets Sent The number of packets transmitted that are 128 to 255 bytes in length. This does not include flow control packets.
256 to 511 Byte Packets Received The number of packets received that are 256 to 511 bytes in length during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total 256 to 511 Byte Packets Received The number of packets received that are 256 to 511 bytes in length. This does not include flow control packets.
256 to 511 Byte Packets Sent The number of packets transmitted that are 256 to 511 bytes in length during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total 256 to 511 Byte Packets Sent The number of packets transmitted that are 256 to 512 bytes in length. This does not include flow control packets.
512 to 1023 Byte Packets Received The number of packets received that are 512 to 1023 bytes in length during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total 512 to 1023 Byte Packets Received The number of packets received that are 512 to 1023 bytes in length. This does not include flow control packets.
512 to 1023 Byte Packets Sent The number of packets transmitted that are 512 to 1023 bytes in length during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total 512 to 1023 Byte Packets Sent The number of packets transmitted that are 512 to 1023 bytes in length. This does not include flow control packets.
1024 to 1522 Byte Packets Received The number of packets received that are 1024 to 1522 bytes in length during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total 1024 to 1522 Byte Packets Received The number of packets received that are 1024 to 1522 bytes in length. This does not include flow control packets.
1024 to 1522 Byte Packets Sent The number of packets transmitted that are 1024 to 1522 bytes in length during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total 1024 to 1522 Byte Packets Sent The number of packets transmitted that are 1024 to 1522 bytes in length. This does not include flow control packets.
1523 to Max Byte Packets Received The number of packets received that are 1523 or greater bytes in length during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total 1523 to Max Byte Packets Received The number of packets received that are 1523 or greater bytes in length. This does not include flow control packets.
1523 to Max Byte Packets Sent The number of packets transmitted that are 1523 or greater bytes in length during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total 1523 to Max Byte Packets Sent The number of packets transmitted that are 1523 or greater bytes in length. This does not include flow control packets.
Broadcast Packets Received The number of broadcast packets received during the latest collection interval. This does not include flow control packets.
Total Broadcast Packets Received The number of broadcast packets received.
Broadcast Packets Sent The number of broadcast packets transmitted during the latest collection interval.
Total Broadcast Packets Sent The number of broadcast packets transmitted.
Multicast Packets Received The number of multicast packets received during the latest collection interval.
Total Multicast Packets Received The number of multicast packets received.
Multicast Packets Sent The number of multicast packets transmitted during the latest collection interval.
Total Multicast Packets Sent The number of multicast packets transmitted.
XON Packets Received XON Packets Received.
Total XON Packets Received Total XON Packets Received.
XOFF Packets Received XOFF Packets Received.
Total XOFF Packets Received Total XOFF Packets Received.
XON Packets Sent XON Packets Sent.
Total XON Packets Sent Total XON Packets Sent.
XOFF Packets Sent XOFF Packets Sent.
Total XOFF Packets Sent Total XOFF Packets Sent.
CRC Errors The number of CRC errors on packets received during the latest collection interval.
Total CRC Errors The total number of CRC errors on packets received.
Illegal Bytes The number of receive packets with illegal byte errors (such as an illegal symbol in the packet) during the latest collection interval.
Total Illegal Bytes The total number of receive packets with illegal byte errors (such as an illegal symbol in the packet).
Error Bytes The number of receive packets with error bytes (such as an error symbol in the packet) during the latest collection interval.
Total Error Bytes The total number of receive packets with error bytes (such as an error symbol in the packet).
Fragments Received The number of received frames that are shorter than minimum size (64 bytes from <Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively), and had an invalid CRC during the latest collection interval.
Total Fragments Received The total number of received frames that are shorter than minimum size (64 bytes from <Destination Address> through <CRC>, inclusively), and had an invalid CRC.
Length Errors The number of packets received whose actual lengths do not agree with the lengths in the various packet headers during the latest collection interval.
Total Length Errors The total number of packets received on the OSA port whose actual lengths do not agree with the lengths in the various packet headers during the latest collection interval.
Jabber Frames The number of received frames that passed address filtering, were greater than maximum size and had a bad CRC during the latest collection interval.
Total Jabber Frames Received The number of received frames that passed address filtering, were greater than maximum size and had a bad CRC.
Undersized Frames The number of received frames that passed address filtering, were less than the minimum size of 64 bytes, and had a valid CRC during the latest collection interval.
Total Undersized Frames The number of received frames that passed address filtering, were less than the minimum size of 64 bytes, and had a valid CRC.
Oversized Frames The number of received frames that passed address filtering, had a valid CRC, but were greater than the maximum size of 1522 for OSE (non-QDIO) features or 16384 bytes for OSD (QDIO) features during the latest collection interval.
Total Oversized Frames The number of received frames that passed address filtering, had a valid CRC, but were greater than the maximum size of 1522 for OSE (non-QDIO) features or 16384 bytes for OSD (QDIO) features.
Exclusive Usage ID This function uses multiple Ethernet ports in parallel to increase the link speed beyond the limits of any single port. This parameter specifies the Exclusive Usage ID. See parameter "Exclusive Usage MAC" for the corresponding MAC address for this function.
Exclusive Usage MAC This function uses multiple Ethernet ports in parallel to increase the link speed beyond the limits of any single port. This parameter specifies the Exclusive Usage MAC. See parameter "Exclusive Usage ID" for the corresponding ID for this function. e
IPv4 Layer 3 VMAC This specifies the MAC address being used if a Layer 3 Virtual MAC is being used for IPv4 on this stack. If the Layer 3 VMAC for IPv4 is not assigned, this field will contain all 0s.
IPv6 Layer 3 VMAC This specifies the MAC address being used if a Layer 3 Virtual MAC is being used for IPv6 on this stack. If the Layer 3 VMAC for IPv6 is not assigned, this field will contain all 0s.
Trap Control Flags The value of this object initially all 0s, indicating that all traps will be sent to the OSA subagent. Setting the appropriate bit will disable that particular trap from being sent to the subagent.