Collecting data for the Queue Statistics workspace

By default, several columns of the Queue Statistics workspace display zero values. If you want data for these columns, you must configure the IBM® MQ Monitoring Agent to collect it.

You can either enable the Reset Queue Statistics command, or use MQI Monitoring for Application Statistics. The recommended method is to use the Reset Queue Statistics command, but if you have other applications that use Reset Queue Statistics, you should not use this command with IBM MQ Monitoring Agent. Instead, use MQI Monitoring for Application Statistics.
If you enable with Reset Queue Statistics command, the following statistics are added:
  • Highest Depth
  • Messages Put
  • Messages Put per Sec
  • Messages Read
  • Messages Read per Sec
  • Time to Full Queue (Secs)
  • Time to Zero Msgs (Secs)
  • Last Read (time of sample during which queue was last read)
  • Last Put (time of sample during which queue was last put)
If you enable via MQI Monitoring for Application Statistics, these statistics are added:
  • Messages Put
  • Messages Put per Sec
  • Messages Read
  • Messages Read per Sec
  • Time to Full Queue (Secs)
  • Time to Zero Msgs (Secs)
  • Last Read (time of sample during which queue was last read)
  • Last Put (time of sample during which queue was last put)
  • Messages Browsed
  • Average MQ Response Time
  • Average Application Time Between Calls
  • Number of Transaction/Programs
  • Input Message Size Average
  • Output Message Size Average
  • Currently Opened Exclusive

The most important statistics are Messages Put, Messages Put per Sec, Messages Read, and Messages Read per Sec. These help identify potential problems, for example, when one application is putting a high rate of messages to a queue, but the application reading them is reading at a lower rate, raising the queue depth.

Occasionally, it may make sense to enable both Reset Queue Statistics and MQI Monitoring; for example, if you want to see the Highest Depth statistic and also the application statistics that are only available with MQI Monitoring. With both enabled, IBM MQ Monitoring Agent will use the statistics provided by Reset Queue Statistics, then fill in the other columns with data from MQI Monitoring.

To enable with Reset Queue Statistics, see Collecting queue statistics data.

To enable with MQI Monitoring, see: Enabling the Application Statistics feature (IBM MQ Monitoring agent only)