OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory

The OMEGAMON® Data Connect installation directory contains the files for OMEGAMON Data Connect that are supplied with OMEGAMON Data Provider.

If you're responsible for installing, configuring, or running OMEGAMON Data Connect, it's useful to know the location and contents of the installation directory.


The original location of the installation directory is a z/OS® UNIX directory. The z/OS SMP/E installation steps for OMEGAMON Data Provider create a z/OS UNIX directory specified by the DDDEF name TKAYHFS. That directory is the SMP/E target. The default path of the SMP/E target directory is /usr/lpp/omdp.

The installation directory, kay-110, is a child of the SMP/E target.

You can copy the installation directory to a location of your choice, including off z/OS.


The following tree diagram shows the structure and contents of the installation directory:

Figure 1. OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory
Annotated tree diagram of the OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory

The installation directory contains the following files:

  • Java™ archive (JAR) files:
    • Core JAR file
    • Mapping extension JAR files
  • Attribute dictionary (documentation)
  • Sample configuration files
  • Sample files for running OMEGAMON Data Connect:
    • Shell script
    • JCL procedure
Tip: Do not edit sample files in their supplied location in the installation directory; especially, not in their original location under the SMP/E target z/OS UNIX directory. Instead, to avoid updates to the supplied samples overwriting your changes, copy the samples out of the installation directory before editing them. In particular, store your site-specific configuration file in a user directory.