DSNZPARM Other System Parameters

This panel shows information about the installation parameters that affect Db2 subsystem default settings. These system parameters are not displayed from Db2 installation panels.

If a field is not available for the current Db2 release, the string N/A is displayed. For other conditions, for example, if specific Db2 traces are not started or control block data is not available, the string N/P is displayed.

 ________________ ZPOTH    VTM     O2       V550./C DB1H S 07/31/13 15:33:43 2 
>       Help PF1      Back PF3      Left PF10      Right PF11                  
> R.H.Q                                                                        
>       DSNZPARM INFORMATION:  Enter a selection letter on the top line.       
>  M-APPL      N-DATA      O-PERF      P-BUFFERPOOL    *-OTHERS                
>                        OTHER SYSTEM PARAMETERS                               
+ Collection Interval:  REALTIME                SNAPTIME: 07/31/13 13:33:44.01 
+ DSNZPARM Module                                       DB1HUNIN               
+ Assembly Date                                         07/30/13               
+ Initial Module                                        DSNZPARM               
+ Assembly Date                                         07/29/13               
+ Previous Module                                       DSNZPARM               
+ Assembly Date                                         07/29/13               
+ From DSN6SYSP                                                                
+ Size of Local Trace Table (TRACLOC)                         16               
+ Parallel Task AcctRollup (PTASKROL)                         NO               
+ Measured Usage Pricing (SMF89)                              NO               
+ DB2 OTC License Term (OTC_LICENSE)                          NO               
+ Trackmod Implicit TS (IMPTKMOD)                            YES               
+ Max DSSIZE Implicit TS (IMPDSSIZE)                           4               
+ From DSN6LOGP                                                                
+ Offload Option (OFFLOAD)                                   YES               
+ From DSN6ARVP                                                                
+ MSS Volume Group 1 Name (MVSGP)                            N/A               
+ MSS Volume Group 2 Name (MVSGP2)                           N/A             

+ From DSN6SPRM                                                                
+ Enable Database Check (DBCHK)                               NO               
+ Utility Cache Option (SEQPRES)                             N/A               
+ 3990-3 Seq Cache (SEQCACH)                                 N/A        
+ Disable Code Page Protect (PROTOFF)                         NO        
+ Varchar from Index (RETVLCFK)                              N/A        
+ Outer Join Perf Enh (OJPERFEH)                             N/A        
+ Minimum RID Lists (MINRBLK)                                  1        
+ NPAGES Threshold (NPGTHRSH)                                  0        
+ Star Join Threshold (SJTABLES)                              10        
+ SMS Data Class for TS (SMSDCFL)                            N/A        
+ SMS Data Class for IX (SMSDCIX)                            N/A        
+ MIN SCALE DECIMAL DIVIDE (MINDVSCL)                       NONE        
+ Max RDS OP Pool (MAX_OPT_STOR)                              40        
+ Max CPU Sec OP Use (MAX_OPT_CPU)                           100        
+ Disable SQLWANR1,5 (DISABSCL)                              N/A        
+ Max Entry Seclabel Cache (SECLCACH)                        255        
+ Max Numb in IN-List (INLISTP)                               50        
+ Recover to Point-in-Time (RPITWC)                          YES        
+ (UNION_COLNAME_7)                                           NO        
+ Statistics Cluster (STATCLUS)                              N/A        
+ (CACHEDYN_FREELOCAL)                                         1        
+ (MAX_CONCURRENT_PKG_OPS)                                    10        
+ (HONOR_KEEPDICTIONARY)                                      NO        
+ (INDEX_IO_PARALLELISM)                                     YES        
+ Z/OS Metrics (ZOSMETRICS)                                  YES        
+ OPT I/O Weighting (OPTIOWGT)                               N/A        
+ Enable Pair-wiseJoin (EN_PJSJ)                              NO        
+ (REALSTORAGE_MAX)                                            0        
+ (RESTRICT_ALT_COL_FOR_DCC)                                  NO        
+ (DISALLOW_DEFAULT_COLLID)                                  N/A        
+ I/O Scheduling feature (SPRMIOP)                           YES        
+ Correlation ID Monitor (SPRMOZCI)                 023.GCSCN602        
+ User ID Monitor (SPRMOZUS)                                HONG        
+ Value For Trigger Drain (SPRMTDD)                            1        
+ Max # OF DDS Withhold (SPRMMDD)                              3        
+ #Field Procs for TB Block (SPRMFDP)                          5        
+ Max NotFound Hash Records (SPRMKFC)                        100        
+ Max Extend Service Tasks (SPRMEST)                          20        
+ Max ZIVLEMPEL Dict Entry (SPRMMDE)                        4096        
+ ProjectZ Insert Threshold (SPRMZTN)                          2        
+ Default index type (SPRMDXT)                                 2         
+ (OPT1ROWBLOCKSORT)                                          NO        
+ (SUBQ_MIDX)                                                YES        
+ (ACCELMODEL)                                          NO 
+ (AUTH_COMPATIBILITY)                                  NO 
+ (CHECK_FASTREPLICATION)                         REQUIRED 
+ (XML_RESTRICT_EMPTY_TAG)                              NO 
+ (PREVENT_NEW_IXCTRL_PART)                             NO 
+ (SUPPRESS_HINT_SQLCODE_DYN)                           NO 
+ (LIKE_BLANK_INSIGNIFICANT)                            NO 
+ (SIMULATED_CPU_COUNT)                                  0 
+ (SIMULATED_CPU_SPEED)                                  0 
+ (MATERIALIZED_NODET_SQLTUDF)                          NO 
+ (MOVE_TO_ARCHIVE_DEFAULT)                              N
+ (DISALLOW_SEL_INTO_UNION)                            YES
+ (COMCRIT)                                             NO
+ (ENCRYPTION_KEYLABEL)                       DB2SYS.KEY01
+ (ALLOW_UPD_DEL_INS_WITH_UR)                           NO
+ (DISALLOW_SSARAUTH)                                  YES
+ (LA_SINGLESEL_ISOCS_CDY)                              NO
+ From DSN6FAC                                            
+ Enable SQL Interrupt (SQLINTRP)                       NO
+ (PRIVATE_PROTOCOL)                                    NO
+ DDF_COMPAT: IDNTFY_PRIOR_VERSION                       0
+ DDF_COMPAT: SP_PARMS_NJV                              NO
+ DDF_COMPAT: DISABLE_IMPCAST_NJV                       NO
+ DDF_COMPAT: DISABLE_IMPCAST_JV                        NO
+ DDF_COMPAT: IGNORE_TZ                                 NO
+ DDF_COMPAT: SP_PARMS_JV                               NO
+ DDF_COMPAT: RESET IFCID402                           N/A             
+ From DSNHDECP                                                                
+ DB2 Supplied DECP Indic (DB2SUPLD)                      N               
+ Charset Default (CHARSET)                             N/A               
+ Others                                                                       
+ Space Above DB2 Leave Available                   39387136               
+ Space Reserved For Critical Work                  39387136               
+ Space Reserved For z/OS Functions                    40960               
+ Extended Datestamp Indicator                            NO               
+ Online ZPARM Time of Last Change      07/30/13 13:44:59.62               
+ Online ZPARM Type                                     LOAD               
+ Number of Facility Entries                               1               
+ Facility Name                                          DDF               
+ SU Conversion Factor                                   281               
+ New Function Mode (NEWFUN)                             YES               


For additional information about
  • related topics, select one of the options on the top of the panel.
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


The DSNZ command displays the following lines to reflect the usage of the Db2 SET SYSPARM command. To each of these lines, the corresponding date on which this particular module is assembled is displayed.
The DSNZPARM module name specified for Db2 startup.
Initial Module
The name of the initial DSNZPARM load module.
Previous Module
The name of the previous DSNZPARM load module.
Assembly Date
The date on which this module was assembled.
Size of Local Trace Table (TRACLOC)
Determines a multiple of 4K that determines the size of the local trace tables.
Parallel Task AcctRollup
Indicates whether to roll up the accounting trace of the query parallel tasks into the accounting trace of the originating task. Valid values:
The originating task cuts an additional accounting trace record with all the roll-up values from parallel tasks.
This is the default value.
Each parallel task produces its own accounting trace.
Measured Usage Pricing
Indicates whether Db2 is tracking for measured usage pricing.
Default value: NO
Db2 OTC License Term (OTC_LICENSE)
Determines whether this Db2 subsystem or data sharing member operates under an OTC license. The terms of the OTC license are accepted. Valid values:
Not used
Indicates that an OTC license is not in effect on this Db2.
This is the default value.
Terms accepted
Indicates that an OTC license is in effect on the Db2 and that the owner accepts the terms of that license. To view the terms, see the member DSNTIPO1 of the SDSNSPFP target library for this version of Db2.
Trackmod Implicit TS
Determines whether Db2 tracks modifications to the pages of implicitly created table spaces.
This setting pertains only to the base table spaces. It is not used for implicitly created LOB or XML table spaces. Valid values:
Implicit table spaces are created. Db2 tracks changed pages in the space map pages to improve the performance of incremental image copy.
Db2 does not track changed pages in the space map pages. To determine whether a page is changed, the LRSN value is used.
Max DSSIZE Implicit TS
Determines the maximum DSSIZE in gigabytes that can be used by Db2 for creating each partition of an implicitly created base table space.
Offload Option
Determines whether online initiation of the offload process is used. Valid values: YES or NO.
Default: YES

The CDDS_MODE subsystem parameter specifies how a member of a Db2 data sharing group participates in a GDPS Continuous Availability with zero data loss (GDPS Continuous Availability with zero data loss) environment.


Valid values are:

(Default) The Db2 subsystem or data sharing group does not participate in a GDPS Continuous Availability with zero data loss environment. The subsystem or data sharing group member supports only the replication of its own log. The data set that the CDDS_PREFIX parameter specifies can be defined locally but is not used.
The data sharing group that contains the member that is being installed is the source group in an implementation of the GDPS Continuous Availability with zero data loss solution. The source data sharing group supports replication of the logs and log data sets of its members by another data sharing group, which is the proxy group in the implementation of the GDPS Continuous Availability with zero data loss solution. The proxy group performs replication of tables in the source data sharing group that are enabled for changed data capture. The source group must contain a key-sequenced data set with the name that is specified by the CDDS_PREFIX subsystem parameter. That data set is the compression dictionary data set (CDDS). When IFI READS calls are made to the proxy group to retrieve compressed log records, Db2 uses the CDDS to decompress the log records. The location of the source group must be defined in the communications database of the proxy group.
The data sharing group that contains the member that is being installed supports only replication of log data sets for the source data sharing group in an implementation of the GDPS Continuous Availability with zero data loss solution. The location of the proxy group must be defined in the communications database of the source group.
Db2 11 and later.

The CDDS_PREFIX subsystem parameter specifies the prefix for the name of the data set that contains dictionaries that Db2 uses to decompress compressed log records when a proxy data sharing group in an implementation of the GDPS Continuous Availability with zero data loss (GDPS Continuous Availability with zero data loss) solution captures the log records on behalf of a source data sharing group. The data set is known as the compression dictionary data set (CDDS).

The data set name is formed by appending the string '.CDDS' to the value of CDDS_PREFIX.

Valid values: 1 - 39 bytes

Default: DSNCAT


Db2 11 and later.
MSS Volume Group 1 Name
The name of the mass storage system volume group 1. Db2 10 only.
MSS Volume Group 2 Name
The name of the mass storage system volume group 2. Db2 10 only.
Enable Database Check
Determines whether additional internal checking is performed to determine whether the database manager is producing defective data or index records. Internal checking increases the cost of a database request, however, it provides early detection of system errors that might produce incorrect data. Valid values: YES or NO.
Default: NO.
Utility Cache Option
Determines whether the sequential prestage function of 3990 sequential caching for utilities is used.
Db2 10 only.
3990-3 Seq Cache
Determines whether sequential mode to read cached data from a 3990 controller is used.
Db2 10 only.
Disable Code Page Protect
Determines whether Code Page Protect is used.
Varchar from Index
Determines whether Db2 can return data from an index key for a varying length column. Db2 10 only.
Outer Join Perf Enh
Determines whether outer join performance enhancements are used. Db2 10 only.
Minimum RID Lists
The minimum number of RID blocks in the Db2 subsystem.
NPAGES Threshold
The NPAGES threshold for optimizer.
Star Join Threshold
Determines the minimum number of tables in a query block before Db2 considers the query block for star join. Star join must be enabled before Db2 can use this system parameter. Valid values:
Star join is enabled for a query block with 10 or more tables.
This is the default setting.
Star joins is enabled.
Star join is enabled if the query block contains a minimum of this number of tables.
Star join is not enabled.
SMS Data Class for TS
The SMS data class name that is used by Db2 when a cluster for a table space is defined. If this value is blank, a data class name is not used. Db2 10 only.
SMS Data Class for IX
The SMS data class name that is used by Db2 when a cluster for an index is defined. If this value is blank, a data class name is not used. Db2 10 only.
The minimum scale for the result of a decimal division.
Valid values: None (default), 3, or 6. If 3 or 6 is specified, this parameter overrides the DECDIV3 parameter.
The maximum amount of RDS op pool storage in MB to be used by the Db2 Optimizer. Valid values: 0 to 100. If 0 is specified, Db2 uses the maximum of 100. Default: 20.
The maximum amount of CPU time in seconds to be used by the Db2 Optimizer. Valid values: 0 to 500. If 0 is specified, Db2 uses the maximum of 500. Default: 100.
Do not set SQLWARN1, SQLWARN4 and SQLWARN5 after the scrollable cursor has been successfully opened. Db2 10 only.
Max Entry Seclabel Cache (QWP4SCLC)
Maximum number of entries in the SECLABEL cache. Used to avoid RACROUTE REQUEST=DIRAUTH REQUESTS.
Max Numb in IN-List (QWP4INLP)
The maximum number of elements in an IN-List for an in-list predicate to be optimized. If the IN-List contains this number or fewer elements, it is optimized in the following ways:
  • The IN-List predicated is pushed down into a materialized view or table expression
  • A correlated IN-List predicate in a subquery that is generated by transitive closure can be moved up to the parent query block.
Valid values: 0 to 5000. 0 means that no optimization occurs. The default is 50.
Recover to Point-in-Time (QWP4RPTC)
Recover to Point-In-Time with consistency.
The SQLNAME field in the SQLDA after a query describe in which the result table is the result of a union, is the name of the column from the first subquery of the union.
Statistics Cluster
Defines whether enhanced clustering is used. Db2 10 only.
Determines whether statements from the dynamic statement cache can be freed by Db2 to relieve storage constraints below the 2GB bar.
This parameter applies only for packages or plans that are bound with KEEPDYNAMIC(YES).
Valid values:
Statements cannot be freed from the cache.
Statements can be freed from the cache.
Db2 10 and Db2 11 only.
The maximum number of package requests that can be processed simultaneously.
Valid values: YES, NO.
Determines whether index I/O parallelism is enabled. Db2 10 and Db2 11 only.
Z/OS Metrics
Determines whether the gathering of Z/OS metrix through the RMF interface is enabled.
OPT I/O Weighting
Determines whether the optimizer I/O weighting is enabled. Db2 10 only.
Enable Pair-wise Join
Determines whether pair-wise join is enabled.
Maximum amount of real plus auxiliary storage that can be used.
Disallow default collection ID. Db2 10 only.
I/O Scheduling feature
Determines whether the I/O scheduling feature is activated.
Correlation ID Monitor (QWP4OZCI)
Online system parameter correlation ID monitor.
User ID Monitor
Online system parameter user ID monitor.
If QWP4OZUS_OFF is not 0, this value is truncated. If QWP4OZUS is truncated, this is the offset from the beginning of QWP4 TO QWP4OZUS_LEN.
Value for Trigger Drain (QWP4TDDN)
Value for trigger drain.
Max # of DDS withhold (QWP4MDDN)
Maximum number of DDS with HOLD.
Field Procs for TB Block
The number of field procs for Describe Table Block.
Max NotFound Hash Records (QWP4KNFC)
Maximum number of "Not Found" hash records.
Max Extend Service Tasks (QWPEST)
Maximum extend service tasks.
Maximum number of ZIVLEMPEL dictionary entries.
ProjectZ Insert Threshold (QWP4ZTN)
Project Z insertion threshold.
Default index type (S) (QWP4DXTP)
Default index type (type 1 or type 2).
Determines for queries that use the option Optimize For 1 Row whether all access paths that require sorting are blocked if there is at least one access path that avoids sorting.
Valid values:
If the option Optimize For 1 Row is used with a query, the option Sort Access Paths is disabled if a No-Sort choice is available.
It is unlikely that Sort Access Paths is chosen by Db2. However, a Sort Access Path might win.
Determines whether Multiple Index Access for queries that have subquery predicates is enabled.
Specifies whether to enable the modeling of query workloads for evaluating the potential savings for both accumulated elapsed time and processor time if the plan is run on an accelerator server.
Only queries that Db2 deems eligible to run on an accelerator server are included in the accelerator-related fields of accounting trace IFCID 3. Valid values are:
NO (default)
Modeling is not done.
Modeling is done. This value applies only when the following requirements are also met:
  • The value of the QUERY ACCELRATION subsystem parameter value is NONE, ENABLE, ENABLE WITH FAILBACK or ELIGIBLE
  • The CURRENT GET_ACCEL_ARCHIVE special register value is NO.
  • The GET_ACCEL_ARCHIVE subsystem parameter value is NO If other values are specified, Db2 tries to accelerate queries instead of doing accelerator modeling.
The AUTH_COMPATIBILITY parameter specifies whether the default authorization check is overridden when users request to use the UNLOAD utility. Valid values:
NO for blank (default)
Indicates that AUTH_COMPATIBILITY has no effect and that there is no authorization check override.
When this value is specified, the UNLOAD utility checks if the user has the SELECT privilege on the target table. When this value is not specified, the UNLOAD utility checks if the user has the UNLOAD privilege on the target table.
Db2 12 and later.
Specify the type of replication to be used by DSSCOPY when invoked by the Db2 check utilities to copy objects to shadow data sets. The check utilities use DSSCOPY to copy Db2 objects to shadow data sets for processing and can stipulate fast replication as either preferred or required. Valid values are:
REQUIRED (default)
The check utilities force DSSCOPY to use fast replication ensuring that object copies occur as quickly as possible. This reduces the opportunity for resource contention and unavailability. This option causes the check to fail if flash copy cannot be used.
The check utilities direct DSSCOPY to use fast replication only if flash copy support is available.
Specifies whether Db2 always serializes an empty XML element using a start-element tag followed by an end-element tag.
Valid values are NO and YES. NO is the default.
A value of NO means that Db2 serializes an empty XML element in either of the following ways:
  • As a start-element tag followed by an end-element tag. For example
  • As an empty-element tag. For example:
A value of YES means that Db2 always serializes an empty XML element as a start-element tag followed by an end-element tag. For example:
Db2 12 and later.
The PREVENT_NEW_IXCTRL_PART subsystem parameter determines whether Db2 disallows the creation of new index-controlled partitioned tables. This subsystem parameter ensures that new partitioned tables use table-controlled partitioning, which is the preferred partitioning method for non-universal tablespaces. Valid values:
Specifies that new index-controlled partitioned tables can be created.
Specifies that new partitioned table spaces must use table-controlled partitioning. A CREATE INDEX statement must not attempt to create an index-controlled partitioned table.
Specifies whether Db2 suppresses SQLCODE +394 and SQLCODE +395 when specified access paths are applied for dynamic SQL statements.
NO (default)
Specifies that Db2 issues SQLCODEs +394 and +395 for statement-level access paths and PLAN_TABLE access paths.
Specifies that Db2 suppresses SQLCODEs +394 and +395 for statement-level access paths for dynamic SQL statement.
Specifies that Db2 suppresses SQLCODEs +394 and +395 for statement-level access paths and PLAN_TABLE access paths for dynamic SQL statements.
The SUPPRESS_HINT_SQLCODE_DYN subsystem parameter does not apply to static SQL statements or dynamic EXPLAIN statements.
Specifies whether blanks are significant when applying the LIKE predicate to a string. If set, the blank insignificant behavior applies. Valid values: YES, NO. The default is NO.
Specifies the number of CPUs that are being simulated. This parameter is to be used for Db2 optimization modeling only. Valid values are OFF and numbers 1 - 255. The parameter is online changeable.
The default value, OFF, means that Db2 optimizes for the number of CPUs on which it is running. This setting is recommended for production environments.
Specifies the microseconds of execution time for tasks or service request blocks (SRBs) per service unit for the CPU that is being simulated. This parameter is used only for Db2 optimization modeling. Valid values:
Db2 optimizes for the CPU on which it is running. Use this setting in production environments.
1 - 2,147,483,647
Microseconds of execution time for tasks or service request blocks (SRBs) per service unit for the CPU that is being simulated. For values 1 - 27, Db2 uses a value of 27.
Specifies whether the Db2 database manager materializes the result of a user-defined SQL table function that is defined as NOT DETERMINISTIC. Valid values are:
NO (default)
The Db2 database manager does not materialize the result of a user-defined SQL table function that is defined as NOT DETERMINISTIC.
The Db2 database manager materializes the result of a user-defined SQL table function that is defined as NOT DETERMINISTIC. Use this setting to avoid errors in processing SQL statements that reference those user-defined SQL table functions
Db2 12 and later.
Specifies the default for the SYSIBMADM.MOVE_TO_ARCHIVE built-in global variable.


Valid values are:

(Default) Specifies that a delete of a row in an archive-enabled table will not result in storing a copy of the deleted row in the associated archive table.
Specifies that a delete of a row in an archive-enabled table will result in storing a copy of the deleted row in the associated archive table.
Specifies that a delete of a row in an archive-enabled table will result in storing a copy of the deleted row in the associated archive table. Additionally, when the global variable is set to 'Y', an insert or update operation that specifies the archive-enabled table as the target of the statement will result in an error.
Db2 11 and later.
Specifies whether to disallow a UNION or UNION ALL as the outermost from-clause of a SELECT INTO statement, which is invalid SQL syntax. Such statements were inadvertently allowed before Db2 12. However, in Db2 12 they are disallowed by default.

Online changeable: YES


Valid values are:

(Default) SELECT INTO statements with UNION or UNION ALL as the outermost from-clause are not supported. This setting enforces valid SQL syntax.
SELECT INTO statements with UNION or UNION ALL as the outermost from-clause are accepted. This setting tolerates invalid SQL syntax.
Db2 11 and later.
Sets the Common Criteria environment, which requires that tables that you create (other than created global temporary tables, declared global temporary tables, and auxiliary tables) must have multilevel security.


Security parameter: YES

Valid values are:

(Default) The behavior of Db2 is unchanged.
All tables that you create (other than created global temporary tables, declared global temporary tables, and auxiliary tables) must have multilevel security. If the AS SECURITY LABEL clause is missing from a table, an error occurs and the table is not created. Setting COMCRIT to YES causes some of the current installation and migration processes to fail. A value of YES also limits the number of concurrent sessions that are allowed for a primary authorization ID if a RACF custom field is defined for that ID.
Db2 11 and later.
The ENCRYPTION_KEYLABEL subsystem parameter specifies the name of an ICSF key label to provide to DFSMS when using z/OS DFSMS data set encryption support to define encrypted data sets for the Db2 catalog, directories, and archive logs. The setting is used to define encrypted data sets for the Db2 catalog, directory objects, user-defined indexes on the catalog, and archive logs only when the Db2 function level is V12R1M502 or higher. The default setting of blank means Db2 does not provide the key label during allocation of the data sets associated with the system objects. If non-blank, ENCRYPTION_KEYLABEL must be set to a string from 1 - 64 bytes that identifies a protected data key in the ICSF key repository. A change to this parameter does not take effect until you use the -SET SYSPARM command to bring it online. Even if you start or restart Db2 after changing the value, the change is not honored until you issue the -SET SYSPARM command. In Db2 data sharing, all members need to use the same setting. When changing the setting of ENCRYPTION_KEYLABEL for a data sharing group, make the change on all members before running the -SET SYSPARM command on any member.

Acceptable values: 1 - 64 bytes.

Default: Blanks


Db2 12 and later.
Specifies whether Db2 allows UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT statements to be prepared with the isolation-clause attribute WITH UR.
Valid values are:
(Default) Db2 disallows UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT statements to be prepared with the isolation-clause attribute WITH UR.
Db2 allows UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT statements to be prepared with the isolation-clause attribute WITH UR.
Determines whether user address spaces are blocked from setting a Db2 address space as a secondary address space.
Valid values are:
(Default) User address spaces are permitted to set a Db2 address space as a secondary address space.
User address spaces are blocked from setting a Db2 address space as a secondary address space.
Specifies whether Db2 enables lock avoidance for singleton SELECT with ISOLATION(CS) and CURRENTDATA(YES).
Valid values are:
(Default) Db2 disables lock avoidance for singleton SELECT with ISOLATION(CS) CURRENTDATA (YES).
Db2 enables lock avoidance for singleton SELECT with ISOLATION(CS) CURRENTDATA (YES). With the YES setting, occasional false error or warning conditions are possible when lock avoidance is used for singleton SELECT statements that run with the ISOLATION(CS) and CURRENTDATA(YES) options, including SQLCODE -811 (more than one row returned) and +100 (no row found). Use this setting only if your environment can tolerate these situations.
Db2 12 and later.
Specifies whether column names can be longer than 30 bytes, up to a maximum length of 128 EBCDIC bytes.
Valid values are:
(Default) Column names longer than 30 EBCDIC bytes cannot be specified.
Column names can be up to 128 EBCDIC bytes long.
In Db2 data sharing, it is recommended that all members of the group use the same value.
Db2 12 and later.
Enable SQL Interrupt
Determines whether SQL Interrupt processing is enabled.
Typically, this parameter is not modified unless remote client systems experience SQL interrupt-oriented failures and a disablement of the Db2 SQL Interrupt support is required until the remote client systems can be modified to tolerate this behavior.
Default: Enable.
Determines the Db2 behavior that is relative to legacy private protocol usage.
Does not allow private protocol-related behavior.
Indicates that plan owner-based package execution authorization semantics that might affect Db2 for z/OS® DRDA requester systems that might rely on it are not honored.
Secondary IDs are utilized to determine package execution privileges that are relative to remote Db2 for z/OS applications.
This is the default value.
Allows private protocol-related plan owner-based package authorization behavior.
Indicates that plan owner-based package execution authorization semantics are honored for the benefit of Db2 for z/OS DRDA requester systems that might rely on it.
Secondary IDs are not utilized to determine package execution privileges that are relative to remote Db2 for z/OS applications.
Determines whether DDF behavior for compatibility with previous releases is enabled.
Valid options are:
IDNTFY_V10_PRIOR_VER (Db2 10 only) IDNTFY_V11_PRIOR_VER (Db2 11 only)
Return information to ALL remote clients to reflect new-function support and product signature of previous version from where Db2 was migrated. Db2 identifies itself as the previous version. Does not apply in NFM. Applies only in CMn/ENFM and CMn*/ENFM*.
IDNTFY_V12_PRIOR_VER (Db2 12 only)
Specifies a Db2 12 server for which the new function has not been activated to identify itself to all remote clients as a Db2 11 server in new-function mode.
The DDF_COMPATIBILITY parameter has no effect and Db2 12 new function behavior is used for all applications.
Specifies that the Db2 for z/OS server disables implicit casting of input host variables from numeric data types to string data types, or from string data types to numeric data types, when the application is a Java client application that uses the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ. If DISABLE_IMPCAST_JV is not specified, Db2 enables implicit casting of input host variables from numeric data types to string data types, or from string data types to numeric data types.
Specifies that the time zone information is ignored during boundary error checking for TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE input variables when the target data type is TIMESTAMP and the client driver is IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ. IGNORE_TZ is deprecated. In Db2 11, IGNORE_TZ is effective only if application compatibility is set to V10R1. Db2 V12 and later.
Specifies that when a non-Java client application calls a Db2 for z/OS stored procedure, Db2 returns output argument values with data types that match the data types of the corresponding CALL statement arguments, unless either of the following conditions are true:
  • The non-Java client is Version 10 or later.
  • The stored procedure uses a parameter data type that was introduced in Db2 10 (XML, TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE, or TIMESTAMP with precision greater than 6).
If either condition is true, Db2 returns output parameter values with data types that match the data types of the parameters in the stored procedure definition.
If SP_PARMS_NJV is not specified, Db2 returns output parameter values with data types that match the data types of the parameters in the stored procedure definition.
SP_PARMS_NJV is deprecated. Db2 ignores this value if application compatibility is set to V11R1 or later.
Starting in Db2 12 or later with APAR PH50729 (March 2023), Db2 resets IFCID 402 statistics counters immediately if the warning or exception threshold for the associated profiles is changed when you issue a START PROFILE command.
Db2 do not reset.
Db2 resets the IFCID402 warning and exception counters when a new profile is enabled, or an existing profile's threshold is changed.
Db2 12 only.
Db2 Supplied DECP Indic (DB2SUPLD) (QWPBDB2S)
Db2-supplied DECP indication.
Charset Default (CHARSET) (QWPBCHAR)
Character set default. Db2 10 only.
Space Above Db2 Leave Available
The amount of space that is kept available by Db2 for critical tasks.
Space Reserved for Critical Work
The amount of space that is reserved for critical work that must be completed.
Space Reserved for z/OS Functions
The amount of space that is reserved for z/OS functions.
Extended Datestamp Indicator
Determines whether the time stamp archive log data sets with the date in the format YYYYDDD are used.
New Function Mode
Determines whether subsystem is in the New Function mode.