Completing the configuration

After you configure OMEGAMON for Db2® Performance Expert using your preferred configuration method (either Configuration Manager or PARMGEN), you must complete several post-configuration steps. The post-configuration steps that you must complete are a combination of required steps and conditional steps that depend on your particular configuration and monitoring objectives.

Table 1. General steps to complete the configuration of OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert
General steps Required for ...
Creating the DB2PM ID Required for all configurations
Copying started task definitions Required for all configurations
Granting privileges Required for all configurations
APF-authorize libraries Required for all configurations
Preparing the Db2 subsystems Required for all configurations
Starting Db2 traces Required for all configurations
Setting up RRSAF Required for all configurations

Before you begin with the conditional configuration steps, ensure you have properly set up TCP/IP. For more information, see Setting up TCP/IP services.

Table 2. Conditional steps to complete the configuration of OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert
Conditional steps Required for ...
Copying VTAM definitions Required for the Classic User Interface
Reviewing runtime members and jobs Required if you used PARMGEN as your configuration method
Manually allocating data sets Required for Near-Term History Collection
Preallocating Snapshot History data sets Required for Snapshot History
Completing Performance Warehouse setup Required for the Performance Warehouse component
Defining additional security Required for the Performance Expert Agent for Db2 Connect Monitoring component
Creating the Db2 EXPLAIN database Required for SQL tuning (EXPLAIN)
Activating SOURCE EXPLAIN Required for SQL tuning
Evaluating the cost of Object Analysis Required for Object Analysis
Starting NTH data collection Required for Near Term History
Enabling Db2 Query Monitor in the E3270 UI Required for integration with Db2 Query Monitor

Component codes

Table 3. Component codes
Name Component code
OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert (Server) KO2/KD2
OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert (Agent) KD5/KDP

Before you begin

Review the complete the configuration topics for the following common components before you proceed:

  • KCI - (Required) Common to all components configured in this RTE
  • KAG - (Required) Common Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent (TEMA)
  • KDS - (Conditional) Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
  • KOB - (Conditional) OMEGAMON OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface

Your OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert version installed is FMID HKDB%KD6VER%.