z/OS runtime variables

The runtime variables that you use for setting up the Operational Decision Manager for z/OS® runtime are stored in different data set members.

Configuration tasks and data set members

Table 1. Configuration tasks and data set members
Task Data set member Variables
Configure batch or IMS jobs on zRule Execution Server for z/OS. HBRBATCH Variables that enable batch applications to connect to the correct zRule Execution Server for z/OS. The HBRBATCH data set member belongs to SHBRPARM.
Configure and access a DB2® database persistence layer for zRule Execution Server for z/OS running on a CICS® JVM server. HBRCICSD Variables for a DB2 database that is used as the persistence layer for zRule Execution Server for z/OS running on a CICS JVM server. The HBRCICSD data set member belongs to SHBRPARM.
Configure CICS applications to run on zRule Execution Server for z/OS running on a CICS JVM server. HBRCICSJ Variables that are used for CICS applications on a zRule Execution Server for z/OS running on a CICS JVM server. The HBRCICSJ data set member belongs to SHBRPARM.
Configure CICS applications to run on zRule Execution Server for z/OS. HBRCICSZ Variables that are used for CICS applications on zRule Execution Server for z/OS. The HBRCICSZ member belongs to SHBRPARM.
Configure communications with the console, and customization of trace level. HBRCMMN Variables that are used by the server to communicate with the console, and to customize the trace level. The HBRCMMN data set member belongs to SHBRPARM.
Configure batch applications to run in an embedded zRule Execution Server for z/OS. HBREMBED Variables that enable batch applications to connect to an embedded zRule Execution Server for z/OS. The HBREMBED data set member belongs to SHBRPARM.
Configure server startup. HBRMSTR Variables that are used to start a server instance. The HBRMSTR data set member belongs to SHBRPARM.
Configure and access the persistence layer. HBRPSIST Variables that specify persistence type information. The HBRPSIST data set member belongs to SHBRPARM.
Configure batch, IMS, or CICS applications to run on Rule Execution Server on WebSphere® Application Server through WOLA. HBRWOLA Variables that enable client applications to connect to a Rule Execution Server on WebSphere Application Server, through a WebSphere Optimized Local Adapter (WOLA). The HBRWOLA data set member belongs to SHBRPARM.
Not customizable. HBRSCEN Variables that specify the borrower input values for the Miniloan sample application. This data set member requires no customization. The HBRSCEN data set member belongs to SHBRPARM.


Table 2. HBRBATCH variables for configuring batch or IMS jobs on zRule Execution Server for z/OS.
Variable Description


A list of 1 to 32 zRule Execution Server for z/OS subsystem IDs separated by commas.

Example: HBR1,HBR2,HBR3

The first ID in the list is the primary server to which rule execution is routed. Other servers run rulesets only if rule execution is transferred to them. To route rule execution to a particular server, specify its ID first.

Note: Instances of zRule Execution Server for z/OS running on a CICS JVM server can be configured only as a server group with a single server.
Tip: If you give each server the same subsystem ID prefix, you can use wildcards to apply commands to multiple servers. For example, if each server name begins with HBR, you can use the wildcard HBR% to specify multiple servers on RACF® commands rather than issue the same command for each server. For example, RDEFINE HBRCONN HBR% UACC(NONE)
HBRTARGETRES This variable specifies the location for the rule execution.

In the example, ZRES means that the rules run in a standard zRule Execution Server for z/OS.

HBRTIMEOUT Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the zRule Execution Server for z/OS stand alone:
  • 0 = No timeout.
  • 1 to 60000 = The number of seconds to wait for rule execution to complete.


Table 3. HBRCICSD variables for configuring and accessing a DB2 database persistence layer for zRule Execution Server for z/OS running on a CICS JVM server.
Variable Description
HBRPERSISTENCETYPE The type of persistence layer that is used to store deployed artifacts. This variable is pre-set to DB2. Do not change the value.
HBRDBURL The execution environment that is running in CICS uses this URL to access the DB2 connection that is established by CICS.


Table 4. HBRCICSJ variables for configuring CICS applications to run on zRule Execution Server for z/OS running on a CICS JVM server.
Variable Description
HBRWORKPATH The location of the working directory in the UNIX System Services file system.

Example: /u/HBR1

Initialized by the ++HBRWORKPATH++ variable that is specified in the control statement.

HBRINSTPATH The location of the installation root directory in the UNIX System Services file system.

Example: /usr/lpp/zDM/V8R9M0

Initialized by the ++HBRINSTPATH++ variable in the HBRINST member.

HBRTARGETRES This variable specifies the location for the rule execution.

The only possible value for running rules in a CICS that hosts a CICS JVM server is LCICSJVM. This value is used because all rules run locally in the CICS JVM server.

HBRPOOLMAXSIZE This variable controls the size of the pool.maxSize setting for the defaultConnectionManagerProperties setting in ra.xml. It controls the number of concurrent threads that can run rulesets.

If it is defined, the value of HBRPOOLMAXSIZE must be higher than the Threadlimit setting on the HBRJVM JVM server that is defined in CICS. The default value is 20 if this variable is not set.


Table 5. HBRCICSZ variables for configuring CICS applications to run on zRule Execution Server for z/OS.
Variable Description
HBRSSIDLIST A list of 1 to 32 zRule Execution Server for z/OS subsystem IDs separated by commas.

Example: HBR1,HBR2,HBR3

The first ID in the list is the primary server, from which you start the shared console. Rule execution is routed to the first available server in the list. Other servers run rulesets only if rule execution is transferred to them. To route rule execution to a particular server, specify its ID first.

Note: Instances of zRule Execution Server for z/OS running on a CICS JVM server can be configured only as a server group with a single server.
Tip: If you give each server the same subsystem ID prefix, you can use wildcards to apply commands to multiple servers. For example, if each server name begins with HBR, you can use the wildcard HBR% to specify multiple servers on RACF commands rather than issue the same command for each server. The RDEFINE HBRCONN HBR% UACC(NONE) command is an example that uses a wildcard.
HBRTARGETRES This variable specifies the location for the rule execution.
There are 2 possible values for running rules in a CICS region:
  • ZRES
The rule execution can be used on another CICS region that acts as an owning region for that rule, or used on a zRule Execution Server for z/OS on the same LPAR.
HBRTIMEOUT Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the zRule Execution Server for z/OS stand alone:
  • 0 = No timeout.
  • 1 to 60000 = The number of seconds to wait for rule execution to complete.


Table 6. HBRCMMN runtime variables for configuring communicating with the console, and for customizing trace level.
Variable Description
HBRDWTRACE Specifies whether Decision Warehousing should be enabled for this zRule Execution Server. When set to YES, the Decision Warehouse trace will be captured for rulesets which have trace enabled and stored in the RES Database in DB2. When set to NO, the Decision Warehouse trace will still be captured for rulesets which have trace enabled but it will be discarded.
HBRLANG The language that is used by the server. The list of supported languages is in the HBRCMMN data set member.
HBRCCSID Variable that is related to code page conversion.

Example: 1047

HBRCONFIG This property controls whether zRule Execution Server for z/OS updates with the following configuration files with the values that are obtained from the HBRENVPR DD statement.
When in RULE mode:
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/config/res/ra.xml
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/config/res/dvs-dw.properties
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/config/res/<SSID>.logging.properties
When in CONSOLE, HTDS, or TEST mode:
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/config/res/<SSID>.logging.properties
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/config/console/<SSID>-resconsole.logging.properties (CONSOLE mode only)
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/servers/<SSID>/bootstrap.properties
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/servers/<SSID>/common.xml
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/servers/<SSID>/db2Type2.xml
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/servers/<SSID>/db2Type4.xml
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/servers/<SSID>/dr.xml
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/servers/<SSID>/ds.xml
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/servers/<SSID>/rc.xml
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/servers/<SSID>/resconsole.properties (CONSOLE mode only)
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/servers/<SSID>/securitySAF.xml
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/servers/<SSID>/securityWLP.xml
  • ++HBRWORKPATH++/servers/<SSID>/server.xml

If HBRCONFIG=YES (default), then the files are created or updated. If HBRCONFIG=NO, the files are not created or updated if they already exist.

This enables you to edit the files manually to make property changes, for instance to change the logging properties for your zRule Execution Server for z/OS in the <SSID>.logging.properties file.

HBRCONSOLECOM This variable indicates whether the zRule Execution Server for z/OS is to connect to the Rule Execution Server console for management purposes.
  • Set to YES to enable a management connection to the Rule Execution Server console.

  • Set to NO for situations where a console connection is not required, for example, Java™ Batch execution.

HBRCONSOLECOMPORT The port that is used by the console to communicate with the server.

Example: 44114

HBRCONSOLECOMHOST The host name of the LPAR where the console is running. Specify localhost when the console and the server are running on the same LPAR.

Example: localhost

HBRTRACELEVEL The trace level during execution. Choose from the following options:
  • ALL: Logs all messages, including internal traces.
  • FINE: Logs debug messages, informational messages, errors, and warnings.
  • INFO: Logs informational messages, errors, and warnings.

  • WARNING: Logs errors and warnings.

  • SEVERE: Logs errors only.

  • OFF: No tracing.


Table 7. HBREMBED variables for configuring batch applications to run in an embedded zRule Execution Server for z/OS
Variable Description
HBRSSIDLIST A list of 1 to 32 zRule Execution Server for z/OS subsystem IDs separated by commas.

Example: HBR1,HBR2,HBR3

These subsystems are used by the embedded zRule Execution Server for z/OS to access authorized services.

The zRule Execution Server for z/OS in the HBRSSIDLIST can be running in RULE, CONSOLE, or TEST mode.

HBRTARGETRES This variable specifies the location for the rule execution.

When you run rules in an embedded zRule Execution Server for z/OS, the only possible value for this variable is EMBED.

HBRWORKPATH The location of the installation root directory in the UNIX System Services file system.

Example: /usr/lpp/zDM/V8R9M0

Initialized by the ++HBRINSTPATH++ variable in the HBRINST member.

The location of the working directory in the UNIX System Services file system.

Example: /u/EMBD1

Initialized by the ++HBRWORKPATH++ variable that is specified in the control statement.

HBRINSTPATH The location of the installation root directory in the UNIX System Services file system.

Example: /usr/lpp/zDM/V8R9M0

Initialized by the ++HBRINSTPATH++ variable in the HBRINST member.

HBRSMFST100 Indicates whether the embedded zRule Execution Server for z/OS is to collect execution data in the System Management Facility (SMF) records.
  • Set to YES to enable the SMF recording feature
  • Set to NO otherwise.
JAVA_OPTIONS The arguments to pass to the JVM when zRule Execution Server for z/OS starts up. Details are provided as comments in the data set member.

Example: -Xmx768M -Xms768M

JAVA_HOME The location of the JVM.

Example: /java/java8_64/J8.0_64

Initialized by the ++HBRJAVAHOME++ variable in the HBRINST member.

LIBPATH_SUFFIX Extra libpath entries.
CLASSPATH_SUFFIX Extra classpath entries.
HBRPOOLMAXSIZE The maximum concurrent rule executions that can be executed by zRule Execution Server for z/OS.

Example: 1

The value of this variable must be a numeric integer 1 - 50. This variable is set to a value of 1 when you run a zRule Execution Server for z/OS in embedded mode.

HBRIFAUSAGE Indicates whether zRule Execution Server for z/OS is to collect CPU usage data in SMF type 89 records.

Set to YES to enable the SMF 89 recording feature.


Table 8. HBRMSTR variables for configuring server startup.
Variable Description


Choose from the following options:
  • RULE: The server accepts and processes rule executions from local clients. This mode is used when you run and manage rules from a mainframe.
  • HTDS: The server starts the Hosted Transparent Decision Service (HTDS) to enable rule execution via REST or Web Services.
  • CONSOLE: The server starts the Rule Execution Server console for managing the other servers in the group. The server does not accept connections from local clients.
  • TEST: The server is being used for testing and does not accept connections from local clients. This mode is used to start SSP and run rules only from the console.
  • NATIVE: The server does not start a JVM to perform any work. Instead, it is a lightweight address space to provide authorized services to embedded zRule Execution Server for z/OS instances.

The value is case-sensitive and must be specified in uppercase exactly as shown.


The ID of the subsystem where the zRule Execution Server for z/OS instance runs.

Example: HBR1

HBRWORKPATH The location of the working directory in the UNIX System Services file system.

Example: /u/HBR1

Initialized by the ++HBRWORKPATH++ variable in the HBRINST member.

HBRINSTPATH The location of the installation root directory in the UNIX System Services file system.

Example: /usr/lpp/zDM/V8R9M0

Initialized by the ++HBRINSTPATH++ variable in the HBRINST member.

HBRSCOPE To prevent multiple subsystems from running with the same SSID, an ENQ is obtained at subsystem startup. By default, the ENQ obtained has sysplex-wide scope so you cannot have two subsystems on different LPARs with the same SSID. The HBRSCOPE variable can be used to change this behavior so that only the ENQ has LPAR scope.

Ensure that only the ENQ has LPAR scope by setting HBRSCOPE=LPAR. Set HBRSCOPE=PLEX if you want to make the default explicit.

HBRPORT The port number on which the zRule Execution Server for z/OS can be found when HBRMODE is CONSOLE, HTDS, or TEST.

The port number on which the zRule Execution Server for z/OS running in CONSOLE mode can be found using a secure connection. The value must be an integer.

The value of this variable must be different from the value of the ++HBRPORT++ and ++HBRCONSOLECOMPORT++ variables.

Example: 24114


The location of the certificate keystore when zRule Execution Server for z/OS is configured for SSL data encryption. Allowed values are JAVA for a Java keystore or SAF for a SAF keystore such as RACF.

HBRARMENABLED Indicates whether the server is to be managed by Automatic Restart Manager (ARM).
  • Set to YES to have service disruptions that are managed by ARM.

  • Set to NO otherwise.

JAVA_OPTIONS The arguments to pass to the JVM when the zRule Execution Server for z/OS starts up. Details are provided as comments in the data set member.

Example: -Xmx768M -Xms768M

JAVA_HOME The location of the JVM.

Example: /java/java8_64/J8.0_64

Initialized by the ++HBRJAVAHOME++ variable in the HBRINST member.

LIBPATH_SUFFIX Extra libpath entries.
CLASSPATH_SUFFIX Extra classpath entries.
HBRSMFST100 Indicates whether zRule Execution Server for z/OS is to collect execution data in the System Management Facility (SMF) records.
  • Set to YES to enable the SMF recording feature.

  • Set to NO otherwise.

HBRSMFST100EMPTY By default zRule Execution Server for z/OS does not write empty SMF records when there is no rule execution activity in an SMF interval.

Set to YES to enable the writing of an empty record.

HBRIFAUSAGE Indicates whether zRule Execution Server for z/OS is to collect CPU usage data in SMF type 89 records.

Set to YES to enable the SMF 89 recording feature.

HBRPOOLMAXSIZE The maximum concurrent rule executions that can be executed by the zRule Execution Server for z/OS.

Example: 10

The value of this variable must be a numeric integer 1 - 50.

This variable is optional, and is defaulted to 10 if it is not provided.

HBRPRINTWTO Indicates whether zRule Execution Server for z/OS should print HBRPRINT messages as Write To Operator (WTO) messages.

Set to YES to enable WTO messages.


The HBRPSIST data set member includes the following variables:

Table 9. HBRPSIST variables for configuring and accessing the persistence layer.
Variable Description
HBRPERSISTENCETYPE The type of persistence layer that is used to store deployed artifacts. Set this variable to DB2 or FILE.
Table 10. HBRPSIST variables for configuring a file system as the persistence layer.
Variable Description
HBRFILEPATH The location where the ruleApps are stored when a file system is used as the persistence layer.

Example: /u/HBR1/res_xom

Initialized by the ++HBRWORKPATH++ variable in the HBRINST member.

HBRXOMFILEPATH The location where the XOMs are stored when a file system is used as the persistence layer.

Example: /u/HBR1/res_xom

Initialized by the ++HBRWORKPATH++ variable in the HBRINST member.

Table 11. HBRPSIST variable for configuring a DB2 database as the persistence layer.
Variable Description
HBRDBURL The URL for accessing the DB2 database.


Table 12. HBRWOLA variables for configuring batch jobs to run on Rule Execution Server on WebSphere Application Server through WOLA.
Variable Description
HBRWOLACELL The name of the WebSphere Application Server cell to connect to using WOLA.

Example: CILK

HBRWOLANODE The name of the WebSphere Application Server node to connect to using WOLA.

Example: NILK

HBRWOLASERVER The short name of the WebSphere Application Server server to connect to using WOLA.

Example: WSVRILK

HBRWOLACICS2WAS To use the CICS application task identity in the WebSphere Application Server authorization process, add HBRWOLACICS2WAS = YES to HBRWOLA. Adding this variable sets the WOLA registration flag, reg_flag_C2Wprop, to true.

For more information, see Optimized local adapters environment variables in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.


This variable specifies the location for the rule execution.

When you run rules in a WebSphere Application Server by using a WOLA configuration, the only possible value for this variable is WOLA.


This variable can be used to set the WOLA registration name as described in the documentation for BBOA1REG. The default, when this variable is not set, is to call BBOA1REG when a connection is first made by using a randomly created name. The alternative is to do the registration yourself (for example under CICS by calling BBOC REG), then pass the registration name to Operational Decision Manager for z/OS using this variable (in which case no calls to BBOA1REG/BBOA1URG are carried out on connect/disconnect).

Make the value a maximum of 12 characters long.
