Retrieving ruleset execution traces

Here is a typical code sample to set up a ruleset execution trace on the client side.

About this task

To define a ruleset execution trace on the client side, you create a session factory and a session request object, enable the trace, set the input parameters, create a response object, and retrieve the trace.

You can also trace ruleset execution on the server side by extending the EventPlugin class. See Extending the plug-in.


  1. Create a session factory and a session request object.
    • Java™ SE Plain Old Java Object (POJO) rule session:
      IlrSessionFactory sessionFactory = new IlrJ2SESessionFactory();
    • Java EE/POJO rule session:
      IlrSessionFactory sessionFactory = new IlrPOJOSessionFactory();
  2. Create a session request object.
    IlrSessionRequest sessionRequest = sessionFactory.createRequest();
    String rulesetPath = "/miniloanruleapp/miniloanrules";
  3. Enable the trace and retrieve all the traces on the executed rules.
  4. Optional: If not all XOM objects are serializable, add the following lines.
  5. Set the input parameters for the execution of the rules.
    Map<String,Object> inputParameters = sessionRequest.getInputParameters();
    inputParameters.put("loan", loan);
    inputParameters.put("borrower", borrower);
    IlrStatelessSession session = sessionFactory.createStatelessSession();
  6. Execute and get the response for this request.
    IlrSessionResponse response = session.execute(sessionRequest); 
  7. Get the execution trace and the number of rules executed.
    IlrExecutionTrace sessionTrace = response.getRulesetExecutionTrace();
    int rulesNumber = sessionTrace.getTotalRulesFired();  
  8. Get the business version of the execution trace and the list of executed rules with their business names, including the state of the output parameters.
    IlrBusinessExecutionTrace execResult = new IlrBusinessExecutionTrace(response.getRulesetExecutionTrace());
    List<String> rulesFired = execResult.getRuleFiredBusinessNames();
    loan = (Loan) response.getOutputParameters().get("loan"); 


Here is the entire typical code sample for a Java SE rule session:
IlrSessionFactory sessionFactory = new IlrJ2SESessionFactory();

IlrSessionRequest sessionRequest = sessionFactory.createRequest();
String rulesetPath = "/miniloanruleapp/miniloanrules";


Map<String,Object> inputParameters = sessionRequest.getInputParameters();
inputParameters.put("loan", loan);
inputParameters.put("borrower", borrower);

IlrStatelessSession session = sessionFactory.createStatelessSession();
IlrSessionResponse response = session.execute(sessionRequest);

IlrExecutionTrace sessionTrace = response.getRulesetExecutionTrace();
int rulesNumber = sessionTrace.getTotalRulesFired(); 

IlrBusinessExecutionTrace execResult = new IlrBusinessExecutionTrace(response.getRulesetExecutionTrace());
List<String> rulesFired = execResult.getRuleFiredBusinessNames();
loan = (Loan) response.getOutputParameters().get("loan");