What's new

Discover the new features and other improvements in Operational Decision Manager for z/OS

This topic lists the major changes in the release. The entries include links to additional resources.

Important: Use of inclusive terminology

While IBM values the use of inclusive language, terms that are outside of IBM's direct influence are sometimes required for the sake of maintaining user understanding. As other industry leaders join IBM in embracing the use of inclusive language, IBM will continue to update the documentation to reflect those changes.


New decision table and rule editors
New decision table and rule editors are available in Rule Designer and Decision Center. The new editors are displayed by default in the components, but you can switch to the old editors. New information Learn more...
Deprecated features
The following features were deprecated for New information
  • Old rule and decision table editors
  • XML binding
  • Java 8
  • WebSphere Application Server traditional
  • Execution using SOAP + WSDL (HTDS)
  • Execution using REST + XML (HTDS)
  • XU memory profiler
Updated software requirements
Support for the following software has been updated since the last release:
  • Windows 11
  • macOS 12 (Monterey)
  • MySQL 8.0
  • PostgreSQL 14.0
  • JBoss 7.4.4
Tip: Always check IBM® Operational Decision Manager detailed system requirements before installing or upgrading components.
Norwegian support
The components in Operational Decision Manager for z/OS now support Norwegian. Developers can use the editors to write code in this language. New information Learn more...
Glossary in English only
The glossary is not translated. It is provided in its original English version only. New information Learn more...

Rule Designer

Simplified installation of Rule Designer
Installation of Rule Designer has been simplified. New information Learn more...
Formatting empty cells in test suites
In Excel, you can format empty cells in test suites so that the cells are not treated as null. This formatting works for Excel scenario sheets made in Rule Designer and Decision Center. New information Learn more...

Decision Center

Repository cleanup tool
Use the REST API cleanup tool to remove versions of items in the Decision Center repository. The cleanup tool permanently deletes items from the repository, whereas the archiving tool leaves old data available in the database. New information Learn more...
Locking and unlocking artifacts
In the Business console, you can both lock and unlock artifacts to control when they are edited. New information Learn more...
Disabling decision model services
Use the new custom setting to enable or disable Create Decision Model and Import Decision Model in the Business console interface. The Business console library does not show decision model projects when the decision model services are disabled. New information Learn more...
REST API to delete and rename decision service snapshots
Now you can delete and rename decision service snapshots with REST API. New information Learn more...
Improved snapshot comparison
Snapshot comparison now displays changes in business object models (BOM), vocabularies, and BOM to XOM (B2X) strings. Comparison dialogs for BOM, vocabularies, and B2X are also improved in the merge view. New information Learn more...
Diagnostics reports on project usage
You can use the diagnostics in the Business console to track project usage, and charge subscription costs to specific business units. The diagnostics for billable artifacts have also been changed to focus on decision services. The diagnostics do not count projects in a repository that are not used by decision services, but they can count each instance of an artifact shared among decision services. New information Learn more...
Default grid columns setting
Use this setting to define the default grid columns that are displayed for all the users in the Decisions Artifacts and Query Results tables. Users can override this setting in the Profile dialog, where they can apply their individual preferences for the grid columns. New information Learn more...
Permission for all users to export decision service projects
Decision Center has predefined roles that include rtsUser for regular business users. The standard permissions of rtsUser have been expanded to include exporting decision service projects. These exported projects can be imported back into Decision Center. New information Learn more...
Additional OpenID Connect attributes
Three optional attributes have been added for creating a .json file for setting up Decision Center to connect to OpenID Connect Providers: logoutURL, logoutTokenParam, and scope. Okta users can use the logoutTokenParam parameter to configure OpenID logout requests. New information Learn more...