Limitations of the decision engine

The decision engine is designed to offer better performance. However, it does not support some of the features that are supported by the classic rule engine.

The following tables show the features that are not supported in this release with the decision engine.

Table 1. Rule Designer limitations in the decision engine
Feature Limitation
Testing You cannot use Decision Validation Services with the decision engine. When you try to use Decision Validation Services on rulesets that are built with the decision engine, you get an incompatibility message. You can use the testing and simulation feature to test rule sets that are built with the decision engine.
Rule analysis You cannot run an analysis of the rules on a rule project that is built with the decision engine.
Decision tables A decision table in classic rule engine generates one rule per row, each able to have its own condition, and the binding matches the particular condition in that row of the decision table. In the decision engine, the decision table is considered one rule, and the binding are all generated for all the conditions. So, for the decision engine, all objects are required to exists in working memory before the rule can be executed.
Classpath You cannot have classes in the classpath that have the same names & packages as BOM classes created from an XSD.
Custom business rule language You cannot define a custom business rule language and translate custom business rules into IRL.

The samples that are related to the customization of the rule language do not run with the decision engine.

Table 2. Decision Center limitations in the decision engine
Feature Limitation
Testing and simulation You can run tests and simulations on the decision engine in only the Business console, using the Decision Runner runtime service application.
Rule analysis In Decision Center, the option to check the ruleset archive at generation time is disabled. However, you can generate a rule analysis report to check the consistency of your rules.