Upgrading, backing up, and migrating data

You use the same script to back up, restore, and migrate your data during an upgrade.

Before you begin

About this task

These items are backed up and migrated by this procedure:
  • Saved searches, tags, and Data Sources
  • Data Types including Source Types, Rule Sets, File Sets, and Collections.
  • Topology configuration files
  • Usage statistics
  • LDAP configuration files
  • Custom Search Dashboards
  • Insight® Packs
  • Log File Agent (LFA) configuration files
  • License configuration files
  • All chart specifications, including custom chart specifications.
  • Aggregation templates and aggregated data that is stored in the _aggregations data source.
In addition to these files, a number of files that are not needed for a new installation are also backed up and maintained for reference purposes. These files include
  • Log files that are generated by Log Analysis.
  • Log files that were uploaded in batch mode.
Data other than the types of listed previously are not backed up or restored. Any customization that is made outside the files that are listed here must be migrated manually. For example, user information and changes to passwords for default users are not migrated to the target server.

LDAP information for one LDAP server is migrated automatically. If you have more than one LDAP server, you must migrate and configure the information from the other LDAP server manually. The migrated information is stored in the ldapRegistry.xml file.


To back up and restore data in Log Analysis Version 1.3.7:
To upgrade from Log Analysis Version 1.3.7 or Version 1.3.7 FP1 to Version 1.3.7 FP2
  • Use Log Analysis 1.3.7 Fix Pack 2 to upgrade from Log Analysis 1.3.7 or 1.3.7 FP1 to Log Analysis 1.3.7 FP2.
To upgrade Log4j after you install Log Analysis Version 1.3.7 FP2
To upgrade from Log Analysis Version 1.3.7 to Version 1.3.7 FP1
  • Use Log Analysis 1.3.7 Fix Pack 1 to upgrade from Log Analysis 1.3.7 to Log Analysis 1.3.7 FP1.

To upgrade from Log Analysis Version 1.3.6 or Version 1.3.6 FP1 to Version 1.3.7:
  • Use Log Analysis 1.3.7 Fix Pack to upgrade from Log Analysis 1.3.6 or 1.3.6 FP1 to Log Analysis 1.3.7.

To upgrade from Log Analysis Version 1.3.5.x to Version 1.3.7:

To upgrade from Log Analysis 1.3.5, 1.3.5 FP1, 1.3.5 FP2, or 1.3.5 FP3 to Log Analysis 1.3.7 you must first upgrade to Log Analysis 1.3.6, and then ensure that your collections all have Apache Solr 7.x index format. Indexes created with an Apache Solr version older than 7.x are not supported in Log Analysis 1.3.7. Collections that were created by Log Analysis 1.3.5.x (except, which uses Apache Solr 7.x) cannot be migrated to Log Analysis 1.3.7 because these collections have indexes that were created with an Apache Solr version older than 7.x.

Use the following steps to upgrade from Log Analysis 1.3.5.x to Log Analysis1.3.7.

  1. Upgrade from Log Analysis 1.3.5 to 1.3.6.

    Use Log Analysis 1.3.6 Fix Pack to upgrade from Log Analysis 1.3.5 GA,1.3.5 FP1,1.3.5 FP2, or 1.3.5 FP3 to Log Analysis 1.3.6.

  2. Use the Log Analysis 1.3.7 fix pack installation script to identify collections that were created with an Apache Solr version older than 7.x, which cannot be migrated.

    Collections that cannot be migrated are listed with the message --CANNOT MIGRATE--, and then installation is terminated.

  3. Remove collections that cannot be migrated.
    Upgrade to Log Analysis 1.3.7 cannot be performed until all collections that cannot be migrated are removed. Choose one of these options:
    • Wait for the retention period (for example 30 days) to elapse so that collections originally created in Log Analysis 1.3.5 by an Apache Solr version older than 7.x are cleared.
    • Delete collections that cannot be migrated if you do not want to wait for the retention period. You can delete all your collections, or you can wait for some of the retention period to elapse and then delete the remaining collections that cannot be migrated. If you decide that you want to delete some or all of your collections, then contact IBM Support.
  4. Migrate from Log Analysis 1.3.6 to 1.3.7.

    Use Log Analysis 1.3.7 Fix Pack to upgrade from Log Analysis 1.3.6 to Log Analysis 1.3.7.

What to do next

If you migrate data to a new target server, you must complete the following steps to update the data source with the relevant information for the server:
  1. Log in to Log Analysis and open the Data sources workspace.
  2. Identify the data sources that use Local file as the location in their configuration. For each of these data sources, open the data source and complete the steps in the wizard without changing any data. This action updates the data sources with the relevant information for the new server.
  3. Identify the data sources that use Custom as the location in their configuration. For each of these data sources, open the data source and complete the steps in the wizard, updating the hostname to match the new one.

If you migrate Aggregated Search templates or aggregated data to new instance of Log Analysis, you must configure Aggregated Search again.

If you migrate Aggregated Search templates to a new instance of Log Analysis, edit the templates to verify that all the specifications are correct.