Create a DNS record

A record is a basic unit of information in the DNS, identified by a domain name and record type (A, AAAA, MX, NS, and so on), which indicates the nature of the information contained in the record. Unlike a traditional DNS record that contains only one answer, an NS1 DNS record may contain multiple answers corresponding to the record domain. The IBM® NS1 Connect® platform supports many different record types, each with a unique set of information to help steer DNS traffic to your application endpoints, services, and other resources.

Note: When you create a new zone, an NS record is automatically created within the zone. The NS record contains one or more answers — each corresponding to the assigned nameservers within the relevant DNS network. If you do not select a network during zone creation (that is, if you leave the zone unpublished), then an empty NS record is created within the zone.
  1. Click the Zones tab.
  2. Click the name of the zone.
  3. In the Records tab, click Add record.
  4. Select the record type from the drop-down menu. Refer to Guide to DNS record types for more information about each supported record type.
  5. In the Name field, enter a prefix for this record's domain name or leave it blank to indicate an apex record.
  6. Enter a time-to-live (TTL) value in seconds. The default value is 3600 seconds. Refer to SOA and TTL settings for details.
  7. Under Answers, add one or more DNS answers and click Add answer after each entry. Answer configuration options vary depending on the type of record you are creating. Refer to Guide to DNS record types for more information about the answer fields and format for each record type.
    Note: Many record types support multiple answers—as in, multiple endpoints to which you can direct DNS traffic. You can configure Filter Chains within the record to determine which answer(s) to return based on the characteristics of the source and target IP.
  8. Click Save record.

    The new record appears in the list of records within the zone.

Once created, you can add or modify the record answers and apply a Filter Chain configuration to define the logic NS1 will use to steer DNS queries to the optimal answer.