IPFIX overview

Internet Protocol Flow Information Export (IPFIX) is an IETF protocol, and the name of the working group that defines the protocol. The IPFIX protocol provides network administrators with access to IP Flow information. It was created based on the need for a common, universal standard of export for Internet Protocol flow information from routers, probes, and other devices that are used by mediation systems, accounting, or billing systems and network management systems to facilitate services such as measurement, accounting, and billing.

A Metering Process collects data packets at an Observation Point, optionally, filters them and aggregates information about these packets. Using the IPFIX protocol, an Exporter then sends this information to a Collector.

IPFIX architecture

IPFIX is a push protocol, that is, each sender periodically send IPFIX messages to configured receivers without any interaction by the receiver. The actual makeup of data in IPFIX messages is to a great extent up to the sender. IPFIX introduces the makeup of these messages to the receiver with the help of special Templates. The sender is also free to use user-defined data types in its messages, so the protocol is freely extensible and can adapt to different scenarios. IPFIX prefers the Stream Control Transmission Protocol as its transport layer protocol, but also allows the use of the Transmission Control Protocol or User Datagram Protocol.

For more information about all the IPFIX entities, see IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Entities