Editing the impactgui configmap

Learn how to edit the <release-name>-impactgui-startup-scripts configmap to avoid memory errors for the impactgui pod.


  1. Edit the <release-name>-impactgui-startup-scripts configmap. Add a line to the Pre server startup script section, as in the following example:
        # Pre server startup script
        echo "Running pre-server startup custom scripts"
        sed -i "s/^ActiveMQBroker.transportConnectorURIs=.*/ActiveMQBroker.transportConnectorURIs=nio:\/\/$HOSTNAME:16399/g" /opt/IBM/tivoli/impact/ActiveMQBroker.properties 
  2. Save the <release-name>-impactgui-startup-scripts configmap.
  3. Restart the impactgui pod on the cluster, by running the following commands to scale up and down the impactgui statefulset:
    oc scale sts/<release-name>-impactgui --replicas=0
    oc scale sts/<release-name>-impactgui --replicas=1