Connecting on-premises Event Analytics

If you are running a hybrid system, and have on-premises Event Analytics installed as part of your on-premises installation, then you can configure the system to display event groups from your on-premises Event Analytics together with event groups from cloud native analytics.

About this task

Once set up the configuration works in the following way:
  1. Related event groups and patterns on the on-premises Event Analytics continue to run against live event data and identify which events need to be correlated.
  2. Based on the correlations identified, triggers are run and store the runtime correlation information in two new columns created within the ObjectServer.
  3. Runtime correlation data is sent across to the cloud native analytics cluster by means of a gateway and is used to configure the ObjectServer values on the cluster.
  4. Two new scope based policies are loaded onto the cluster. These policies are triggered by updates from the triggers. Once an update is received, the scope-based policies create scope-based groupings based on the correlation data, and these scope-based groups are presented in the Alerts page, as described in Displaying analytics details for an alert group.
    Draft comment:
    For a description of how event groups originating from on-premises Event Analytics are displayed in the Alerts page see <link TBD; probably this link:>.
The configuration is made up of the following components:
  • Extra columns in the ObjectServer to store data related to the event groups discovered by on-premises Event Analytics.
  • Netcool®/OMNIbus triggers that load the new columns with data related to the event groups discovered by on-premises Event Analytics.
  • The cloud native analytics cluster gateway that reads the content of the columns and sends this data to the Cloud side of the hybrid system, for display in the GUI, along with the event groups from cloud native analytics.
The configuration procedure itself is made up of two parts:
  • Set up ObjectServer triggers to send correlation data to the cloud native analytics cluster
  • Configure the relevant cloud native analytics cluster gateway to read the correlation data
  • Add two new scope-based policies to the cloud native analytics cluster to create scope-based groupings based on the correlation data


A. Set up ObjectServer triggers: this SQL introduces relevant triggers into the ObjectServer

  1. Navigate to the following directory:
    Where $IMPACT_HOME is the Netcool/Impact home directory; for example, /opt/IBM/tivoli/impact.
  2. Check that the ObjectServer trigger group cea_triggers_gw exists and is enabled. This trigger group was created when your hybrid system
    netcool/omnibus/bin/nco_sql -server OSSERVER -user OSUSER -password OSPASSWORD < ./relatedevents_objectserver_cea_scope_based_grouping_trigger_group_check.sql
    • OSSERVER is the name of the ObjectServer instance.
    • OSUSER is the userid of the ObjectServer administrator user.
    • OSPASSWORD is the userid of the ObjectServer administrator password.
    The following output shows that the trigger group is defined and enabled.
    GroupName                                IsEnabled
    ---------------------------------------- ---------
    cea_triggers_gw                                 1
    (1 row affected)

    If the trigger group cea_triggers_gw does not exist or is disabled this indicates either that you are not running a hybrid system, or that there is a serious issue with the system; do not proceed any further until the situation is corrected. Check with the system administrator that your system is part of a hybrid system.

  3. Create new columns in the ObjectServer to store data related to the event groups discovered by on-premises Event Analytics, by running the following SQL update when the ObjectServers are running.
    netcool/omnibus/bin/nco_sql -server OSSERVER -user OSUSER -password OSPASSWORD < ./relatedevents_objectserver_cea_scope_based_grouping.sql
  4. Add and activate the new triggers by running the following SQL update when the ObjectServers are running.
    netcool/omnibus/bin/nco_sql -server OSSERVER -user OSUSER -password OSPASSWORD < ./relatedevents_objectserver_cea_scope_based_grouping_triggers.sql
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for the secondary ObjectServer. Ensure that you use appropriate values for OSSERVER, OSUSER, and OSPASSWORD.

B. Configure the cloud native analytics cluster gateway to read the correlation data

  1. Log into your cluster. From a command window, run the oc login command and provide the OpenShift Container Platform server URL (and optionally a token).
    For example, without a token:
    oc login https://Mycluster_hostName:8443
    With a token:
    oc login --token=AbcdE1fgHijKLM2moP3q4rs5TU6vw7xYz --server=https://Mycluster_hostName:6443
  2. Save a backup copy of the cloud native analytics cluster gateway configmap by issuing the following commands:
    export EANOIGATEWAY=$(oc get configmap | grep eanoigateway | awk '{print $1}')
    oc get configmap ${EANOIGATEWAY} -o yaml > ${EANOIGATEWAY}.bak
  3. Edit the gateway configmap.
    oc edit configmap ${EANOIGATEWAY}
  4. Add the two new columns, to correspond to the new columns added to the ObjectServer in step 3. Add the two columns after the entry for scopeID.
    Before you make the change, the relevant section of the config map looks like this:
    \t  =\t'@ServerSerial',\n    'CEAEventScore'    =    '@CEAEventScore',\n    'CEAEventClassification'
    = '@CEAEventClassification',\n    'ScopeID'          =   \t'@ScopeID'\n);"
    After you make the change, that part of the config map should now look like this. The new code to add is marked in boldface.
    \t  =\t'@ServerSerial',\n    'CEAEventScore'    =    '@CEAEventScore',\n    'CEAEventClassification'
    = '@CEAEventClassification',\n    'ScopeID'          =   \t'@ScopeID',\n    'CEAImpactREGroupScopeId'
    =   \t'@CEAImpactREGroupScopeId',\n    'CEAImpactPatternScopeId'
    =   \t'@CEAImpactPatternScopeId'\n);"
  5. Restart the gateway to put the changes into effect. Do this by deleting the associated gateway pod; a new gateway pod will automatically start up using the new gateway map parameters.
    1. First determine the name of the existing gateway pod. Do this by running the following command to store gateway pod information in an environment variable.
      export EANOIGATEWAY_POD=$(oc get pod | grep ${EANOIGATEWAY})
      Then display information about the pod.
      echo ${EANOIGATEWAY_POD}
      This produces a result similar to the following:
      cluster_release_name-hybrid-ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway-unique_pod_reference 1/1 Running 0 9d
      • cluster_release_name is the release name of the cluster.
      • unique_pod_reference is a combination of characters and numbers that uniquely identifies the pod.
      • 9d in the preceding example shows the pod has been running for 9 days. This will vary depending on the circumstances of the pod.
      For example:
      MyRelease-hybrid-ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway-6b8fcffdc4-5q2rm 1/1 Running 0 9d
    2. Delete the pod by running the following command:
      oc delete pod cluster_release_name-hybrid-ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway-unique_pod_reference
      For example:
      oc delete pod MyRelease-hybrid-ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway-6b8fcffdc4-5q2rm
    3. Wait a short time and then run the following command to check that the new pod has restarted.
      oc get pod | grep ${EANOIGATEWAY}
      You should see a result similar to the following. In this example response, the new pod is shown as having been running for 30 seconds.
      cluster_release_name-hybrid-ea-noi-layer-eanoigateway-unique_pod_reference 1/1 Running 0 30s

C. Add two new scope-based policies to the cloud native analytics cluster

  1. First, for each scope-based based policy copy the policy code from the following code blocks into a JSON file.
    This code creates a scope-based group within the cloud native analytics system based on the correlations passed across by the triggers from the related event group configurations on the on-premises Event Analytics side.
            "type": "correlation",
            "groupid": "scope",
            "dynamic": true,
            "configuration": {
                "deployed": true,
                "properties": [
            "metadata": {
                "model": {
                    "analytic": "scope",
                    "type": "analytic"
            "resolver": {
                "stub": "",
                "version": "1.0.1"
    This code creates a scope-based group within the cloud native analytics system based on the correlations passed across by the triggers from the pattern processing on the on-premises Event Analytics side.
            "type": "correlation",
            "groupid": "scope",
            "dynamic": true,
            "configuration": {
                "deployed": true,
                "properties": [
            "metadata": {
                "model": {
                    "analytic": "scope",
                    "type": "analytic"
            "resolver": {
                "stub": "",
                "version": "1.0.1"
  2. Save the JSON files in a convenient location on your filesystem.
    For example, create a temporary directory tmp, and then create a json directory inside of it. Save the two files in tmp/json.
  3. Create two environment variables:
    ADMIN_PASSWORD, and POLICY_URL, by running the following commands:
    export ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(oc get secret cluster_release_name-systemauth-secret -o jsonpath --template '{.data.password}' | base64 --decode)
    Where cluster_release_name is the release name of the cluster.
    export POLICY_URL=$(echo "https://$(oc get route | grep policies | awk '{print $2}')$(oc get route | grep policies | awk '{print $3}')"/system)/v1/cfd95b7e-3bc7-4006-a4a8-a73a79c71255/policies/system
  4. Check that the two environment variables have been assigned values.
    env | grep ADMIN_PASSWORD
    env | grep POLICY_URL
  5. Navigate to the tmp directory.
  6. For each JSON file, issue a POST request to apply the policies to the policy registry. This will install them into the system.
    curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --user system:${ADMIN_PASSWORD} -T ./json/ceaimpactregroupscopeid_policy.json -vk ${POLICY_URL}
    curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --user system:${ADMIN_PASSWORD} -T ./json/ceaimpactpatternscopeid_policy.json -vk ${POLICY_URL}