Modifying a seasonal event rule state

You can change the state of a seasonal event rule to watched, active, or archived from the Seasonal Event Rules portlet.

Before you begin

To access the Seasonal Event Rules portlet, users must be assigned the ncw_analytics_admin role.

About this task

The seasonal event rules are stored in tabs that relate to their state. The total number of rules is displayed on the tabs. For example, when you Archive a Watched rule, the rule moves from the Watched tab to the Archived tab in the Seasonal Event Rules portlet and the rules total is updated.

Performance statistics about the rule are logged. You can use performance statistics to verify that a deployed rule is being triggered and that a monitored rule is collecting statistics for rule matches for incoming events. Performance statistics are reset when you change the state of a seasonal event rule.


To change the state of a seasonal event rule in the Seasonal Event Rules portlet, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the Seasonal Event Rules portlet.

    The Seasonal Event Rules portlet lists the seasonal event rules configuration and the seasonal event rules.

  2. To change the state of seasonal event rule, complete one of the following actions:
    1. To change the state of a watched seasonal event rule, select the Watched tab. Select a rule from the rule table. To change the state of the rule right-click the rule and select Deploy or Archive.
    2. To change the state of an active seasonal event rule, select the Active tab. Select a rule from the rule table. To change the state of the rule right-click the rule and select Watch or Archive.
    3. To change the state of an expired seasonal event rule, select the Expired tab. Select a rule from the rule table. To change the state of the rule right-click the rule and select Validate, Watch, or Archive.
    4. To change the state of an archived seasonal event rule, select the Archived tab. Select a rule from the rule table. To change the state of the rule right-click the rule and select Watch or Deploy.


The seasonal event rule state is changed from its current state to its new state. The rule totals are updated to reflect the new seasonal event rule state.