Sizing for a Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift deployment

Learn about the sizing requirements for a full Netcool® Operations Insight® on OpenShift® deployment.

Hardware sizing for a full deployment on Red Hat OpenShift

Note: vCPU is defined as when one x86 CPU splits each of its physical cores into virtual cores (vCPU). It is assumed that one x86 CPUs physical core can be split into two logical vCPUs.

Trial sizes are provided for limited scenarios, such as proof of concept demonstrations. Do not use trial sizes in a test or production environment.

Note: Red Hat® OpenShift user-provisioned infrastructure is not sized as part of this sizing. Please refer to Red Hat OpenShift documentation for more details.
Table 1. Detailed supported throughput rates for given sized environments.
General sizing information
Category Resource Trial Production
Event Management sizing information
Event Rate Throughput Steady state events per second 20 50
Burst rate events per second 100 500
Topology Management sizing information
System size Approximate resources 200,000 5,000,000
Metric Management sizing information
System size Number of metrics 10,000 100,000
Environment options Minimum metric granularity 5 minutes 5 minutes
High availability No Yes
Runbook Automation sizing information
Fully automated runbooks Run per second 1 2
Note: 4 runs per second for a large production environment
Table 2. This table shows the hardware requirements attributed to the Netcool Operations Insight footprint deployed on Red Hat OpenShift. This table is useful for sizing when there is a Red Hat OpenShift cluster already installed but there is a need to add worker/compute nodes to it to accommodate Netcool Operations Insight.
Total hardware requirements Netcool Operations Insight services only
Category Resource Trial Production
Resource requirements Node count 3 6
vCPUs 24 84
Memory (GB) 72 210
Disk (GB) 360 720
Persistent storage requirements (Gi)   611 3146
Total disk IOPS requirements   1200 6650
Table 3. This table shows the total hardware requirements for a Netcool Operations Insight (including Event Management & Topology Management) system deployed on a Red Hat OpenShift cluster, including both the Netcool Operations Insight and Red Hat OpenShift related hardware needs. This table is useful for sizing when there is a need to create a new Red Hat OpenShift cluster to deploy the full Red Hat OpenShift and Netcool Operations Insight stack.
Total requirements Netcool Operations Insight including Red Hat OpenShift Control plane and Compute nodes
Category Resource Trial Production
Resource requirements Nodes count 4 9
vCPUs 28 96
Memory (GB) 88 258
Disk (GB) 480 1080
Persistent storage requirements (Gi)   611 3146
Total disk IOPS requirements   1200 6650
Table 4. This table illustrates the recommended resource allocation for the Red Hat OpenShift Master and Worker nodes, along with the recommended configuration for the disk volumes associated with each persisted storage resource.
Hardware allocation and configuration
Category Resource Trial Production

OpenShift control plane (master) node(s)


Resource requirements per control plane

Node count 1 3
vCPUs 4 4
Memory (GB) 16 16
Disk (GB) 120 120
Netcool Operations Insight components - suggested configuration

OpenShift compute (worker) nodes

Resource requirements per compute node

Node count 3 6
vCPUs 8 14
Memory (GB) 24 35
Disk (GB) 120 120
Persistent storage minimum requirements (Gi) NCI 10 20
LDAP 1 1
NCO 10 20
Cassandra 250 1500
Kafka 150 600
Zookeeper 10 30
Elasticsearch 150 900
File-observer 5 10
CouchDB 20 60
ImpactGUI 5 5
Persistent storage minimum IOPS requirements NCI 100 200
LDAP 50 100
NCO 100 200
Cassandra 300 1800
Kafka 200 1200
Zookeeper 50 150
Elasticsearch 200 2400
File-observer 50 100
CouchDB 50 300
ImpactGUI 100 200