Installing Netcool Operations Insight with the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) UI

Use these instructions to install IBM Netcool Operations Insight®, by using the Red Hat® OpenShift® Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) user interface (UI).

Before you begin

Ensure that you complete all the steps in Preparing.

The operator images for Netcool Operations Insight on Red Hat OpenShift are in the freely accessible operator repository (, and the operand images are in the IBM® Entitled Registry (, for which you require an entitlement key.

If you want to verify the origin of the catalog, then use the OLM UI and CASE installation method instead. For more information, see Installing Netcool Operations Insight with the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) UI and Container Application Software for Enterprises (CASE).

For more information about the OLM, see external link.


Create a catalog source for Netcool Operations Insight.

  1. You can create a catalog source with the OpenShift console or the OpenShift CLI.
    OpenShift console: If you want to create a catalog source with the OpenShift console, complete the following steps:
    1. Log in to your OpenShift cluster's console.
    2. Add the IBM Operators CatalogSource.
      The ibm-operator-catalog CatalogSource object can be configured to automatically poll for a newer version, and to retrieve it if one is available. This triggers an automatic update of your deployment. Polling for updates is enabled by configuring the polling attribute, spec.updateStrategy.registryPoll.
      Note: ibm-operator-catalog also contains the catalogs for other CloudPaks. If you have multiple CloudPaks installed on your cluster then an automatic update will be configured for all of them.

      Click the plus icon in the upper right corner to open the Import YAML dialog box, paste in one of the following codeblocks, and then click Create.

      If you do not want to enable automatic updates, use this YAML:
      kind: CatalogSource
        name: ibm-operator-catalog
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: ibm-operator-catalog
        publisher: IBM Content
        sourceType: grpc
      If you want to enable automatic updates, use this YAML:
      kind: CatalogSource
        name: ibm-operator-catalog
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: ibm-operator-catalog
        publisher: IBM Content
        sourceType: grpc
            interval: 45m
    3. Go to Administration > Cluster Settings. Under Global Configuration > OperatorHub > Sources, verify that the ibm-operator-catalog CatalogSource object is present.
    OpenShift CLI: If you want to create a catalog source with the OpenShift CLI, complete the following steps:
    1. Add the IBM Operators CatalogSource.
      The ibm-operator-catalog CatalogSource object can be configured to automatically poll for a newer version, and to retrieve it if one is available. This triggers an automatic update of your deployment. Polling for updates is enabled by configuring the polling attribute, spec.updateStrategy.registryPoll.
      Note: ibm-operator-catalog also contains the catalogs for other CloudPaks. If you have multiple CloudPaks installed on your cluster then an automatic update will be configured for all of them.

      Click the plus icon in the upper right corner to open the Import YAML dialog box, paste in one of the following codeblocks, and then click Create.

      If you do not want to enable automatic updates, run the following command:
      cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
      kind: CatalogSource
        name: ibm-operator-catalog
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: ibm-operator-catalog
        publisher: IBM Content
        sourceType: grpc
      If you want to enable automatic updates, run the following command:
         cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
         kind: CatalogSource
           name: ibm-operator-catalog
           namespace: openshift-marketplace
           displayName: ibm-operator-catalog
           publisher: IBM Content
           sourceType: grpc
               interval: 45m     
    2. Verify that the ibm-operator-catalog CatalogSource object is present, and is returned by the following command.
      oc get CatalogSources ibm-operator-catalog -n openshift-marketplace
      Example output:
      oc get CatalogSources ibm-operator-catalog -n openshift-marketplace
      NAME                   DISPLAY                 TYPE   PUBLISHER   AGE
      ibm-operator-catalog   IBM Operator Catalog    grpc   IBM         4h13m

Install the IBM Cloud Pak for Watson™ AIOps Event Manager Operator.

  1. Go to Operators > OperatorHub, and then search for and select IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Event Manager and click Install.
    Note: Ensure that IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Event Manager is selected. Do not select Netcool Operations Insight.
  2. Select v1.7 in the Update channel section.
  3. Select A specific namespace on the cluster as your installation mode and select the namespace that you created in Preparing your cluster to install the operator into. Do not use namespaces that are owned by Kubernetes or OpenShift, such as kube-system or default.
  4. Click Install.
  5. Go to Operators > Installed Operators, and view IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Event Manager. It takes a few minutes to install. Ensure that the status of the installed IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Event Manager is Succeeded before continuing.

Create a Netcool Operations Insight instance.

  1. From the Red Hat OpenShift OLM UI, go to Operators > Installed Operators, and select IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps Event Manager. Under Provided APIs > NOI, select Create Instance.
  2. From the Red Hat OpenShift OLM UI, use the YAML view or the Form view to configure the properties for the Netcool Operations Insight deployment. For more information about configurable properties for a cloud only deployment, see Cloud operator properties.
    Note: Ensure that the name of the Netcool Operations Insight instance does not exceed 10 characters.
  3. Select Create.
  4. Under the All Instances tab, a Netcool Operations Insight instance appears.
    To monitor the status of the installation, see Monitoring cloud installation progress.
    • Changing an existing deployment from a Trial deployment type to a Production deployment type is not supported.
    • Changing an instance's deployment parameters in the Form view is not supported post deployment.
    • If you update custom secrets in the OLM console, the crypto key is corrupted and the command to encrypt passwords does not work. Update custom secrets only with the CLI. For more information about storing a certificate as a secret, see external link

What to do next

  • To enable or disable a feature or observer after installation edit the Netcool Operations Insight instance by running the command:
    oc edit noi <noi-instance-name>
    Where <noi-instance-name> is the name of the deployment that you want to change.

    You can then select to enable or disable the feature or observer. When you disable features postinstallation , the resource is not automatically deleted. To find out whether the feature is deleted, you must check the asm-operator log.