Default users

The following table describes users that are present after installation, along with their groups.

Users and their groups

The following table describes users that are present after installation, along with their groups.
Note: impactadmin will not exist by default if you installed with LDAP mode: proxy, and must be manually created. For more information, see Creating users on an external LDAP server.
Table 1. Users present after installation

User name





Inherited from the group. Includes the following roles:
  • noi_operator: This role can open the Incident Viewer from the Event Viewer, but cannot click-through on the seasonality and grouping icons in the Incident Viewer. The Temporal group or Seasonal event panels are not available with this role. The See more info option is not available on individual events with this role. Also, policies cannot be approved or rejected with this role. This role can view alerts and run the runbooks that are linked to those alerts. This role does not have read access to the Runbook Library or other Runbook Automation pages.
  • noi_engineer: This role can perform all operations on the UI, except for managing policies. This role can view alerts and run the runbooks that are linked to those alerts. Also, this role has full read/write access to the Runbook Automation pages (Library, Execution, Automations, Triggers).
  • noi_lead: This role can perform all operations on the UI. With the noi_lead role, you can manage policies in Temporal policies. This feature is not available to other roles. This role can view alerts and run the runbooks that are linked to those alerts. This role has full read/write access to the Runbook Automation pages. Also, this role has full access to the administration of automation connections and API keys, and full access to the Runbook Automation settings.


Sample administrator user for Operations Management on a container platform.


Inherited from the group


Sample end user for Operations Management on a container platform.


Netcool/Impact-specific roles:
  • impactAdminUser

  • impactFullAccessUser

  • impactOpViewUser

  • impactMWMAdminUser

  • impactMWMUser

  • impactSelectedOpViewUser

  • impactUIDataProviderUser

  • impactWebServiceUser

  • ConsoleUser

  • WriteAdmin

  • ReadAdmin

  • impactRBAUser


Administrator user for Netcool/Impact.


Dashboard Application Services Hub-specific roles:
  • iscadmins
  • chartAdministrator
  • samples
  • administrator

The administrator for Dashboard Application Services Hub. In a new installation, this user has permissions to administer users, groups, roles, and pages.

Default Netcool/OMNIbus users

See Launch out icon Netcool/OMNIbus V8.1.0 documentation: users

Default Runbook Automation users

See Administering users for Runbook Automation

Default Web GUI users

See external link Netcool/OMNIbus V8.1.0 documentation: Default IBM® Tivoli® Netcool/OMNIbus users

Default Web GUI users

See external link Netcool/OMNIbus V8.1.0 documentation: Supplied roles

Default Web GUI users

See Launch out icon Netcool/OMNIbus V8.1.0 documentation: Web GUI users and groups

Supplied Netcool/OMNIbus users

See external link Netcool/OMNIbus V8.1.0 documentation: Supplied users and groups

Warning: If you receive an error "System goes into maintenance mode" when trying to add roles to a user, see the troubleshooting topic System goes into maintenance mode.