Version Netcool Operations Insight Version 1.4.1

Migration of rollups in Netcool/Impact v7.1.0.13

Fix pack v7.1.0.13 uses a new format for the creation of rollups that is different to previous versions of Netcool/Impact. A migration script is automatically executed during the install or upgrade process to convert pre-existing rollups to the v7.1.0.13 format. Run the Event Analytics configuration wizard after the upgrade to v7.1.0.13 to verify and save your configuration (see note below).

Note: You must run the Event Analytics configuration wizard after upgrading to Netcool/Impact v7.1.0.13. The following artifacts will be changed as a result of the rollup migration script in Netcool/Impact v7.1.0.13:
  • Stored metadata for rollups in configuration
  • Database columns (renamed)
  • Output parameters for policies
  • Properties files
  • Translated properties files
Complete the steps of the wizard as described in Event Analytics Configuration after upgrading to v7.1.0.13 to verify and save any customizations to your configuration. Backup files containing previous customizations are stored in $IMPACT_HOME/backup/install/gui_backup/<pre-FP13 fp name>/uiproviderconfig/.